I did not realize the last story would have the effect it did. Thanks brehs and brehettes!!!
Ok. This next one is a two part L. I call it the
Crack Head Comeuppance.
When I was in high school I worked at a Ponderosa Steakhouse in Piffsburgh.
I worked there all through High School. Started out washing dishes. . Moved to busboy by my sophomore year. As a Junior I started waiting tables. Now I had this dude who worked there who I looked up to no homo.
I was the oldest. So I needed a older cat to look up to. And it was him. Dude no homo looked like
He was a waiter too and was like 22 or 23. He was dating this bad pawg

who also worked there. She was a cashier. They lived right around the corner from the job in a cool lil apt. He was just a fly nikka.
Kept cash on him from waiting tables. As a young nikka I could go to his house and we would be up all night playing madden and shyt. nikka took me to some cool hoop spots. Hooked me up with some females. . He was that nikka.
When I started waiting tables I was not aggressive enough for my tips. .he put me on to game.

Will would NOT let people stiff him on tips. He refused to let it happen. This is what he would do. He called the move the Lt. Data.
He would spot a table who was looking shady. . Like they were waiting for him to walk away so they could scurry away. Now with Ponderosa you paid when you came in. So the waiter would bring your food and drinks. And of course you could hit the salad bar. . .THE WINGS.
People always tried to stiff on the tips cause. . More than likely half of your meal you was getting your damn self. . So he would spot a table getting ready to dip. He would speed walk around the back way to the entrance. .
It was the typical restaurant entrance. You know.. . you walk in the front door. There is a lil alcove room. Then you open another door to go inside the restaurant. Well when the customer would make their move to jet and they would hit the alcove. He would be standing in there looking dead at them in their eye with no emotion on his face.
He would say in a flat monotone voice. "Leaving us already? Have a great day" Then he would put his hand out for a tip.
I am telling you brehs. It worked EVERY TIME! They would see a confident no nonsense tall fly nikka who is BLOCKING the exit with his hand out. . They would start fumbling in purses and wallets and pull out cash.
That was my nikka right there.