China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia.
It doesnt matter where you go, what none of they are not inherently, are atheists. Now i bet if they believed in a God then got cracked over the fukkin head, i could see one of them saying *OMG THERE IS NO GOD I JUST GOT MY HEAD BUSS*
These days white racists use atheism the same way they did Christianity. One says spiritually, white is good and dark is bad. The other says scientifically one is inferior and the other is superior or that to survive scientifically they must be separate and kill. These voices make more noise then yours. All the average person on the fence about God hears from someone like you are critiques on groups of people that whites hate, like muslims or black people. By muslims i mean (arabs). Helps make certain groups look primitive in the eyes of racists and further their disconnect from humanity which showcases itself in the lack of empathy for death and mayhem among people. Atheists dont push morality, they push philosophy which says "your beliefs are stupid" and "im smarter then you" so its no stretch of the imagination to see atheists as the same racists badmouthing non-whites with white supremacist rhetoric.