got Wells on the run/chokehold
, just to wish him Merry Xmas
Iris serenity grace our screen again
Joe's with them heart-to-heart Dualities
Trickster spit BARZ
Mark Go HAMill
as a thespian
'Ho Ho Ho', Snart in the cut
Lowkey, Cisco speaks Coli Language
Magnetic Bomb Drone Breach Deactivator
Weather Wizard defrosted
Barry Chef Curry
off propellers
Up close and personal
, Patti still can't tell the difference
Caitlyn/Jay under a mistletoe
Wally at the door
, makes West Family cypher complete
ETHER BeastMODE wants every juice of Speed Force
Harrison gonna help him steal it
, for his daughter's safety
Tis the season to Flash
nonstop PIFFNESS

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