I see i see, very interesting. WHAT IM SAYING!!!!????? What im saying is that both Christianity and Atheism are used by white supremacists to further white supremacy. These voices have the most power and render people like you into agents. One arm gives the average moron a godless existence which he interprets as being able to live an immoral life where nothing he does matters because there is no God, which makes him a detriment to his people and at odds with the white supremacist Christians who use fake morality to condemn non-whites who act like *savages*
On the flip side if you act like a "good christian" you're pigeon holed into letting white racists abuse and mistreat you without response in hopes of getting rewards, after you die. So from both angles white racists use belief and non belief to further white supremacy. One empowers the ignorant to take the worlds empathy from their people and the other makes their people impotent.
People like you, can only communicate with other intellectuals because of your communication style so the only message someone you hope to enlighten will understand is the part that they interpret as *religion aint real, no consequences, do what you want* so inadvertedly, you further white supremacist motivations by relentlessly touting these atheist stories as victories for your cause, which is really, their cause.
This system is so sick
It really has nothing to do with race. They are part of a Luciferian scheme to destroy God's creation. Essentially, the Devil doesn't want you to believe there is a God, but he doesn't want you to believe there isn't - he wants you to believe you are God - or that through his "light" you are God. These so called "White Supremacists" know that no race is inferior to another, they set that up to create hierarchy, and to divide and conquer. The Devil needs agents with power. Knowledge = Power = Law. Through his own understanding of God, the Devil has turned the knowledge of God into a perverted form of itself, giving "light" to his agents about the secrets of our universe and God's creation, but keeping humanity as a whole blind (This has been happening for thousands of years. The power of his agents then install his law - but we have slowly shifted from God's rule - which is up to interpretation (I think it involves being selfless, righteous, truthful, forgiving, and having humility, empathy and above all unconditional love - the key attributes of Jesus Christ), versus the perversion of, deceit, a "do as thou wilt" mentality, apathetic towards fellow humanity, hate, and ultimately destruction to the consciousness that is our souls.
I could go a lot deeper, but my perception probably sounds so delusional to you, you can't bare it. I'm not though - my visions are actually very strong, and my clarity toward spiritual phenomenon is pretty spectacular. It is our mission on Earth to grow our spirit. To experience the depths of the universe as well as the peaks - but there are ladders you must climb to achieve these feats. This physical realm is an important part of the souls journey, because the soul can actually see and reflect upon itself. Your soul cannot fail in this journey, because God loves you so much. But you don't just get a free-ride to "heaven." There is a certain embodiment that must resonate within you that speaks of God's essence. Some claim Jesus died for us because the human soul is so flawed, that we cannot achieve these heights, but I believe Jesus actually achieved this - through much studying of wisdom, books, meditations, possibly some psychedelics, etc. He was also a revolutionary, he often debated Rabbi's and called them liars and deceivers, because these Rabbi's knew these occult teachings, but the public was blind to them. As his ministry grew, they saw him as danger to their established order, and had him killed - much like every great martyr for humanity and rights. Of them, Jesus may be the greatest, because he grasped the truth about our essence as spiritual beings, and lead people through there hearts. He was not this immaculate GOD render, but a man who knew God was within him, and channeled his inner God to his people. It's the same thing Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi and a host of other great men felt.