i have an old pot themed screenplay that i want to turn into an "epic" Workaholics 2-parter... but it's currently 6th in the que of scripts i talk about but never write. It wouldn't even take much time, all I'd ha to do is cut the story down and change names/dialogue... but alas, I'm too busy being not busy.
and my new genius idea - three words - Billy. Madison. Baseball. just think about it, and tell me a complete ripoff of that movie except about a pro athlete working his way back up the ranks wouldn't be gold. Don't steal that.
On the two highlighted points.
1. I know what you mean. I'm a Freelance Copywriter and a social hermit so I really have no excuse not to write more since compared to other people I'm not very 'busy'...I just have to get over myself a little to sit down and write more. This thread and you guys have helped spur me a little to be slightly more serious so I guess that's something
2. This is one of the movies I watched A LOT as a kid lol
That and Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion...
...don't judge me