fukk he doing? 

fukk he doing?![]()
fukk he doing?![]()
To the guy that has a problem with "agenda" you be stupid and only killing yourself cause you not thinking clearly. Whether they are lesbians or not why was this a task for a boy? Its should've been a task for Keisha. Certain scenes they clearly are trying to make a nikka comfortable with certain shyt like that peanut butter shyt with the guy with the shin tzu, that transgender 304. The statement made by Ronnie with old boy. You'd be careless to think they done directly or in directly do that. And ol girl over Chi is lesbo so don't be surprised and to answer ya question.....no I never had to get tampons for anyone including my ex.
I won't go to the subliminal messages with Ronnie and his friend saying how weed feminized nikkas (already studies out there). Stop getting emotional. Many ways Keisha could've been in that. I mean we only seen her in one scene with Emmett at the picnic. Where did she go? That was a task for Keisha. A household where there is only one child maybe but we you have other able body individuals ....a female nah bro bro
I understand that she is a lesbian but it don't trip you out that almost every show now a days has some gay shyt in it and if it's a black show it's either some gay or some interracial shyt. Even at the end of black panther during the closing credits. With that said, I feel there is an agenda going on for sure but that's my perspective. In the rap music you got more effemnized males and in the TV shows and movies it's a lot of gay shyt but that's my opinion.Yall mom's/older female relatives never sent yall to the store for feminine products as youngins?
That scene wasn't nothing about an "agenda" The creator of the show Lena Waithe is gay, but still it's realistic in the black community for a single mom to be lesbian. Yall trip me out on this site bout agendas and shyt