The Children of Upper Class Black Parents - Who do they end up with?

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Exactly. They think they're "safe" hanging with the Lilly vanilly friends... Until they get their nikka moment and all of a sudden they learn REAL quick (if they're smart) or they get on that c00n train and ride that shyt till the wheels fall off. They'll say goofy shyt like...
"I don't talk white I'm just educated"
"I'm not black I'm american"
"Stop sagging your pants and police will respect you!"
And the timeless classic... "What about black on black crime"

They're out of touch and it's sad to see. I'd rather home school my children than put them in an uppity white school (unless I found a very good exclusively black academy for black children).

I hate people who mention black on black crime when talking about white supremacy, black on black crime is a result of white supremacy. When you're forced into ghettos and your community is littered with drugs, high unemployment rates, crumbling schools, poor health care, wtf do you think is gonna happen. :mindblown: And these "uppity negros" never grew up in the PJs or the hood to even understand that. They just come running back to the "black community" for street credibility and when whitey ends that gravy train. This shyt is straight up mental slavery. Blame people for becoming criminals because they're inherently criminals and be surprised with the rates of recidivism. Are you gonna give them a job? I hate that shyt where people point fingers like they care instead of offering actual solutions, especially from our own people, it's disgusting.
May 15, 2015
This is why jack and Jill was created. So affluent black kids could mix and mingle outside of their mostly white environments. I don't know if the problem is as popular today because of integration.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Going to college really shook up my idea on how rich people and "rich kids" act.

What I realized the ones who are not well rounded are usually the stuck up ones, doesn't matter if they are white, black, or if they are from Qatar.

All it tells me is if you let your kids become superficial, you will have a kid who is only attracted to people and things for superficial reasons.

I think a parent lost if he lets his kids be influenced by their friends, you let the kid have fun up to the age of 8, then you restrict play time to the summer, holidays and weekends. At least if they pick a white girl or white boy, at least they are realistic and practical about love and life.
First bold I'd wish y'all dudes stop this shyt acting like because you shook a rich persons hand or saw them for a minute at a party you know what they are and what they do. shyt is silly honestly. Second bold is just wtf hall of fame shyt. Most people even yourself are influenced in ways by your friends and the restricting fun is like that anyway for a lot of kids during the school year anyway. I know it was for me at least. I still could go outside but it wasn't as much as them other periods you mentioned.

Lived in both situations, so I had the privilege to see both sides of the coin and I can definitely confirm from the brothers/sisters who grew up in affluent areas without being around black folks. They get this false sense of thinking they're "above" other black folks and they tend to take their "nikka moments" VERY hard as they truly believe that kumbaya bullshyt. Usually comes with a very boule holier than thou uppity attitude.

The white people know they have money and in order to keep resources away from actually building in black communities they do a very good job trying to brainwash the "token" black people into thinking they're "one of them".

Crazy social dynamics to pay attention to.
Only thing you can confirm is that's what you saw. Its just as many people that saw different stuff so end of the day we all just got opinions. I also dislike how too many people always the special snowflake in these situations. You around all these people that are like this but it has no affect on you though. Online I tell ya.

I also think y'all thinking to fukking hard for daps and shyt. Answer me this which one of y'all were like I'm basing my friends of how much money they have? Probably none but the whites are so next level that's what they doing and the reasons is to keep money from black communities? Y'all nikkas sound stupid as fukk on top of making whites seem like some evil geniuses smfh.

OP these aren't upper class blacks. These are rich black folks.

I grew up in the second most affluent neighborhood in Chicago.....nothing but yuppies and white folks with money. However I married black and dated black. Though one advantage I had is that Chicago is one of the most segregated cities in America and blacks and Latin kids were bused to my high school.

So I was able to interact with black folks besides the couple that were in my neighborhood.

Also my mom (along with my dad) was very specific about me dating and marrying a sista. As a brotha I believe that a mom (or women in their life) has the most influence on a son when it comes to the women he chooses as a mate.

I have ran into countless black men (who were married to sistas) over the years who have said their mother (or aunt or grand mother) would have had a fit if they brought a non black women home.

I think a lot of these rich black folks have traded in their blackness for money.
Bold is something I've never dealt with. That shyt honestly is weird to me. I don't know what I'd tell my parents they told me some shyt like that esp as I got older. I date who the fukk I want period. Even without them saying anything I've only dated black/Latina chicks. Its not that I'm not into whiTe chicks either I'm just into the oTher ones more from a looks perspective and I've never ran into one I liked for a long term relationship when I was single.

I didn't bold it but the last sentence y'all really have to stop that it makes y'all look like some fukking crabs straight up. A lot of rich people trade blackness for money but broke people dint to stay black? That just sounds like haterology 101.

This is also an underlying issue with civil rights advocacy and respectability politics dating back to slavery. The affluent blacks with more access and opportunity (especially mulattos) tend to believe that if we are more respectable, somehow whites will wake up and become humane. This is what happened with the civil rights movement. They choose Rosa Parks (who was a church going, demure lady), as opposed to two black women who's names escape me, because one had an alcoholic father and another was a teenage mother. That's why they also tend to harp on about working hard and being studious while ignoring other factors like crippling schools, unemployment, crumbling housing. They do not understand what it's like to have to join a gang/set to protect yourself, to deal drugs so you don't become homeless, to witness most of your graduating class not make it to 25, to not have any access to anything not just the finer things in life.
Respectability politics is almost as bad as "bootstraps" talk to me. Its just words that try to end. The talk even if,they have truth to,them because white folks might use them. So the fukk what because truth is if somebody against you they don't need your words, my words to say something crazy they'll make shyt up anyway. Its like people don't want "whites" to use their words against them when it don't matter people that hate will hate regardless.

Also that other stuff you talking is excuse talk which when done like this leads to more failure because people have an excuse. I will never say them things you mentioned aren't a factor at all never but its people in them neighborhoods that don't become a part of this and do ok or quite good for themselves. That in itself shows that people have less dangerous options even in those places so all the stuff you mention isn't all there is. There are options and even people on here that come from them neighborhoods that aren't doing them things can be used as an example.
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Sep 11, 2013
OP these aren't upper class blacks. These are rich black folks.

I grew up in the second most affluent neighborhood in Chicago.....nothing but yuppies and white folks with money. However I married black and dated black. Though one advantage I had is that Chicago is one of the most segregated cities in America and blacks and Latin kids were bused to my high school.

So I was able to interact with black folks besides the couple that were in my neighborhood.

Also my mom (along with my dad) was very specific about me dating and marrying a sista. As a brotha I believe that a mom (or women in their life) has the most influence on a son when it comes to the women he chooses as a mate.

I have ran into countless black men (who were married to sistas) over the years who have said their mother (or aunt or grand mother) would have had a fit if they brought a non black women home.

I think a lot of these rich black folks have traded in their blackness for money.
Yeah bringing a white girl back home has always been so alien to me:huhldup:

It might just be a regional thing but the black student body at my college is tight knit. Of course you see the occasional token and it's not like we don't have white friends but the base of our friend groups is straight up black. Multiple people male and female have said similar things like their parents told them don't bring a white person home or at least let it be known they wouldn't love it if we did.


Apr 30, 2012
You guys are insecure as fukk, who cares what they do? How does it affect you in any capacity?


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
Only thing you can confirm is that's what you saw. Its just as many people that saw different stuff so end of the day we all just got opinions. I also dislike how too many people always the special snowflake in these situations. You around all these people that are like this but it has no affect on you though. Online I tell ya.

I also think y'all thinking to fukking hard for daps and shyt. Answer me this which one of y'all were like I'm basing my friends of how much money they have? Probably none but the whites are so next level that's what they doing and the reasons is to keep money from black communities? Y'all nikkas sound stupid as fukk on top of making whites seem like some evil geniuses smfh.

When have i claimed I was a "snowflake"? again I've been in situations of living in a privileged life and having to struggle and I have seen this fukkery with my own self at times as well as my peers. Especially when I was more naive to social dynamics of white people with money.

And you're not understanding the social dynamics of most "token" black folks. It's not about "keeping people down" it's just real talk and something people should be aware of. Idk why you're getting so mad about people discussing social dynamics...

Unless of course we hit a nerve...


Sarranid Bleu
Feb 28, 2015
Upper middle class black here.

Most of us date different races of women growing up but usually marry a black women.


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
You guys are insecure as fukk, who cares what they do? How does it affect you in any capacity?

Its always a good idea to discuss social dynamics and situations to bounce off ideas to be a more well rounded person...

Nobody seems to get mad when people discuss social dynamics in terms of men, women & dating. Why not talk about this?


Sarranid Bleu
Feb 28, 2015
If a black kid grows up around white people, they're more likely to date a white person? :ohhh::dwillhuh::lupe:

For the most part yea, like you said that's what we're usually around. Another thing I've noticed is that at least 10-25% of upper class or upper middle class black girls have a STRICT :mjpls: policy, though they are easy to spot and avoid.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
When have i claimed I was a "snowflake"? again I've been in situations of living in a privileged life and having to struggle and I have seen this fukkery with my own self at times as well as my peers. Especially when I was more naive to social dynamics of white people with money.

And you're not understanding the social dynamics of most "token" black folks. It's not about "keeping people down" it's just real talk and something people should be aware of. Idk why you're getting so mad about people discussing social dynamics...

Unless of course we hit a nerve...
You don't have to outright claim to be anything and unless your stupid I already said how you were implying so in the post you quoted. Also like I said you not the only one and others have different views in that aka why we all just have opinions but yours isn't any more universal than mine.

Also you fukk nikkas gotta stop using that bytch tactic of someone being mad. How am I mad because I responded to a post you posted? We don't know each other or anything for me to be "mad". Are you that insecure that you can only feel good thinking others are "mad"? What a sad way to live fam and no you didn't hit a nerve I just disagree and said why but I'm sure you know that by now token.


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
You don't have to outright claim to be anything and unless your stupid I already said how you were implying so in the post you quoted. Also like I said you not the only one and others have different views in that aka why we all just have opinions but yours isn't any more universal than mine.

Also you fukk nikkas gotta stop using that bytch tactic of someone being mad. How am I mad because I responded to a post you posted? We don't know each other or anything for me to be "mad". Are you that insecure that you can only feel good thinking others are "mad"? What a sad way to live fam and no you didn't hit a nerve I just disagree and said why but I'm sure you know that by now token.



Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
virtual black leather gloves