the city never feels "under seige for months" it goes from normal weather to winter in a matter of minutes. you never really feel the city is in dire straights. Catwoman seems to not give a shyt for the most part and the city doesnt really feel like its in a desperate, last legs stand against bane and the others.
Take children of men for example , the pacing and direction of that movie suggest that situation is dire and any sort of help would be a huge relief to a suffering world.
the police operating seemingly with free will seemed off to me as well, they did as they pleased when they had the resources to do so. it didint make sense to keep them around, planning and plotting.
Banes death was anticlimactic as hell, also, Batmans relationship with the mercenearies daughter is supposed to add to this supposedly huge plot twist but their relationship feels so forced to me, their relationship wasnt organic or natural at all IMO. Also, it was a wasted moment not to elaborate on banes true relationship with the mercs daughter, he seemed to be crying for more than just "oh i protect her" he was clearly in love, Catwoman jumping in and killing him was lame as hell and really took away from the movie.
Catwomans lines and her entire getup was corny as hell, again, it felt forced.
Like I said the main problem with this movie is pacing, things move from scene to scene without enough time to give a shyt about the characters. Thats why i feel the pacing is off. You never have time to feel that Bane is this unstoppable monster, you never have time to invest in the mercs daughter so the plot twist is meaningful. Oddly enough Private Joker (aka matthew modine)'s character was one of the best because you see his evolution from self centered jerk to hero willing to sacrafice himself for the sake of the force and the city.
Why should I care about Catwoman as Ann Hathaway belts out cheesy one liners? Why should i care about batman as he gets his back broken and comes back better than ever in an unknown prison in a faraway land. You never feel bruce wayne has "lost it all"
thats what i feel is wrong with the movie
Wow, You just articulated exactly how I feel about this movie... I couldn't put it into words before... I just knew there was something about it, that just didn't really "win me over".... Aside from the "city under siege" analysis, These are my exact gripes....
You can tell Nolan "exhausted" the series and he is smart for making it a trilogy....