"The Earth is flat" - Kyrie Irving


All Star
Dec 23, 2016
Could be. There is a lot of mystery out there, but you would have to really suspend everything you've ever learned as truth in order to see the variations. I never understood reincarnation until I learned about Esoteric Astrology and the ages mankind has gone through. Just looking at my natal chart scares me because many things are very accurate, and taking it a step further with Harmonics adds another layer. I learned that English is a really backwards language and could possibly be spell words. Anyone ever make a psi-ball with their hands? Or astral projected? Or seen another persons Aura? Healed your chakras? Anything is possible. What would you say if NASA came out and proclaimed, "The Earth is flat, there's a tiny world on the inside of it's core, stars are just satellites and we can't physically go no further than Neptune"? I'd laugh because the whole world would be going insane lol

Oh maybe we are in a spaceship? :O
May 16, 2012
Gravity has nothing to do with the shape of the planet. There's still a reason why things fall down and why airplanes need wings to fly. Why is that?

And we know what's below the surface of the Earth because we can see it with sound waves and how they reflect. The same way water bends and reflects light (put a straw in water and look at it. It looks broken, why is that?) the mantle and core bend sound waves.

Also if the earth is flat, then why can't I climb up a tall building in LA and use a telescope to see China? It should just be right next to us right?

If there's no curvature then why is it night there when it's day here? If the sun is aimed at a disk it would light the whole side of it up at once right?

Yall need to go to College for real.

The reason things fall is because of density. If you are heavier than air you fall. Same reason things sink in the water versus float. A lead ball doesn't sink in water because of gravity. It sinks because its more dense.

The reason we can't see China from a tall building is because there is air, fog, haze, smog, rain, etc. in between us and China that obscures our vision. Its the same way that when there is fog you can't see a few feet in front of you on the highway. There is alot of moisture in our atmosphere that obscures our vision over long distances.

If we live on a flat plane that doesn't move and if instead its the Sun and moon that move around the earth, you would still see the same phenomenon.

The ancients had no problem believing the earth was flat and stationary and it was the Sun and stars that moved. That is what our senses tell us when we look at the world.
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May 16, 2012
Why won't you say you believe the earth is flat? :patrice:

Cause we're being honest and saying we don't know. The flat earthers bring up some compelling arguments that counter the round earth theory. But like the round earthers they don't have conclusive evidence.

As a skeptic I don't believe either theory. But unlike you I'm willing to give both an equal hearing.

The reason we're defending the flat earthers is because we feel the attacks on them are unjustified and what they're saying is as plausible if not more plausible than the more mainstream round earth theory.