"The Flash" Season 2 thread


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Just caught the producer's interview and my thoughts about Zoom have changed a little -
“Zoom’s identity has been revealed: He is Hunter Zolomon, a.k.a Jay Garrick,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW.
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But… but… how?! As postulated in one of our many(many, many, seriously many, many) theory stories, Jay seemed like a likely candidate to be Zoom after the reveal that his Earth-1 doppelgänger was actually Hunter Zolomon, the alter-ego of Zoom in the comics. Even so, how could Jay Garrick (ugh, Hunter!), who apparently arrived on Earth-1 with no powers, be zipping back and forth through the universes, or even be stabbing himself in the chest like we saw last week?! For now, that remains to be seen.

“How all of that plays out and what’s actually happening, we’ll leave for after the break,” Kreisberg says. “But we wanted to go out on this run of episodes with a big reveal, just the same way we did at the end of episode 9 in season 1, where we revealed that Harrison Wells was the man in the yellow suit. Zoom’s identity is finally revealed.”

In a lot of ways, history is basically repeating itself. In the absence of the original Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), Team Flash looked to Hunter Zolomon (née Jay Garrick!) as a leader, who helped to nurture everyone involved. Sound familiar? Eobard Thawne, under the guise of Wells, literally molded his nemesis Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) into The Flash all in the name of using him to get home. “It’s an even larger betrayal than last year in some ways, because they’re all going to feel like they should’ve been inoculated against it,” Kreisberg says. “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”

“They let this person in,” Kreisberg continues. “Part of the reason he was able to do that was because there was a hole in the center of their group, and he knew that. He was able to step in because they wanted it so desperately. Barry was missing his mentor, Wells, and here comes Jay offering to be his mentor. Caitlin [Danielle Panabaker] had lost Ronnie [Robbie Amell], and then here comes Jay offering to be her new knight in shinning armor.” (Seriously, poor Caitlin Snow!)

In this case, letting the past color their future actually worked against them. “The irony, of course, is the one person who has been saying, ‘Don’t trust this guy! Don’t trust this guy! Don’t trust this guy!’ has been Harry, who’s the one that none of them trusted,” Kreisberg says. “For us, there was all of this great, delicious irony to the whole thing. It happens in a way that didn’t make them look stupid, that the reason he was able to manipulate them was because he was playing on their emotions. It wasn’t because they were gullible. They actually took precautions in the beginning — Barry locked him up right away — but all of them had that need for a center and for a new star to right their ships by. Jay’s one charming, smooth guy and he was able to manipulate them in that way.”

The question remains: Who is the man in the iron mask, who tapped out the message “Jay” to Barry and Jesse (Violett Beane)? Sorry, Kreisberg is staying mum on the mystery man locked up in Zoom’s lair. “Just when we solve one mystery, we like to set up another one,” he says coyly. “The identity of the man in the [iron] mask is, in some ways, probably an even bigger surprise than this one, if you can imagine it. It’s a new mystery to pull you through the season. Barry swore he wasn’t going to leave him behind. Something tells me Barry’s going to make good on that promise.”
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So according to the producers, Jay Garrick and Hunter Zolomon are the same person, and the person that was with Team Flash all season is Zoom. So my theory -

We've only seen one Jay Garrick so far, and he's been Zoom all along, but he has an underling (probably Earth-2 Everyman) that he occasionally sends over to Earth-1 to act as Garrick when he needs to do something as Zoom. The guy that we saw get killed was actually Everyman, not any version of Jay Garrick. My timeline -

  • Garrick gets his powers when Wells-2 turns on his particle accelerator
  • Jay becomes the Flash and eventually becomes obsessed with becoming faster, so he creates Velocity-6 and starts taking it.
  • The Velocity-6 works, and amps up his powers to "Zoom" level. Unfortunately, as a side effect, is causes his DNA to start degenerating, slowly killing him. Also makes him mentally unstable. He blames Wells for this predicament, which is why he hates him.
  • Jay creates the "Zoom" alias and begins to terrorize Earth-2 Central City. He recruits Killer Frost, Deathstorm, and Reverb. He also recruits his Earth's version of Everyman to occasionally make appearances as Jay Garrick and pretend to fight him, so nobody would be suspicious.
  • One day the portal opens up. During that time, Eddie comes thru the portal. Wanting to learn about Earth-1, Zoom has Killer Frost revive Eddie, and Zoom forces Eddie to tell him about Earth-1 and Team Flash, and decides to go there soon after. His thought is that absorbing that Flash's speed will cure his disease. In the meantime he imprisons Eddie and puts him in a mask.
  • Zoom/Jay goes to Earth-1 and watches Team Flash for six months, learning all he can about them before introducing himself as Jay Garrick. After that he starts sending villains at Barry (to force him to get faster) while giving him advice on beating them as Jay Garrick.
  • The reason Jay kept trying to stop Barry from fighting Zoom was because Jay wasn't ready to absorb his speed yet. When Barry wouldn't listen, he said fukk it and just beat his ass.
  • The reason Wells felt like Jay didn't do all he could to stop Zoom was because he didn't (all the fights were just Everyman shapeshifting into Jay and pretending to try to fight Zoom) and somebody as smart as Wells could tell that the fights looked half-assed.
  • The Jay that was "killed" was just Everyman (though he's probably not dead). He didn't want one of his henchmen stuck on Earth-1 without him around, especially since he knows too much.
  • The Hunter Zolomon on Earth-1 was just a Red Herring. He has no connection to anybody aside from looking like Jay, so having him be Zoom would be anticlimactic and have no emotional impact.

Cliffnotes version: Zoom is the same Jay Garrick we know, and he just has Everyman stand in for him on occasion. Hunter Zolomon on Earth-1 was a Red Herring and has nothing to do with Zoom. Man in the mask is Eddie.
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All Star
May 18, 2012
how sway`
Most of what he said works if you replace Eddie with Ronnie. He separated from Stein and could have ended up on Earth 2 captured by Zoom. Which would make Zoom "dating" Catlin more evil if he was doing it to troll Ronnie.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4


Just caught the producer's interview and my thoughts about Zoom have changed a little -

So according to the producers, Jay Garrick and Hunter Zolomon are the same person, and the person that was with Team Flash all season is Zoom. So my theory -

We've only seen one Jay Garrick so far, and he's been Zoom all along, but he has an underling (probably Earth-2 Everyman) that he occasionally sends over to Earth-1 to act as Garrick when he needs to do something as Zoom. The guy that we saw get killed was actually Everyman, not any version of Jay Garrick. My timeline -

  • Garrick gets his powers when Wells-2 turns on his particle accelerator
  • Jay becomes the Flash and eventually becomes obsessed with becoming faster, so he creates Velocity-6 and starts taking it.
  • The Velocity-6 works, and amps up his powers to "Zoom" level. Unfortunately, as a side effect, is causes his DNA to start degenerating, slowly killing him. Also makes him mentally unstable. He blames Wells for this predicament, which is why he hates him.
  • Jay creates the "Zoom" alias and begins to terrorize Earth-2 Central City. He recruits Killer Frost, Deathstorm, and Reverb. He also recruits his Earth's version of Everyman to occasionally make appearances as Jay Garrick and pretend to fight him, so nobody would be suspicious.
  • One day the portal opens up. During that time, Eddie comes thru the portal. Wanting to learn about Earth-1, Zoom has Killer Frost revive Eddie, and Zoom forces Eddie to tell him about Earth-1 and Team Flash, and decides to go there soon after. His thought is that absorbing that Flash's speed will cure his disease. In the meantime he imprisons Eddie and puts him in a mask.
  • Zoom/Jay goes to Earth-1 and watches Team Flash for six months, learning all he can about them before introducing himself as Jay Garrick. After that he starts sending villains at Barry (to force him to get faster) while giving him advice on beating them as Jay Garrick.
  • The reason Jay kept trying to stop Barry from fighting Zoom was because Jay wasn't ready to absorb his speed yet. When Barry wouldn't listen, he said fukk it and just beat his ass.
  • The reason Wells felt like Jay didn't do all he could to stop Zoom was because he didn't (all the fights were just Everyman shapeshifting into Jay and pretending to try to fight Zoom) and somebody as smart as Wells could tell that the fights looked half-assed.
  • The Jay that was "killed" was just Everyman (though he's probably not dead). He didn't want one of his henchmen stuck on Earth-1 without him around, especially since he knows too much.
  • The Hunter Zolomon on Earth-1 was just a Red Herring. He has no connection to anybody aside from looking like Jay, so having him be Zoom would be anticlimactic and have no emotional impact.

Cliffnotes version: Zoom is the same Jay Garrick we know, and he just has Everyman stand in for him on occasion. Hunter Zolomon on Earth-1 was a Red Herring and has nothing to do with Zoom. Man in the mask is Eddie.


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

Ms. Elaine

Spoiled Brat
Jan 10, 2016
Avocado Toast
:ohhh: Just realized you & the other posters like @Ms. Elaine who was shytting on her, I've never seen y'all in the "Arrow" thread. I wondering why folks were shytting on her all of sudden, because folks don't have a problem with her in the "Arrow" thread.

I don't watch Arrow so her physical appearance was a shock to me. I guess you're used to it by now.


May 6, 2012
PAT 2 HTown
Just caught the producer's interview and my thoughts about Zoom have changed a little -

So according to the producers, Jay Garrick and Hunter Zolomon are the same person, and the person that was with Team Flash all season is Zoom. So my theory -

We've only seen one Jay Garrick so far, and he's been Zoom all along, but he has an underling (probably Earth-2 Everyman) that he occasionally sends over to Earth-1 to act as Garrick when he needs to do something as Zoom. The guy that we saw get killed was actually Everyman, not any version of Jay Garrick. My timeline -

  • Garrick gets his powers when Wells-2 turns on his particle accelerator
  • Jay becomes the Flash and eventually becomes obsessed with becoming faster, so he creates Velocity-6 and starts taking it.
  • The Velocity-6 works, and amps up his powers to "Zoom" level. Unfortunately, as a side effect, is causes his DNA to start degenerating, slowly killing him. Also makes him mentally unstable. He blames Wells for this predicament, which is why he hates him.
  • Jay creates the "Zoom" alias and begins to terrorize Earth-2 Central City. He recruits Killer Frost, Deathstorm, and Reverb. He also recruits his Earth's version of Everyman to occasionally make appearances as Jay Garrick and pretend to fight him, so nobody would be suspicious.
  • One day the portal opens up. During that time, Eddie comes thru the portal. Wanting to learn about Earth-1, Zoom has Killer Frost revive Eddie, and Zoom forces Eddie to tell him about Earth-1 and Team Flash, and decides to go there soon after. His thought is that absorbing that Flash's speed will cure his disease. In the meantime he imprisons Eddie and puts him in a mask.
  • Zoom/Jay goes to Earth-1 and watches Team Flash for six months, learning all he can about them before introducing himself as Jay Garrick. After that he starts sending villains at Barry (to force him to get faster) while giving him advice on beating them as Jay Garrick.
  • The reason Jay kept trying to stop Barry from fighting Zoom was because Jay wasn't ready to absorb his speed yet. When Barry wouldn't listen, he said fukk it and just beat his ass.
  • The reason Wells felt like Jay didn't do all he could to stop Zoom was because he didn't (all the fights were just Everyman shapeshifting into Jay and pretending to try to fight Zoom) and somebody as smart as Wells could tell that the fights looked half-assed.
  • The Jay that was "killed" was just Everyman (though he's probably not dead). He didn't want one of his henchmen stuck on Earth-1 without him around, especially since he knows too much.
  • The Hunter Zolomon on Earth-1 was just a Red Herring. He has no connection to anybody aside from looking like Jay, so having him be Zoom would be anticlimactic and have no emotional impact.

Cliffnotes version: Zoom is the same Jay Garrick we know, and he just has Everyman stand in for him on occasion. Hunter Zolomon on Earth-1 was a Red Herring and has nothing to do with Zoom. Man in the mask is Eddie.

Wouldn't Everyman shapeshift back to his original form after death?

Ms. Elaine

Spoiled Brat
Jan 10, 2016
Avocado Toast
I guessed Eddie was in the metal mask, but why that fool ain't tap out "Eddie" if it is heem?

Ya'll need to let this Eddie thing go; he's not a major part of anything.

He'll be back in episode 17, which is an episode where Barry travels back in time but that's about it.