The Flash Season 2 Grodd and Gorilla City. Season 3 Solovar, Zoom, King Shark vs Batman v Superman Trailer Doomsday and Legends of Tomorrow
Probably should have. That's a type of moment you can't really stuck in the middle if you're not going to keep the momentum.They should have saved the Zoom vs Flash episode for the midseason finale. Felt like they peaked a few weeks ago with that one.
The Flash Season 2 Killer Frost Reverse Flash Trailer. Eobard Thawne Return Episode 11, Killer Frost, Zoom vs Patty Spivot, Wally West and new Deadpool soon
The Flash Season 2 Episode 10 Trailer 2. Justice Society vs Justice League, Earth 2 Killer Frost, Flash vs Reverse Flash, Zoom vs Patty Spivot and Jay Garrick
DC Comics Specials Preview The CW’s ‘Legends Of Tomorrow’, ‘Suicide Squad’ Trailer
by Denise Petski December 30, 2015 12:20pm
The CW has set two half-hour DC Comics specials to air on Tuesday, January 19 following an original 8 PM episode of The Flash. DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow: Their Time Is Now will air at 9 PM followed by DC Films Presents: Dawn Of The Justice League at 9:30 PM. During Justice League, The CW will world premiere the new trailer for the upcoming feature film Suicide Squad.
DC’S Legends of Tomorrow: Their Time Is Now looks at the origin stories of the heroes and villains ahead of the January 21 premiere The CW’s new series, DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow. The special will feature show clips and interviews with Legends, Arrow and The Flash exec producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Phil Klemmer, and Wendy Mericle. It also will introduce viewers to the immortal madman Vandal Savage, the time master Rip Hunter, and the motley band of heroes and rogues he assembles to try to save the future of humanity: Hawkman, Hawkgirl, White Canary, The Atom, Firestorm, Captain Cold, and Heat Wave.
DC Films Presents: Dawn Of The Justice League goes behind the scenes of the new movies coming out of the DC Films universe, including Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, culminating with the world premiere of the new trailer for the David Ayer-helmed Suicide Squad. It also includes a sneak peek from the upcoming Wonder Womanpic.
Link: DC Comics Specials Preview The CW's 'Legends Of Tomorrow', 'Suicide Squad' Trailer
The Flash is returning with new episodes on Tuesday, January 19th, 8/7c on The CW.Matt Letscher To Return As Reverse-Flash On 'The Flash'
As if Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen didn’t have enough already to deal with, with Zoom running around in this season of The Flash, it looks like the fastest man alive will have to deal with another dangerous speedster.
Entertainment Weekly broke the news that Matt Letscher is set to reprise the role of Eobard Thawne a.k.a the Reverse-Flash in an upcoming episode of the series. He will be reprising his role in the 11th episode of the season titled "The Reverse-Flash Returns" (airing supposedly on January 26th) which was written by executive producers Aaron and Todd Helbing.
Todd Helbing revealed this to Entertainment Weekly about what people can expect of Thawne in the episode that he will be returning in.
“His impossible return to Central City puts a member of the S.T.A.R. Labs team in unexpected danger, forcing Barry to make a life-changing decision.”
Letscher showed up for two episodes in the first season of The Flash, one where we learned his backstory before he disguised himself as Harrison Wells, after getting stuck in the past when going after Barry’s mother. As Eddie Thawne killed himself, which erased Eobard from ever existing, in the season one finale, it will be quite interesting to see how Thawne reappears in his episode.
The Flash Season 2 Deathstorm Killer Frost Explained. Blackest Night Ronnie Raymond, Earth 2 Firestorm, Zoom, Comic Book changes and Legends of Tomorrow