The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies (MTV) August 11


Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
Shout out to the melaninated sisters on the show.

Josh is emotional keep running up. They need a boxing ring.

Corey and Hughie. They wonder why hetro men consider them h0motional.

Be a grown man with fingernail polish crying to your partner about how much of a goodie goodie you are and vote yourself in because you didn't wanna create a enemy.

Can't get no more gay than that.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
my girl amber b stay shyttin on fessy and i love it :blessed:

josh flying off the handle as usual :russ: and him making the smart call for once :ohhh:!!

that sassy skirmish at the end :laff:

sorry to spin the thread real quick…. But go see Shang Chi breh……. Mouse is unstoppable

MJ Truth

Feb 1, 2015
Yes he knows….. but he just thinks as long as he overtalks someone he’ll always get his way.

Also the fact that he is one of the bigger guys probably plays into that.

If he was Devin’s size, he probably wouldn’t amp up that big
I don’t think anyone there is physically scared of Josh though lol.

From all of the off camera stuff and off season interviews and what not though it seems like Josh is actually one of the most likable people on the show, he just comes across as a bytch when he gets on TV. Which makes sense to me, because if he was like that 24/7 somebody would have been forced to split his wig a long time ago.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I don’t think anyone there is physically scared of Josh though lol.

From all of the off camera stuff and off season interviews and what not though it seems like Josh is actually one of the most likable people on the show, he just comes across as a bytch when he gets on TV. Which makes sense to me, because if he was like that 24/7 somebody would have been forced to split his wig a long time ago.

I’m not saying he win every fight and whoop everyone’s ass

Being that this a safe place…. I’m gonna put it like this

Josh looks like one of them dudes that has “Retard Strength” as it used to be called.

He probably would get his ass whooped, but niccas would have the damndest time doing it that it’s not worth the effort
May 7, 2012
T Dot
Why is the goal to get rid of Amber though?? I’m still trying to figure out when she was disloyal to him in the first place or when she was ever a threat to his game??

It doesn't make sense because its FAKE. I told yall last wk, producers will have josh n fessy fake sum drama for the show. They realize the footage is boring so the producers go to their full time employeez to start sim fake drama. Josh fessy devin kyle. They employees at dis point. They make up fake beef for da camera n dun.

Lije josh really gonna step up and fight fessy. Check all da times josh has screamed and cried and ranting. Has he ever fought ne1 or even pushed. Dont he always mk up nxt day and after season they besties.

Data da diff with the new generation the beef is fake. Og challeneve really was knockin dudes out. Darrell n brad really scrapping. Kenny really dikking down wes' ex

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
It doesn't make sense because its FAKE. I told yall last wk, producers will have josh n fessy fake sum drama for the show. They realize the footage is boring so the producers go to their full time employeez to start sim fake drama. Josh fessy devin kyle. They employees at dis point. They make up fake beef for da camera n dun.

Lije josh really gonna step up and fight fessy. Check all da times josh has screamed and cried and ranting. Has he ever fought ne1 or even pushed. Dont he always mk up nxt day and after season they besties.

Data da diff with the new generation the beef is fake. Og challeneve really was knockin dudes out. Darrell n brad really scrapping. Kenny really dikking down wes' ex

I mean you not wrong about any of that…. But because of that the rules changes with higher punishments also the prize money is ludicrously higher and not worth it to be kicked off and possibly banned.

Hell you see how TJ admonished Corey L at the end of that elimination.

He barely pushed the other gay dude who was in HIS face but TJ was acting like he through a punch

“I NEVER wanna see that again” - TJ

Getting in each other faces screaming is about the best we gonna get and just gotta accept it
May 7, 2012
T Dot
U know how u really know its fake and bs. Rewtach the argument with Josh and fessy. Every1 steps ij yo stop josh right. Look who stopped em. It was Ashleys lil tiny arm. So thaylts what stopped u big guy Ashleys arm?


With tbis much money on da line i 3xpect the cut throats and dirty play to be turned up to a max. Not this quiet polite gm so far.


May 25, 2015
Dying at Hughie giving Corey L the Chappelle "we gay, were suppose to stick together" :mjlol:

And they ended up fighting in the end :mjlol:


Jan 8, 2017
Cap City
Hope someone beats the shyt outta Josh. Dude annoying af. Does he even know how annoying he is? His voice and face is punchable.
I've wanted to see this happen since he landed on The Challenge. Dude was comedy relief on Big Brother but on The Challenge he's fukking insufferable to watch.
May 7, 2012
T Dot
If they wanna mk dis shyt interesting, tell these long time challenge emoloyees to really be bout they alliances n beef.

1st we need cory n nelson 2 stop bein so nice wit fessy. Vote his ass every dayum time n tell every1 2 vote em. Then let that spark kaycee n josh n they side 2 go after cory, annesa n they ppl.

Let da fessy vs ct ish start up again too. And cory n nelson figuring 2 get rid of fessy they charge up ct after em. Worse case 1 big guy is gone.

Need nelsob 2 pick his new girl over ashley and not save ashley. Let ashleh come back n go off n bang 1 of da rookies as pay back.

U can sprinkle in petty devinkyl3 n yori ish in between. And of course nany gonna charge up when ppl go after kaycee cous she tryin 2 protrct fessy


The bubble was fraudulent
May 3, 2013
I've wanted to see this happen since he landed on The Challenge. Dude was comedy relief on Big Brother but on The Challenge he's fukking insufferable to watch.
:mjlol: Even on Big Brother dude almost got himself decked.

He's a habitual line stepper, it's only a matter of time.
May 7, 2012
T Dot
With josh u gettin check his twitter and ig after the season. Hes friends wit every1. Doin parties and reality tv events together. Hes smart he knows what his job is.

This is why real world road rules worked great. The cast had real beefa after living with each other for months on they show.

Also, this cast turnover of 20 new ppl and shyt is wayyy too much. Your killing the natural tension and story lines. You need majority of same cast to come back each time.


Jan 1, 2015
Between the way he runs and the way he throws homeboy looks sweet in the pants lol.

Oh Lord, there was so much that I can’t even remember some of it, but most of it was about her and Fessy’s relationship. And it was a wild ride.

  • She gets asked why she was not there for Ashley the night Ashley had a meltdown over Nelson and Berna, and it was because she was so drunk that she was passed out. There were no limitations to how much they could drink on nights they go out, so she and 7 other cast members got shyt faced to the point they caused tons of drama with the crew etc. and even tried fighting the security guards. When they got home she wouldn’t walk upstairs to her bed, she demanded security carry her up and they went back and forth until security did it for her. She wouldn’t say who the other cast were, but they were so out of control drunk that after that those 8 were not allowed to drink anymore and the rest of the house were put on limitations and punished for what those 8 did, so they were angry now too. She said if you see people just sort of standing or sitting around during bar scenes it’s because they were upset by the new restrictions. Eventually production allowed them all to drink again but it was a 2 drink per person limit after.

  • There were a lot of hookups not shown, and a lot of the cast were hooking up in the bathroom. She said certain girls were giving tons of blowjobs out in the bathroom and she was grossed out by it because she heard one girl gave a guy a BJ while he was sitting on the toilet and that’s dirty to her. She feels if you sign up for a show like this you sign up to be recorded all the time so those bathroom hookups shouldn’t be allowed to be kept secret. She yelled at the camera people for not following people into bathrooms lol.

  • She said the rookies were actually great this season but in some cases the language barrier was hard, mostly for Tracie and Gabo. The show isn’t showing us how hard it was for him because his English was so limited. He could speak well but when he was spoken to, fast etc. he couldn’t understand. He didn’t understand most instructions for challenges etc. so the cast had to try and explain it to him every time. However, she loved him and Tracie, and they were so sweet and kind and gentle. She was sad when Tracie left, said she was the sweetest person.

  • Logan barely spoke to anyone the first few weeks besides Josh because Josh speaks Spanish. Logan felt comfortable with him because of that.

  • Michaela was ostracized before the note thing happened and they used the note as an excuse to send her in. It was nothing personal but no one vibed with her, even her Survivor people. She was going in regardless, and now Amanda knows they made the right choice because she went back and watched her survivor seasons and Michaela is a full threat.

  • The cast finds the episodes boring too and there is actually good shyt they don’t show us.

  • She said Tori is fake so she keeps away from her on these shows and isn’t friends with her in real life. Tori is a chameleon and changes who she with each person she’s around. That’s fake to her and she doesn’t like it. She also Tori has made no impact on the show as a single player.

  • She wants Davonne to come back.

  • She loves Sylvia and speaks to her all the time.

  • She is dying for Shane to come back but he won’t. He has a great job now and his bf and is happy. She did tell him he should consider All Stars because she thinks he would fukk up the bytches on that show

  • She had no idea Fessy was sending Amber into elimination, he told no one, but she didn’t care at all because she had just met Amber.

  • Cast members are always being besties in person then talking shyt behind each other’s backs. She told the house to be up front and don’t be afraid to get people mad, just be real, but people don’t do it because they are scared to upset someone then have to pay for it in a future season.

  • Her son stayed with her best friend while she filmed, not the baby daddy.

  • She doesn’t think she will do next season. She has a real job and kid now plus some people let the show become their life and she doesn’t wanna ever be like that.
Fessy now joins the live after being in her comments.

  • In reference to girls giving BJs in the bathroom, Bettina was one and she gave Fessy a blow job in the bathroom. Amanda puts him on blast for this. He keeps trying to gaslight her and change the course of convo but she isn’t having it. She wants him to explain to us what happened. He starts but she cuts him off because he’s lying. One morning she woke up and went to the balcony, which is over the pool, and she saw Bettina giving Fessy this intense back massage and they were flirting. Amanda threw a fit because she knew him and Bettina had a thing first, and she made sure he wasn’t interested in Bettina before getting with him. Now he’s flirting with Bettina again, so she felt played and stupid because just the night before he fukked her.

  • She admitted her and Fessy were fukking like crazy on her top bunk. He added they fukked I’m the shower too and there is a pole she was holding onto that almost broke because it was so intense. They also almost broke the glass wall to a shower while screwing.

  • Amanda implied a spoiler I won’t post to avoid drama.

  • Josh received a BJ in the bathroom but she won’t say who gave him one. Also, she adores him.

  • Fessy and her kept going back and forth about him not being real and willing to own his shyt. She says he is immature and childish. He kept talking in circles and trying to gaslight her until he caved and told her if she wants to tell the truth then she has to tell the whole truth and not just the parts she wants. It has to be the full story. She then let him know he’s the one who doesn’t tell the truth and lies.

  • Fessy and her are going to Dallas next week together.

  • After the show finished filming she went back home and didn’t speak to him again until the NYC trip last month to shoot aftershows. After filming Fessy and Michelle had a fling, and he went to NJ for a week to see her and she went to Orlando for a week to see him. Him and Michelle were fukking. When they were flown to NYC last month he went a couple days early and was staying with Michelle. Amanda also knew Michelle was staying in Fessy’s hotel room, so she was confused on why one night after they were all partying in Cory’s hotel room Fessy came knocking on Amanda’s door to see her and spend time with her. She called him out on the fact he is fukking Michelle but trying to get with her now. Michelle now was in the live and joined the live. Fessy did not want Michelle to join the live which made Amanda want her to join more. Amanda asked her if they were fukking and Michelle said they were hanging out. This went on for a few minutes but reading between the lines they were fukking. Michelle also called Fessy out and asked why he blocked her on social media. He says he didn’t. Fans let her know he did but it seems he just unfollowed her.
While in Dallas for those boxing fights he came to her and told her he has feelings for her and wants to be with her. Her phone died at this point and the live ended.

I’m sure there was more I missed but so much tea was spilled.