The CEO Mercedes Mone Appreciation Thread

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
@Art Barr remember when they left Bayley in NXT and announced a women's Evolution!

This is a bad period for me to recount. As I have had a number of boycotts.
Of wwf/wwe programming in my lifetime.
That have been intermittent.
To my intake of ongoing wwe continuity. That I learned from experience. That it is not worth it.
to go back to mine the low number in quality for the wwf/wwe.

Where If i remember right.
i believe this may have occured.
during one of those fake mcmahon pander to the fans for six week.
Then a content direction relaunch and restart.
of the it is not supposed to be good mcmahon.
Change of content from distruntled fan thing.
mcmahon used to pull.
To reel boycott based viewers back in.
Then pull the rug from beneath the viewership moves.
Mcmahon systemically always pulled on the wrasslin fanbase and viewership.

That somewhere in there.
i drew back from watching fcw, nxt, to wwe a number of times.

After big e's dominant nxt reign was downplayed.

When then tried to use nxt numerous times as the wwe indie burial ground. Starting with the original indie hero raid of roh.
To bury the indie heroes who saved wrasslin.
So when they fired dragon for the choke thing.
I stopped watching nxt.

Then I never watched nxt again till big e's reign. If I could get the early fcw to nxt conversion content.
Plus I never had a wwe network pass.
past their numerous gateway viewership wee network original free-free offers
When they took to long.
to up load quality nwa matches.

So somewhere when Seth became the triple h avatar. To start putting on muscle in fcw/nxt. Is when I have beginning disconnect to nxt.

So I never watched none of the nxt women comeuppance.

As I felt watching Becky in nxt at three time. would help bury Becky and eventually most of the nxt talent to be buried.
Where there existed metrics. That could be used to bury them.
So in this era.
I had no idea about Bayley as a performer.

all I knew was indie darling becky. finally made it past the possible burial. To the main roster.

I remember team bad striking ability.
in beatdowns more vividly.
After a certain period of time.
I was so fatigued from wwe programming.

That it became a chore to watch.
Thank the lord for the indy heroes who save wrasslin. The indies, njpw and bullet club for the win.
The good about mcmahon being ousted is. I have had a chance here and there.
to go back and view thinks a bit. So I have seen the female rumble. Where Bayley made her comeuppance.

From basically being an Emma relaunch as a worker. Who had not quite had Their spirit broken like Emma had.
to descend into madness like emma at the time.
So this era of nxt.

I did not support to know who Bayley was.
I did not even read any Keith rants on nxt. As Keith was not a champion of the nwa or the indies. As he was a Canadian wwe bias critic.

So I had no idea about Bayley being an in-house wwe trained performer. at all at this point in history.
Yet I enjoyed Bayley on the main roster.
Plus she has been my dark horse wwe favorite and content mvp on wwe as a female performer.
since mcmahon was ousted.
Bayley right now.
is on a plane that is Incredible to watch. Given wwe's willingness in mcmahon's absence. In regards to her growth on the main roster.

You actually reminded me. I can go back and watch nxt black and gold now. When I boycotted black and gold originally. As I felt it was used as a burial space for the indie heros. Under the guise of the indie guys need to ramp. When I found that to be cap. When the indie heroes were light years better than the wwe in every possible way.

Evident by right now.
The biggest shyt in wwe. Is all invigorated from workers who benefitted from being indie heroes. Who were originally green in house wwe performers like cody.

Art Barr


May 1, 2012







May 1, 2012
I forgot to post this but now I remember. These two broke down Mercedes whole career from a business/ratings perspective. It's wayyy too long, I could only listen for like 15 minutes but they went into great detail about how much of a draw she was on SD! with her segment ratings and how FOX wanted her on their channel. Even in AEW her segments are doing better than what the typical rating is for the timeslot she appears. I don't think the whole thing is just on Mercedes but the beginning definitely was. If you are into the business side of things it's interesting...


El Poyo Loco

Akrassikauda = Black Scorpion
Jul 24, 2015
The 5 Boroughs
I forgot to post this but now I remember. These two broke down Mercedes whole career from a business/ratings perspective. It's wayyy too long, I could only listen for like 15 minutes but they went into great detail about how much of a draw she was on SD! with her segment ratings and how FOX wanted her on their channel. Even in AEW her segments are doing better than what the typical rating is for the timeslot she appears. I don't think the whole thing is just on Mercedes but the beginning definitely was. If you are into the business side of things it's interesting...

I remember this I also remember when JeriCac was going on about being the DemoGod and Mercedes demo came in and crushed the buildings.

Yeah Jericac and the neckbeards(WWE/AEW) was in they feelings