Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
This elimination shyt was 

They was struggling

They was struggling

Bananas pretty much saying the same thingHow the only thing wxciting was tacha cussin out yori for 15 secs and the future clips.
Another zzzzzzZzzzzzz episode.
Got a water challenge and no timer for us no physical touching again cnt even tell if ppl afe winning or loaing jus watchin them jump in water n ride back of a wave runner.
Boring ass elimination watchin them climb these pools non stop. Waychin their knees knock over a pole was the sheer point of excitment.
The challenge was always sumthin diff than survivor or big brother or those america ninja shows but now its jus fallin inline and behind them. No more backstory beefs rivals drama. No more challneges ppl get to wipe oit each other.
Shoot the celebrity all star season was better than this.
We have devin tryin bis best to create drama for da tv even.
Rip road rules real world challenge. Welcome 2 da world this boring shyt
Bananas pretty much saying the same thing
Why is the goal to get rid of Amber though?? I’m still trying to figure out when she was disloyal to him in the first place or when she was ever a threat to his game??Fessy a fukkboi who can’t be trusted but if the goal is get rid of Amber this is the best way he can do it