Poole a good shooter, but he try to be curry too much and take reckless shots. He need more Klay in his game. Like he really don’t get that for Curry taking a shot all the way back there sometimes is even more comfortable than taking one closer to the three point line, because literally where he is on the floor does not matter. Spacing is all that matters to him.. He just tries to get spacing from the defender. It’s like Poole doesn’t get that sometimes . Like that’s not what works for you. Meaning that’s not the sole factor that matters for you to make the shot. In the same way that Klay feels extremely comfortable shooting from where he shot last night on the potential game winner but won’t really shoot further back than that because he wants to take shots where he has a higher percentage of shooting. Unlike Curry , his main focus isn’t spacing , it’s picking and getting in his spots, even though of course he still has the confidence that he can shoot from anywhere and fully capable of it. Poole doesn’t understand that either. He literally chucks up shots from Curry range, even though I know it wasn’t too far back, Klay could make or miss that shot and nobody would say it was a bad shot because that’s within his range, but Klay is going to step into that shot to Give himself the best chance of making it because that defender didn’t have time to close in fast enough. Then He will either shoot it straight up, or pump fake if he feels the defender is closing in too fast and shoot once they fall for the fake (which is a strong part of his game and they usually always do). And we talking the second best shooter of all time who can make any shot from half court as well. If you can’t shoot as good as Klay or Steph, why are you not stepping into your shots. That’s why he is a streaky shooter a lot. I know he was on fire at one point too, I’m just saying I bet Curry and Thompson were thinking that same thing.
And again I know he is fully capable of shooting from back there. 100% That’s not even far to him. It’s just that it was not necessary . Be more like Klay. You not Curry