josh such a got damn gump
im team wes but he got outplayed by johnny on this one. at the end of the day you gotta take care of yourself so bananas is making the right move for him. wes gotta take the L. the problem for most of these people is they was so concerned with just hanging around partying in a damn bunker. i woulda been trying to get the red skull day one then laying back the rest of the season. now they all scrambling
The most egregious example of this was the Jay/Rogan elimination. Swaggy & Josh both had a shot to get their skull and both passed on some "I don't wanna beat my friend" nonsense

Now look at em, they gave Rogan a free skull and they're both skull-less and beefin with each other
Josh' imaginary friendship with Bananas is just as real as his feud with Wes

"I don't think I can continue if Johnny goes home

" I don't think I've seen them speak to each other once this season

Bananas forced the issue this week as he should have, time's ticking. Wes could've waited but an opportunity to knock out your biggest remaining Finals competition + get that skull was too good to pass up.
Bananas has to be they heavy favorite right now, every other guy in the house ether struggles with endurance and/or puzzles (Rogan, Nelson, Cory, Josh) or can't swim (Swaggy). Kyle's the only wildcard - he's not great or terrible at anything but that gives him an edge over the dude's with clear flaws.