The Death of God In Iraq: 32% of Iraqis Not Sure God Exists, 11% Think Not


Dec 1, 2013
Las Vegas/Maine
I see i see, very interesting. WHAT IM SAYING!!!!????? What im saying is that both Christianity and Atheism are used by white supremacists to further white supremacy. These voices have the most power and render people like you into agents. One arm gives the average moron a godless existence which he interprets as being able to live an immoral life where nothing he does matters because there is no God, which makes him a detriment to his people and at odds with the white supremacist Christians who use fake morality to condemn non-whites who act like *savages*

On the flip side if you act like a "good christian" you're pigeon holed into letting white racists abuse and mistreat you without response in hopes of getting rewards, after you die. So from both angles white racists use belief and non belief to further white supremacy. One empowers the ignorant to take the worlds empathy from their people and the other makes their people impotent.

People like you, can only communicate with other intellectuals because of your communication style so the only message someone you hope to enlighten will understand is the part that they interpret as *religion aint real, no consequences, do what you want* so inadvertedly, you further white supremacist motivations by relentlessly touting these atheist stories as victories for your cause, which is really, their cause.

This system is so sick :banderas:

It really has nothing to do with race. They are part of a Luciferian scheme to destroy God's creation. Essentially, the Devil doesn't want you to believe there is a God, but he doesn't want you to believe there isn't - he wants you to believe you are God - or that through his "light" you are God. These so called "White Supremacists" know that no race is inferior to another, they set that up to create hierarchy, and to divide and conquer. The Devil needs agents with power. Knowledge = Power = Law. Through his own understanding of God, the Devil has turned the knowledge of God into a perverted form of itself, giving "light" to his agents about the secrets of our universe and God's creation, but keeping humanity as a whole blind (This has been happening for thousands of years. The power of his agents then install his law - but we have slowly shifted from God's rule - which is up to interpretation (I think it involves being selfless, righteous, truthful, forgiving, and having humility, empathy and above all unconditional love - the key attributes of Jesus Christ), versus the perversion of, deceit, a "do as thou wilt" mentality, apathetic towards fellow humanity, hate, and ultimately destruction to the consciousness that is our souls.

I could go a lot deeper, but my perception probably sounds so delusional to you, you can't bare it. I'm not though - my visions are actually very strong, and my clarity toward spiritual phenomenon is pretty spectacular. It is our mission on Earth to grow our spirit. To experience the depths of the universe as well as the peaks - but there are ladders you must climb to achieve these feats. This physical realm is an important part of the souls journey, because the soul can actually see and reflect upon itself. Your soul cannot fail in this journey, because God loves you so much. But you don't just get a free-ride to "heaven." There is a certain embodiment that must resonate within you that speaks of God's essence. Some claim Jesus died for us because the human soul is so flawed, that we cannot achieve these heights, but I believe Jesus actually achieved this - through much studying of wisdom, books, meditations, possibly some psychedelics, etc. He was also a revolutionary, he often debated Rabbi's and called them liars and deceivers, because these Rabbi's knew these occult teachings, but the public was blind to them. As his ministry grew, they saw him as danger to their established order, and had him killed - much like every great martyr for humanity and rights. Of them, Jesus may be the greatest, because he grasped the truth about our essence as spiritual beings, and lead people through there hearts. He was not this immaculate GOD render, but a man who knew God was within him, and channeled his inner God to his people. It's the same thing Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi and a host of other great men felt.


Dec 1, 2013
Las Vegas/Maine
Most white folks believe in their leaders if they are conservative so a conservative billionare devil worshipper is a direct threat to their average white mind which makes them a threat to everyone.

So we are sheep - and black people are not? If we are sheep, then blacks have been skinned alive. You allowed these men to kill your leaders, and instead of continuing there fight, you decide to listen to a bunch of gangsta rappers who only wanna kill people and sell drugs? Black people are as much of the problem as white people, are as Mexican's, etc. We are all slaves to this system of ignorance. Stop playing the victim and take responsibility for what it is.


May 4, 2012
So we are sheep - and black people are not? If we are sheep, then blacks have been skinned alive. You allowed these men to kill your leaders, and instead of continuing there fight, you decide to listen to a bunch of gangsta rappers who only wanna kill people and sell drugs? Black people are as much of the problem as white people, are as Mexican's, etc. We are all slaves to this system of ignorance. Stop playing the victim and take responsibility for what it is.
There is no allow, White supremacists do what they want and black people eat it. When you say they, who is they and what weapons do black people have to fight *they* We dont even know who they is hes so high up.

Yea white supremacy is pretty powerful. It took the self respect out of black people. After the civil rights era they extended the olive branch to black people and said *hey, ill give you guys some government jobs and put you in films* Unfortunately, those films were designed to make black people look like the stereotypes that whites have created for us to further their smear campaign agenda. Whites, living in a racist bubble are unable to separate the real world from what they see on television and go along with the program, as do black people who see empowered stereotypes and emulate them, to the detriment of the community. White supremacists are very clever.

They then pumped crack, guns and shytty schools into the community.

We then made hiphop and created a positive movement within hiphop to regain our self respect but again, here comes the white racist to say *hmmmmmm i dont like this, let me sponsor something a little more destructive* and we have gangster rap and a decline in positive sponsored rap along with film/television characters to go along with the movement. Poverty can drain ones self respect so our people took orders to degrade their own people for a moment out of poverty. Its a very tactical assault and for a white racist, its easier to look at these odds and blame the victim instead of fighting against it, because that would mean the end of some of their priveleges, and what white person wants to give that up.

They had a poll once upon a time where they asked white people how they would feel if black people were taken away, Most of them responded positively. :heh:
Jun 24, 2012
Atheists sit here on a thread and :blessed:about Iraqis becoming atheists but how does this help Iraqis with their problems? How does this help them to rebuild their destroyed lands? How does this help them stop dying? This goes back to the same situation with black folk in America. Where are these so called Atheists at when shyt goes down in B-More and Chicago? They claim religion is useless but their method is useless because it doesn't change the dynamics around the black struggle.

Black Atheists want you to believe in the 2 party system, capitalism, to vote on candidates, to believe in homosexuality as natural without scientific proof but when a black man says the black man is God or the black woman is God, b.a. are like "oh there is no God". Right there tells you they don't believe in themselves. Instead of trying so hard to tell people "God don't exist", start helping people period.


Dec 1, 2013
Las Vegas/Maine
There is no allow, White supremacists do what they want and black people eat it. When you say they, who is they and what weapons do black people have to fight *they* We dont even know who they is hes so high up.

Yea white supremacy is pretty powerful. It took the self respect out of black people. After the civil rights era they extended the olive branch to black people and said *hey, ill give you guys some government jobs and put you in films* Unfortunately, those films were designed to make black people look like the stereotypes that whites have created for us to further their smear campaign agenda. Whites, living in a racist bubble are unable to separate the real world from what they see on television and go along with the program, as do black people who see empowered stereotypes and emulate them, to the detriment of the community. White supremacists are very clever.

They then pumped crack, guns and shytty schools into the community.

We then made hiphop and created a positive movement within hiphop to regain our self respect but again, here comes the white racist to say *hmmmmmm i dont like this, let me sponsor something a little more destructive* and we have gangster rap and a decline in positive sponsored rap along with film/television characters to go along with the movement. Poverty can drain ones self respect so our people took orders to degrade their own people for a moment out of poverty. Its a very tactical assault and for a white racist, its easier to look at these odds and blame the victim instead of fighting against it, because that would mean the end of some of their priveleges, and what white person wants to give that up.

They had a poll once upon a time where they asked white people how they would feel if black people were taken away, Most of them responded positively. :heh:

I'm not doubting that white supremacy exists - but the idea of race is a social created construct. It probably first arose out of ignorance, but because uncorrected, the race issue has stirred up hate for thousands of years. I agree with you about white supremacy, especially in Hip Hop. I actually have a bar in a track that mentions that.

Back then they had to steal for this dream you been livin'
Knowledge blacked out, this was never up for the bidding
But supremacy successfully ruined hip hop's integrity
Gotta work independently to bring you some complexity

They is the Hidden Hand, we could guess it is comprised of elite bankers, CEO'S, royalty, media executives, etc. But some suspect the top could be very refined. These people are looking for anyway to disadvantage you to create destabilization for a one-world government. The black rights movement was under attack from the start. You had martyr figures, communities teaming in protest, and the FBI and CIA saw this as very dangerous - these concrete jungles were not created from communities to support each other, but probably for more devious reasons. Some people wanna blame the Jews, some people blame the European Whites - shyt - some probably blame the black people. There is a racist it element to the Hidden Hand, but it isn't specified to the minority - but to the human race alone.

And because of this we have to work as a human race - Together. Stop blaming people, and start taking action bro.


Dec 1, 2013
Las Vegas/Maine
Atheists sit here on a thread and :blessed:about Iraqis becoming atheists but how does this help Iraqis with their problems? How does this help them to rebuild their destroyed lands? How does this help them stop dying? This goes back to the same situation with black folk in America. Where are these so called Atheists at when shyt goes down in B-More and Chicago? They claim religion is useless but their method is useless because it doesn't change the dynamics around the black struggle.

Black Atheists want you to believe in the 2 party system, capitalism, to vote on candidates, to believe in homosexuality as natural without scientific proof but when a black man says the black man is God or the black woman is God, b.a. are like "oh there is no God". Right there tells you they don't believe in themselves. Instead of trying so hard to tell people "God don't exist", start helping people period.

Amen brother!:salute:

The Real

May 8, 2012
A belief system of God or Gods was in place in Africa before what is your point?

My point is that atheism is ancient- older than all the major religions of today (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc) and as old as the oldest religions known to mankind. There was no time "before" atheism when there were only religious people and no one who challenged them.


Dec 1, 2013
Las Vegas/Maine
My point is that atheism is ancient- older than all the major religions of today (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc) and as old as the oldest religions known to mankind. There was no time "before" atheism when there were only religious people and no one who challenged them.

So before spirituality, there was an absence of it? You're telling me that people so attune to nature had no impression of God?

The Real

May 8, 2012
So before spirituality, there was an absence of it? You're telling me that people so attune to nature had no impression of God?

No, I'm saying that however old religion is, nonbelief is just as old. The idea that religion existed in some primal state then nonbelief was some later deviation is ridiculous.
Jun 24, 2012
My point is that atheism is ancient- older than all the major religions of today (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc) and as old as the oldest religions known to mankind. There was no time "before" atheism when there were only religious people and no one who challenged them.

Kemet created those major religions( 3 of them)....and atheism isn't in Africa at that time.

The Real

May 8, 2012
Kemet created those major religions( 3 of them)....and atheism isn't in Africa at that time.

Africa includes the cradle of civilization. Of course there were atheists there. For one example of documented skepticism, check the Song of the Harper, an Egyptian text found in the tomb of Paatenemheb that talks about various beliefs in the afterlife.

It contains these lines: "I have heard those songs that are in the ancient tombs/And what they tell/Extolling life on earth and belittling the region of the dead."

It also contains these lines: "Make holiday, don't weary of it! Look, there is no one allowed to take their things with them, and there is no one who goes away comes back again."'s_Songs


May 4, 2012
I'm not doubting that white supremacy exists - but the idea of race is a social created construct. It probably first arose out of ignorance, but because uncorrected, the race issue has stirred up hate for thousands of years. I agree with you about white supremacy, especially in Hip Hop. I actually have a bar in a track that mentions that.

They is the Hidden Hand, we could guess it is comprised of elite bankers, CEO'S, royalty, media executives, etc. But some suspect the top could be very refined. These people are looking for anyway to disadvantage you to create destabilization for a one-world government. The black rights movement was under attack from the start. You had martyr figures, communities teaming in protest, and the FBI and CIA saw this as very dangerous - these concrete jungles were not created from communities to support each other, but probably for more devious reasons. Some people wanna blame the Jews, some people blame the European Whites - shyt - some probably blame the black people. There is a racist it element to the Hidden Hand, but it isn't specified to the minority - but to the human race alone.

And because of this we have to work as a human race - Together. Stop blaming people, and start taking action bro.
White people are the minority and racism is specified to non-whites. This is not a class war, its a race war.