Don’t Be Like He-Man
When is the show back on?
January 19thWhen is the show back on?
The Flash Season 2 Episode 15 King Shark vs Arrow Explained. Suicide Squad Arrow Season 4 Crossover, Diggle vs King Shark, Comic Book Origin Story and Earth 2
Was just abut to ask when this was coming back kJanuary 19th
David Ramsey teased a Diggle appearance on The Flash with an Instantram pic yesterday, and Kreisberg provides some context for the Arrow crossover. "The Diggles arrive in Central City to help Barry take on King Shark who has escaped from ARGUS and is hellbent on completing his mission of destroying The Flash,"
The Flash Season 2 Finale Zoom and Earth 2 Backstory. Kevin Smith Episode, Legends of Tomorrow Crossover, Arrow Season 4 Felicity Oracle and Trailer Misdirects
i just saw that vid of him crying to the finaleGood for him. I know he was in his feelings when he felt like they dissed him for Arrow (they didn't ) and then he had to be dragged to watching flash and now he's hooked
how did they diss himGood for him. I know he was in his feelings when he felt like they dissed him for Arrow (they didn't ) and then he had to be dragged to watching flash and now he's hooked
Everything you know will change when The Flash returns Tuesday, January 19!
The Flash Season 2 Reverse Flash Trailer. Episode 10 Episode 11, Killer Frost Deathstorm, Zoom, Wally West, Season 2 Timeline and Suicide Squad Wonder Woman Trailer