Womb Raider
sigh….*unzips pants*
How wasMinor Spoilers: If you want no spoilers skip this. I ain't giving away the ending without spoiling it. But I'm defintiely talking about major characters.
Positive: The Batman parts are worth the price of admission. My goodness. The action, acting. Just extremely good.
Action: The movie waste no time. Not even 5 minute and the movie thrust you into the action. If you enjoyed that Superman/ Snyder universe, you will def like alot of the action. Didn't overdo it with the slow motion.
Supergirl: Did her thing. Not the supergirl I'm used to from the show. But I like this chick.
Wrap up: Not going to spoil the ending but it was a good wrap up. Tried to tug at the heart strings on some parts.
Negative: It's no doubt Ezra can act (ano no I won't be doing referring to this ngga as :they"). And to see "multiple sides" of Barry was good. But I'm sorry, it's just hard to take feminine Flash seropis;u. Like from the beginning it was like "Is he really gonna talk . Mannerism was sus. And there was even a nudity scene. I'm like "Nah breh. This ain't the Barry from the TV show" Barry immaturity was quite annoying at parts as well. Yeah, there was some funny parts but I'm not used to a feminine superhero.
Iris:- This fake Tessa Thompson can beat it. She was hardly in the movie and when she was, she had no impact. Again, I'm used to the tv show so this minor role Iris was weird. They could have kept her off.
Barry's friends- bunch of lames
His time travel: I wasn't bother the CGI but the time traveling parts were ok.
Bottom line: Batman, Batman, Batman is worth the price of admission. The semi-justice league was cool. Ezra did his thing as a actor. But all the sus stuff he did... Plus his immaturity was a turn-off. Not my type of humor. But a good wrap up.
Nic Cage Superman?