Stopped reading right here.
Batman was a BEAST in TDK.
Catwoman conveniently came through and took him out with in a second and that was that.this flick was off the chain...haterz got it twisted...Bane was OG
maybe you should of continued reading because he never said he wasn't... he said that most people reasoning for TDK >> any other film is because of JOKER this and JOKER that... it's as if the rest of the film was unimportant.
this flick was off the chain...haterz got it twisted...Bane was OG
This guy is furious lol.
The movie for what it could have been turned out to be your above average Michael Bay summer flick.
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he was og until he got wacked in wack way
batman should of been the one to kill him, not a woman
everything he'd been doing was for a woman so kinda fit...
plus, dude, Batman aint killing no-one, you aint know?
he almost paralyzed him, he should of been willing to kill him
nah fam, batman too far gone in the game now, all the innocent peeps that got killed, the threat of terrorism, nothing would make him kill joker, breaking his one rule cos he underestimated Bane and got owned in a fair fight makes the entire triology, well, in terms of story, pointless.
i dont think so, letting bane live would of been a bigger problem. sure he damaged his mask during the second fight what if there was a third fight he might have lost again
anyways to build up bane as this bad azz and have him get popped like a henchmen really burns
Catwoman conveniently came through and took him out with in a second and that was that.
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Look at this clown, catching feelings over a movie which he didn't play no role in.Because your a fakkit troll who is in a thread for nolans batman but yet you said you didn't like dkr so why are you in this thread fakkit? Did you even see tdkr?