Barry went back into time but he can still remember everything otherwise how can he remember that he had seen that woman call a taxi before
that's the part that fukked with me...
Barry went back into time but he can still remember everything otherwise how can he remember that he had seen that woman call a taxi before
u got all the episodes ?![]()
Great (insert 400 years of great since Eobard Thawne is from the 25th century) grandfather. Without Eddie, Wells does not exist.Just not watched the episodeall im going to say I'm mad curious as to who eddie is to the other thwane?
fukk I got so much shyt to catch up on this weekend....I haven't watched the show at all this year
One of the best shows on tv this year. The end of almost each episode will have u
One thing the guy who played cisco is a hell of an actor. He had a mix ofAnd
When wells was telling him everything, knowing that wells would only do that if he was going to send him to the crossroads