Part 2 wasn't bad, i just didn't like that they killed Jada in it.
I like that they had the killers mother from the first one come back for revenge.
Shows his family was already messed up.
I was floored that Jackie from Roseanne was behind it. But that movie had one of the best plot twists in the series.Part 2 wasn't bad, i just didn't like that they killed Jada in it.
I like that they had the killers mother from the first one come back for revenge.
Shows his family was already messed up.
I still gotta say besides one I enjoyed 2 the most, with all the little hints at sequels, I remember that dude quoting Aliens like "Get Away From Her You B1tch" then that nerd corrects him like "I believe its STAY away from her you b1tch." Im sittin there like no its not
wasnt the real mastermind who was behind it all, was played by the crazy broad who dressed up like catwoman and tried to sabotage batman returns because she got cast as vicki vale in batman 89 but broke her ankle
I've never played the game but i think i watched my cousin play one or maybe both of them... as yall said it wasnt nothing much rave about. One of the games was so he stopped playing mid-game and never picked it back up.
Which is another reason I like 2 and don't think it's trash. It's got an inventive storyline with a killer with obvious motive (revenge) and it pulls no punches
I think Wes started Scream as a trilogy from the beginning. Which makes it better than some of the other horror movies that try and do the same.
Most times they wait and see if the movie makes money, then go for the sequel.
Kevin Williamson said he had the idea for 2 movies, maybe 3 but I know he had Scream 1 and 2 already. Then he came up with an idea for 4,5, and 6 but of course there is so much crap between he and Dimension studios/Wes, which is why he left Scream 3 and left Scream 4 and won't be back for another if they decide to do it.
Studios always want to mess up things when it's money to be made.
Hitman and Max Payne are both great game series :ibegyourpardon:
Main problem I had with the film was them getting Marky Mark to play a hardboiled NYC cop an he just played himself the whole way through
Robert Rodriguez directed scenes of "Stab," the movie-within-a-movie of Scream 2(1997). Rodriguez directed the Casey Becker scene and the Sidney and Billy scene.