THE END OF RACISM - An interesting discussion...


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
No we don't people have excuses from here to fukking there and that shyt is annoying. If you don't like where you are do something about it and try your hardest to stay away from things that will hold up your process. It's like cats need they hand held like a toddler but I bet when it's time to get chicks, party, whatever things you really wanna do nobody need no manuals for that. Even if they do you know what they find out how to get that shyt done that's why it's hard for me to really hear all the bullshyt esp coming from the same type of environment some of the complainers come from. Maybe it was my upbringing but I do feel most people esp with the Internet can find ways to get stuff done that was never in such abundance before and with that the excuses get harder to take seriously.

Well obviously if it were as simple a matter as 'stop making excuses and go get it', then we wouldn't see these social problems - not just in the black community - persist for decades. You're taking a very simplistic approach to a problem which is multi-faceted. You and yours made it, so why can't everyone else, right? With that having been said I'm not against criticism of the culture, but there needs to be more to it than that. It's not enough to just say something is wrong. Don't do it. You've got to break it down and get into the why/how/what are the consequences etc and at the end of it all, put them on to the correct answer/path/mentality. It's great that you yourself have apparently found the key to Black success in this world, but obviously given the state of our community, many have not. And they need help. And I don't see anything wrong with helping them out if you're in a position to do so as opposed to telling them they ain't shyt and leaving it at that. You seem like more of an individualist, something I would be in support of in an ideal world, but this is not an ideal world. And, whether you want to hear/believe it or not, there are a number of cultural, political and economic factors which inhibit our potential for growth as a race in the Western world (and everywhere else, for that matter). Tell me what 'acting right and not making excuses' could do in a situation like this? Until the culture which allows this type of fukkery to continue is either reformed, abandoned or destroyed outright, merely telling people to try harder and do better is only going to get us so far. And it's amazing to me how legitimate complaints about a blatantly racist society are more annoying than the blatantly racist society itself.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Bold is cool cause you sound like a loser so fukk it I guess we even. Like I said nikkas only need or whine for help on this but anything else they can find out how to do it. You want to coddle nikkas I don't. If I want to know how to do some shyt I don't know how to I'm going to find out from somewhere but no nikkas like you need exact garmin navigation to get there FOH. No wonder so many people are stuck regardless of race can't do shyt unless it's handed to them.

Look cuzz - you need to chill with that tone because you don't know what I "need", muthafucca. Let's keep it on the lecture at hand...

No one is saying to "coddle" niccas. I'm not even disagreeing that there are some folks like the ones you describe.

What's being said is: nobody knows how to do anything until someone else shows them how to do it. That goes for you too if you're "finding out from somewhere". If we are in a position to at least point someone to where they can "find out from somewhere" how they can get started doing something, what's wrong with that?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Well obviously if it were as simple a matter as 'stop making excuses and go get it', then we wouldn't see these social problems - not just in the black community - persist for decades. You're taking a very simplistic approach to a problem which is multi-faceted. You and yours made it, so why can't everyone else, right? With that having been said I'm not against criticism of the culture, but there needs to be more to it than that. It's not enough to just say something is wrong. Don't do it. You've got to break it down and get into the why/how/what are the consequences etc and at the end of it all, put them on to the correct answer/path/mentality. It's great that you yourself have apparently found the key to Black success in this world, but obviously given the state of our community, many have not. And they need help. And I don't see anything wrong with helping them out if you're in a position to do so as opposed to telling them they ain't shyt and leaving it at that. You seem like more of an individualist, something I would be in support of in an ideal world, but this is not an ideal world. And, whether you want to hear/believe it or not, there are a number of cultural, political and economic factors which inhibit our potential for growth as a race in the Western world (and everywhere else, for that matter). Tell me what 'acting right and not making excuses' could do in a situation like this? Until the culture which allows this type of fukkery to continue is either reformed, abandoned or destroyed outright, merely telling people to try harder and do better is only going to get us so far. And it's amazing to me how legitimate complaints about a blatantly racist society are more annoying than the blatantly racist society itself.
Nah it wouldn't be that easy because of people like you and your co signer that will let nikkas hit you with the banana in the tailpipe "I don't know how to do nothing" garbage. I had people help me so I don't know what the fukk your talking about but I also went to seek out help when I was lost so I don't know where you feel I said nikkas ain't shyt. I guess if that make you feel better about saying what you say about me cool. I'm not and never said shyt is perfect either what I am saying is there are ways to be productive in this world and sometimes we as blacks act like the story of the elephants in the circus. Again I'm not saying racism doesnt exist at all but to the point that you can't be a normal productive member of society? Nah I'm not believing that. If you take that as being some bootstrap mentality ok I can live with that.

Look cuzz - you need to chill with that tone because you don't know what I "need", muthafucca. Let's keep it on the lecture at hand...

No one is saying to "coddle" niccas. I'm not even disagreeing that there are some folks like the ones you describe.

What's being said is: nobody knows how to do anything until someone else shows them how to do it. That goes for you too if you're "finding out from somewhere". If we are in a position to at least point someone to where they can "find out from somewhere" how they can get started doing something, what's wrong with that?
nikka this a fukking messageboard there isn't no tone at all. I don't give a fukk what you need my shyt was a general statement. I never said shyt about folks showing somebody how to do shyt. I said that's a weak ass excuse cause if you want to do something bad enough you'll find out. Anything else you don't want it bad enough. That's what's funny you acting like I said nikkas are losers when all I said is I'm not going for the I don't know where to start shyt when there are so many resources out here. I'll say it again you don't have to tell nikkas how to find out about shyt they like so they should take the same approach to this but if you and your co signer wanna keep acting like nikkas are dumb cool. I'm not.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
nikka this a fukking messageboard there isn't no tone at all. I don't give a fukk what you need my shyt was a general statement. I never said shyt about folks showing somebody how to do shyt. I said that's a weak ass excuse cause if you want to do something bad enough you'll find out. Anything else you don't want it bad enough. That's what's funny you acting like I said nikkas are losers when all I said is I'm not going for the I don't know where to start shyt when there are so many resources out here. I'll say it again you don't have to tell nikkas how to find out about shyt they like so they should take the same approach to this but if you and your co signer wanna keep acting like nikkas are dumb cool. I'm not.

Like you yourself admit, there are "so many resources out here" how is someone to know where to start??

If what you're saying was 100% true, there would be no one unemployed because everybody "likes" to have money and "wants it bad enough" to have work. Don't you see why that's off?


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
Nah it wouldn't be that easy because of people like you and your co signer that will let nikkas hit you with the banana in the tailpipe "I don't know how to do nothing" garbage. I had people help me so I don't know what the fukk your talking about but I also went to seek out help when I was lost so I don't know where you feel I said nikkas ain't shyt. I guess if that make you feel better about saying what you say about me cool. I'm not and never said shyt is perfect either what I am saying is there are ways to be productive in this world and sometimes we as blacks act like the story of the elephants in the circus. Again I'm not saying racism doesnt exist at all but to the point that you can't be a normal productive member of society? Nah I'm not believing that. If you take that as being some bootstrap mentality ok I can live with that.

nikka this a fukking messageboard there isn't no tone at all. I don't give a fukk what you need my shyt was a general statement. I never said shyt about folks showing somebody how to do shyt. I said that's a weak ass excuse cause if you want to do something bad enough you'll find out. Anything else you don't want it bad enough. That's what's funny you acting like I said nikkas are losers when all I said is I'm not going for the I don't know where to start shyt when there are so many resources out here. I'll say it again you don't have to tell nikkas how to find out about shyt they like so they should take the same approach to this but if you and your co signer wanna keep acting like nikkas are dumb cool. I'm not.


My dude, why are you so heated? This shyt seems personal for you. Anyway, I was not referring to YOU directly with the 'ain't shyt' bit. YOU chose to take it that way, which is a YOU problem. Personal responsibility, nugga. Or does that only apply to all the rest of your loser, lazy black kin? :youngsabo:

And again, who said anything about not being able to be a normally functioning member of society. You love to deal in absolutes I see. No one is saying that it is impossible for an individual Black person to make it. I am still relatively young (24) and have done alright for myself thus far, and most of my family has too. But what you and so many others seem to ignore is that the 'successful' Black people are outliers. There is so much excess in the United States that some people will break through despite the odds. Yet even among that segment of the community, their standing is very tenuous, dependent upon the whims of a group of people who largely hate us and want us gone. Think about it. It doesn't matter if it's entertainment, sports, IT, Health care, Business, Law, Manufacturing or whatever industry you want to point to, the fact of the matter is these industries are almost exclusively run by whites. Which means they have a major amount of control of our access to employment, schooling, housing and more. If you acknowledge that racism exists, how can you then fail to acknowledge the implications of this? Your and others position that we must all just straighten up and be super negroes in the hopes of being somehow better integrated into a system which deliberately puts limitations on our ability to SURVIVE in this society is bullshyt. Plain and simple. The best case scenario of your way of thinking would be Asians in the Western world. But they too are not respected by Whites and subjected to racism. And you can trust that will be ratcheted up a lot more as Asians (particularly the Chinese) start to come up on a wide scale. Just look at Australia.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215

Like you yourself admit, there are "so many resources out here" how is someone to know where to start??

If what you're saying was 100% true, there would be no one unemployed because everybody "likes" to have money and "wants it bad enough" to have work. Don't you see why that's off?
Honestly you just start you know where your heading and from there you learn the basics of whatever your trying to learn and go from there. I don't see it as that hard cause whether it was weightlifting, writing a book, cooking, whatever I started from somewhere and shyt started flowing. This I don't know where to start so I'll sit on the sidelines shyt going to still have you right on the sidelines today, tommorow, and the next day too. You can be funny with the words all you want but my shyt holds true and if they unemployed usually it's cause they doing something that can easily be done.


My dude, why are you so heated? This shyt seems personal for you. Anyway, I was not referring to YOU directly with the 'ain't shyt' bit. YOU chose to take it that way, which is a YOU problem. Personal responsibility, nugga. Or does that only apply to all the rest of your loser, lazy black kin? :youngsabo:

And again, who said anything about not being able to be a normally functioning member of society. You love to deal in absolutes I see. No one is saying that it is impossible for an individual Black person to make it. I am still relatively young (24) and have done alright for myself thus far, and most of my family has too. But what you and so many others seem to ignore is that the 'successful' Black people are outliers. There is so much excess in the United States that some people will break through despite the odds. Yet even among that segment of the community, their standing is very tenuous, dependent upon the whims of a group of people who largely hate us and want us gone. Think about it. It doesn't matter if it's entertainment, sports, IT, Health care, Business, Law, Manufacturing or whatever industry you want to point to, the fact of the matter is these industries are almost exclusively run by whites. Which means they have a major amount of control of our access to employment, schooling, housing and more. If you acknowledge that racism exists, how can you then fail to acknowledge the implications of this? Your and others position that we must all just straighten up and be super negroes in the hopes of being somehow better integrated into a system which deliberately puts limitations on our ability to SURVIVE in this society is bullshyt. Plain and simple. The best case scenario of your way of thinking would be Asians in the Western world. But they too are not respected by Whites and subjected to racism. And you can trust that will be ratcheted up a lot more as Asians (particularly the Chinese) start to come up on a wide scale. Just look at Australia.

Asian Century Institute - Racism and intolerance in Australia
Quarter of Australians racist towards Asians: Poll - World - DNA
First it seems you are the mad/childish one using smilies saying I'm mad but whatever and I never said nothing about super negroes at all. I speak from what I saw around me and your mentality alone shows me that you not built for success if you feel you have to be some super negro to make it. I don't like dealing in nothing but truths and you like to dabble more in excuses. Keep on making them for people I won't you will you got it. I'm tired of hearing about how whites, Jews, whatever are keeping us down cause they aren't. Maybe when you get super big but us everyday cats not so much. I see examples of this everyday and not so much the struggle blame crew so yes I do look at people that blame higher ups funny. For me when you have the same starting point and can make it yes it's harder for me to be like poor baby I'll leave up those non caring uppity folks. At the end of the day you don't think there should be much blame on blacks for their struggles I do. It's very few situations where I see otherwise esp knowing that people like my dad came from even worse situations to get to where he is in a more racist time it's hard to look at how we have it as hard :yeshrug:


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
Honestly you just start you know where your heading and from there you learn the basics of whatever your trying to learn and go from there. I don't see it as that hard cause whether it was weightlifting, writing a book, cooking, whatever I started from somewhere and shyt started flowing. This I don't know where to start so I'll sit on the sidelines shyt going to still have you right on the sidelines today, tommorow, and the next day too. You can be funny with the words all you want but my shyt holds true and if they unemployed usually it's cause they doing something that can easily be done.

First it seems you are the mad/childish one using smilies saying I'm mad but whatever and I never said nothing about super negroes at all. I speak from what I saw around me and your mentality alone shows me that you not built for success if you feel you have to be some super negro to make it. I don't like dealing in nothing but truths and you like to dabble more in excuses. Keep on making them for people I won't you will you got it. I'm tired of hearing about how whites, Jews, whatever are keeping us down cause they aren't. Maybe when you get super big but us everyday cats not so much. I see examples of this everyday and not so much the struggle blame crew so yes I do look at people that blame higher ups funny. For me when you have the same starting point and can make it yes it's harder for me to be like poor baby I'll leave up those non caring uppity folks. At the end of the day you don't think there should be much blame on blacks for their struggles I do. It's very few situations where I see otherwise esp knowing that people like my dad came from even worse situations to get to where he is in a more racist time it's hard to look at how we have it as hard :yeshrug:

You call someone childish, yet you stubbornly attempt to deny reality like one. Ironic. Again, you're tired of hearing about 100% valid complaints regarding the racist reality of life in the West for Blacks, but not tired of that racism in and of itself. That mentality really kills me, and sadly, it appears to be increasingly more common. It's whatever, though. :manny:


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
You call someone childish, yet you stubbornly attempt to deny reality like one. Ironic. Again, you're tired of hearing about 100% valid complaints regarding the racist reality of life in the West for Blacks, but not tired of that racism in and of itself. That mentality really kills me, and sadly, it appears to be increasingly more common. It's whatever, though. :manny:
If that makes you feel better playing semantics nikka do you. I never said I wasn't tired of racism what I originally responded too had nothing to do with that. If this was a are you tired of racism thread I would say so but that wasn't what I was talking about since I hear the complaints more often. I didn't say the shyt wasn't valid dont be a smart dumb nikka please don't. I get tired of that being used as the reason why you can't get ahead when it's definitely more to it. I can't speak for everybody but that is usually the case cause I see this shyt all the time cats with their valid reasons but then think that gives them a lifetime pass for mediocre achievement. It can't work like that or else your kids, their kids, and so on are going to keep using the same excuse. It's like a dude/chick picking the wrong partners you get a time to complain but after that you have to look for ways to improve your own situation. If you don't understand that I see your :manny: and raise you a :yeshrug:


May 17, 2012
the internet

Even still - having this "mindset" won't "end" racism like ol' dude in the OP is saying, which is why he gets the :aicmon: .

his point is that people lump people into a group when they see trends.
Like his example in the video. Its more likely that a cab driver will get robbed by a black person than it is a white person (fact), so said cab driver is going to play odds and avoid black people.
...same way I see posters on here lump white people into one big group.
Im not sayings its right, but its how people are.

what he's saying is that if black people turn the stigma around by actually doing what we are talking about (I.E. not exhibiting all that WSHH behavior...starting businesses etc...) than the racism we are talking about will go down drastically.

People forget that there was a time not long ago that white people thought black people were inferior athletes...but look what happened.
It also wasnt long ago that people thought the Chinese were lazy and dumb...look what happened.

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
Well obviously if it were as simple a matter as 'stop making excuses and go get it', then we wouldn't see these social problems - not just in the black community - persist for decades. You're taking a very simplistic approach to a problem which is multi-faceted. You and yours made it, so why can't everyone else, right? With that having been said I'm not against criticism of the culture, but there needs to be more to it than that. It's not enough to just say something is wrong. Don't do it. You've got to break it down and get into the why/how/what are the consequences etc and at the end of it all, put them on to the correct answer/path/mentality. It's great that you yourself have apparently found the key to Black success in this world, but obviously given the state of our community, many have not. And they need help. And I don't see anything wrong with helping them out if you're in a position to do so as opposed to telling them they ain't shyt and leaving it at that. You seem like more of an individualist, something I would be in support of in an ideal world, but this is not an ideal world. And, whether you want to hear/believe it or not, there are a number of cultural, political and economic factors which inhibit our potential for growth as a race in the Western world (and everywhere else, for that matter). Tell me what 'acting right and not making excuses' could do in a situation like this? Until the culture which allows this type of fukkery to continue is either reformed, abandoned or destroyed outright, merely telling people to try harder and do better is only going to get us so far. And it's amazing to me how legitimate complaints about a blatantly racist society are more annoying than the blatantly racist society itself.

Cosign the being of your post. It's like when Nancy Reagan had the "Just Say No" campaign. Telling people not to use drugs, wasn't going to stop people from using drugs.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
his point is that people lump people into a group when they see trends.
Like his example in the video. Its more likely that a cab driver will get robbed by a black person than it is a white person (fact), so said cab driver is going to play odds and avoid black people.
...same way I see posters on here lump white people into one big group.
Im not sayings its right, but its how people are.

what he's saying is that if black people turn the stigma around by actually doing what we are talking about (I.E. not exhibiting all that WSHH behavior...starting businesses etc...) than the racism we are talking about will go down drastically.

But do you really believe that black people will "turn the stigma around" on their own, even by accomplishing the list of things he outlined?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Cosign the being of your post. It's like when Nancy Reagan had the "Just Say No" campaign. Telling people not to use drugs, wasn't going to stop people from using drugs.
I'm tired of this coddle shyt. Are y'all nikkas losers? Maybe y'all are that's why yall on this bullshyt coddle mentality. Since I can almost guarantee y'all aren't just by having this relative cool discussion even though I disagree with somes methods on here what did y'all do to avoid getting trapped up in the bullshyt? Also what is sooo hard about what y'all did or are doing to avoid the traps that others can't do? Serious question cause I'm just tired of this shyt acting like its so hard and blacks are just stuck going by how some are acting.