The dems had a policy of supporting incumbents against primary challenges, why doesn't it apply to Jamaal and other progressives


Jun 12, 2014
Do you know the difference in a policy and PAC?

What is the purpose of the pac if not a vehicle to achieve stated policy or goal

I don't believe the dem pac is raising money to help plant trees in the Sahara desert:skip:

The same way aipac dirty millions is the financial muscle to help Israel and Zionist achieve their policy of making every single member of Congress subservient/loyal to Israel and their "cause" because God forbid they have even a tiny and inconsequential amount of reaistance


May 1, 2012
What is the purpose of the pac if not a vehicle to achieve stated policy or goal

I don't believe the dem pac is raising money to help plant trees in the Sahara desert:skip:

The same way aipac dirty millions is the financial muscle to help Israel and Zionist achieve their policy of making Congress 100 percent subservient/loyal to Israel and their "cause"
Did you see that all the key and influential democrats supported him and campaigned for him? What more did you want Dens to do? AIPAC crushed the buildings on it, is what it is. This thread is just a hit piece to demonize the Democratic party, which is why the normal both side nikkas and cacs are in here.


Nov 1, 2015

These facts are not in dispute: AIPAC’s purpose is to benefit a foreign country. If Jamaal Bowman loses today because AIPAC spent $14.5 million against him, everyone in Congress will be scared to death of AIPAC. They will all then serve Israel’s interests to make AIPAC happy.

Btw, other countries are idiots for not doing this. It’s so easy. Bribery is legal in America as long as you call it a campaign contribution and funnel it through American citizens. That’s why all the corporations do it. US Congress is for sale for anyone who has enough money.

They already do that bro.

I know. But the mainstream press comically denies it. Or they say it’s true, but facts are antisemitic. Right now, AIPAC controls about 85-90% of Congress. If Bowman loses, it’ll be 98%.

Do you have a single shred of evidence that Israel gives any money to AIPAC?

No you don't. Because it doesn't exist.

I wonder why you're not concerned about the 9 countries that spend more than Israel to influence our election according to Open Secrets.

AIPAC represents a huge segment of Jews and Zionists.

Your incessant obsession with AIPAC is so pathetic.

🚨Must see.

AIPAC controls the US Congress

Journalist Tareq Abu Azzoum reporting on Israel's escalation of its massacres against innocent civilians in Gaza over the last few hours.

I see no problem here.

Bowman is gone because his fire alarm stunt embarrassed the Party masters

America has fallen. Or, it fell some time ago, and people are just realizing it. Voting to change things is an illusion.

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Nov 1, 2015


Jamaal Bowman’s Loss Is the Start of a New Era​

By Ross Barkan, a frequent contributor to New York


Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty Images

George Latimer ousted Representative Jamaal Bowman, a two-term leftist and critic of Israel, in what’s believed to be the most expensive congressional primary ever fought. For moderates hoping to check the power of the Squad in Congress, it was a joyous night; for the many progressives who hoped to save one of their most prominent politicians, it was a deeply dispiriting — if no longer shocking — turn of events.

Latimer was technically an insurgent but didn’t campaign like one. Recruited by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Westchester County executive targeted Bowman for failing, in his view, to adequately support Israel in the wake of the Hamas attacks. AIPAC spent at least $14 million on behalf of Latimer, an extraordinary sum, drowning television and radio stations with advertisements lacerating Bowman and propping up the more conservative Latimer. Notably, the AIPAC-funded ads said nothing about Israel, instead focusing on Bowman’s alleged lack of loyalty to Joe Biden, who is liked enough by many Democrats. Bowman’s embrace of the Democratic Socialists of America, who are explicitly anti-Zionist, may have alienated moderate Jewish voters even more. While outside groups like Justice Democrats managed to contribute more than $1 million in ads to help Bowman, the spending was remarkably lopsided: By one tally, Latimer-aligned PACs had outspent Bowman seven to one. Rallies with Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the campaign’s final days could not save him, either.

Bowman, a charismatic and unapologetic leftist with a penchant for controversy, would have had a tough reelection fight even if AIPAC hadn’t emerged to add so much rocket fuel to Latimer’s campaign. He faced a House censure for pulling a false fire alarm when Democrats were trying to stall a vote. Blog posts he wrote more than a decade ago appeared to give credence to 9/11 conspiracy theories, and his YouTube page following conspiracy accounts became news. He was forced to apologize after lavishing praise on Norman Finkelstein, the acerbic anti-Israel scholar, at a panel discussion. And he initially claimed reports of Hamas raping Israeli women on October 7 were “propaganda.”

In a suburban, racially diverse seat roping in large chunks of Westchester and a northern sliver of the Bronx, these controversies collectively weighed Bowman down, especially in the district’s sizable Jewish community. Four years ago, Bowman, a former middle-school principal, had unseated Eliot Engel, a high-ranking congressman and staunch Israel hawk. Many of Engel’s allies were out for revenge.

AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups have been casting about for challengers to defeat as many Squad Democrats — the AOC-aligned House group that has been willing to forcefully criticize the Israeli military’s actions in Gaza — as possible, and they’ve had, until Bowman, little to boast about. Summer Lee, a progressive from Pennsylvania, breezed to reelection earlier in the year, and threats to take on Rashida Tlaib, the Palestinian American congresswoman who supports the BDS movement, went nowhere.

But in Latimer, AIPAC had an ideal recruit. Until this race, he had been a liberal in good standing, working well with activist groups in Westchester and even campaigning with the support of the Working Families Party. Left-leaning Democrats celebrated him for defeating Rob Astorino, a right-wing Republican, and returning the county to Democratic control in 2018. If he was, more subtly, unwilling to ruffle the feathers of the county’s more reactionary forces, he rarely picked fights with the left and mostly focused on hyperlocal issues. Like a suburban version of Chuck Schumer, Latimer was known for showing up everywhere in the county, and no ribbon cutting or potluck dinner seemed too small for the hustling, neighborly pol to make an appearance. A former state legislator, he had been winning elections for three decades.

Even as Latimer swerved rightward in the primary, he was well positioned to deflect attacks from the Bowman campaign. In 2020, Bowman had won by portraying Engel, who waited out the pandemic in Maryland, as aloof and out of touch with the struggles of the district. Like Joe Crowley, who claimed a Queens residence but raised his family in Virginia, Engel was no longer active among his constituents. Latimer, though, was everywhere in Westchester, and he campaigned aggressively throughout the county.

Latimer’s triumph could come at a cost. He defeated Westchester’s first Black congressman in a primary that polarized around race. He angered many Democrats by claiming Bowman’s real constituencies were in San Francisco and Dearborn — Bowman and his allies accused Latimer of race-baiting. Black and Latino voters could view him as the new congressman for white, wealthy Westchester, where he resides, and not someone looking out for them. “I’m an outspoken Black man,” Bowman said during a recent debate. “His supporters don’t want that, because it challenges their power.”

On foreign policy, Latimer’s unstinting alliance with AIPAC might put him on the rightward fringe of his own party, alienated even from Schumer, who called for Benjamin Netanyahu to step aside earlier this year. Democrats in Congress have grown increasingly uneasy with the war there, as Israel continues to slaughter civilians and openly rejects the concept of a Palestinian state. For now, Latimer fits comfortably with the Israel hawks in New York’s House delegation, including the Bronx’s Ritchie Torres. But life for him in Congress may only get more complicated. The Netanyahu government continues to antagonize the Biden administration, and Latimer’s views on Israel bring him into closer alignment with Donald Trump.

Progressives, meanwhile, have been dealt a grievous blow. Bowman was a rising star and someone who could have, with enough time in the House, run for higher office. When he first ran against Engel, he was able to forge coalitions between working-class voters of color and college-educated activists. The Squad, without him, is still large enough and may grow in the coming years — even if Cori Bush, another prominent member, also loses this summer. But Bowman’s defeat marks the loss of a rare — if undisciplined — political talent. AIPAC and other moneyed forces will hope they’ve found a new blueprint for success: Recruit a willing, well-known lawmaker to run against a progressive and pump many millions into the primary.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
You are painting Dems as evil for supporting Israel, when in reality, day to day, no one cares in America. Not our problem and Bowman made it a point to die on that hill that no one asked him to do.

Just because he is a Dem doesn't mean I'm gonna side with a lunatic that pulls fire alarms and clout chases like a high school girl...
You still haven’t explained why you brought up trump when talking about democratic primaries? :gucci: It’s clearly evident that “but trump” is such a knee jerk reaction to democratic criticism that you used it even when it doesn’t apply

No ones cares about the US backing the Israel genocide? You're joking right? You must have been living under a rock during the nationwide protests.

So one minute we must for democrat because republicans are evil but then when democrats are openly funding a genocide it’s okay because it’s “not our problem” Do you hear yourself?

Jamal bowman is a lunatic for pulling a fire alarm but a candidate that supports carpet bombing women and children is a better option? :skip:

Do you know how deranged you look? You are like the typical MAGA voter but on the democratic side of the spectrum


Jun 4, 2013
Unless you are a mind reader, only Bowman can ascertain why he pulled the alarm and there's no reason not to believe the man's claim that it was an honest mistake

Claims of Hamas sexual assault on Oct 7 has literally being proven false and nothing more than a propaganda

Even NY times who led the propaganda in the US had to retract their reporting on it

Only hasbara crews still shameless parrot that lie. The most surveilled area in the entire middle East still can't provide even a single shred of evidence of rape on Oct 7 but "trust us bro"

So Bowman was right to call that report a propaganda

He backtracked on that which stands to question why comment on it in the first place. He doesnt chair any committees in the House, he didnt have to say shyt. His job was to stay in office to serve the Black voters that put him in. Starting fights he was gonna lose didnt get him anywhere. Foreign entities should not be able to buy elections (no one should) and they shouldnt have targeted him but Bowman did make a really bad decision speaking on Oct 7. Say thoughts and prayers then serve your district


Sep 15, 2014
Because political parties are private organizations and can ultimately do whatever they want