All Star
First of all
Second of all,
This is why I say men shouldn't get in the hair debate. Y'all have no idea about hair at all because as I said y'all just shave yours off or brush it constantly to look less Black/mixed. Ask a white/asian/latina woman if she can use her straight her and "install" the styles Black women can when they straighten theirs. Other races of women's hair will not hold. They cannot "achieve" those styles anymore than any other race of men can "achieve waves". So explain to me how Black men's behavior is somehow not self hate and Black women's is?
BIG difference, sweetheart. We never relaxed,
Second of all,
applied, or installed waves into our head like ya'll do weaves. BIG difference, sweetheart. No other race can achieve waves like us. That's OUR style. So your comparison failed.
This is why I say men shouldn't get in the hair debate. Y'all have no idea about hair at all because as I said y'all just shave yours off or brush it constantly to look less Black/mixed. Ask a white/asian/latina woman if she can use her straight her and "install" the styles Black women can when they straighten theirs. Other races of women's hair will not hold. They cannot "achieve" those styles anymore than any other race of men can "achieve waves". So explain to me how Black men's behavior is somehow not self hate and Black women's is?