Neo. The Only. The One.
Just a female soap at the moment.
Oliver n diggle
Then there's,Felicity, thea, laurel
If I could write one episode this show would be back
I always wonder.... how come the writers don't plug into their audience and see how their audience feels about the shows they're writing?
I mean that's business 101
who operates a business and doesn't keep a pulse on their clientele and customers to make sure that they like what the business is selling?
It's so easy to do now too, with internet. Maybe 20 years ago, the writers of MANTIS or Viper or Sliders had no idea what their viewers were thinking
but this is the FUTURE, brehs. You can go online and in an hour, take the pulse of thousands of ppl
Why don't Arrow writers see what their fan base is telling them? Even though you got all these chics out here that love the show, you should still be concerned that you're about to lose your male fanbase, because they're the audience that you started the show with
somebody needs to tweet them and send them to the coli, so they can see how we feel, cause women are fickle. They might be with the show today, but the next love story that comes along, they're gonna drop the show. The men are the ones that will watch the show and be loyal, as long as the show stays loyal to them.