@The Cac Mamba admits Trump's recent policies and statements don't worry him because hes a white man

Should @The Cac Mamba be banned?

  • Yes

  • Why isn't he banned already?

  • I'm a white supremacist sympathizer

  • No, because I'm a c00n myself.

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Hate is Rising, Love is Dying....
Jul 27, 2012
Atlanta, Ga
That's what y'all get for letting this CAC arrogantly show his ass whenever he wants.
Y'all even let him post in the root
Repped. But i can't even neg him because we need more honesty like that from these folks...that and he has over 8000 reps from you c00ns so theres that:dame:...

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
That's all well and good but duke is not on our side. Not down with us. Not cool.

Why is he heeeeerrreeeeeee? just to piss niqqas off?

So why we entertain such?
Breh. no offense . . but we really need to develop thicker skin.

Why is he heeere? At the end of the day breh. its a message board. I WANT opinions from different view points. And im not sure of his other quotes.. just talking about the one this thread was made about. What he said was benign and THE TRUTH.

To me... it seems that we as a people would rather have everyone agree with us in our face, but be ok with them mumbling about us behind our backs.

I would rather somebody give me their feelings straight up whether i agree or not. Then i know where i stand with that person

I also go in not thinking any white person is on our side. If you adopted that stance from jump street then this would be nothing but a hiccup

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
I think that people in here are being obtuse. I like dark humor just as much as the next person but with all humor timing is everything. Him being white, knowing what the Trump administration plan on doing to minorities, knowing he is on a predominantly black site, knowing that people are still on edge after the election and knowing that he has a post record of trolling in the name of Trump, he should have known that shyt won't gonna fly. Him saying that he knows that a Trump presidency won't impact him because he is white is an admission that he has been supporting a candidate that means ill will towards black people and other minorities.......he is admitting this on a BLACK SITE. If this was st0rmfr0nt and I came in here talking anti white shyt I being black would expect backlash.
you're right. the tone of that post was insensitive :yeshrug:thats the bottom line

the bolded isnt true though. i dont support how these racist cocksuckers have been 'celebrating' all over the country. i might have hated hillary, but i never entertained voting for this dude. so as an observer, all i can say that i've seen him accomplish so far is pander to these people. and of course thats a problem, because there is a large amount of white supremacy in his base

but the thread title is, recent policies and statements that worry me. nothing he has said worries me, because it's all bullshyt. the wall is bullshyt. mass deportation is bullshyt. nationwide stop and frisk? its a legal nightmare. its bullshyt. i just dont see it happening, so why should i feign outrage about shyt that i dont find realistic? which goes back to my point that at the end of the day, i do have the luxury of having to worry about it last

enough juelzing from me. it is what it is
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Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
Breh. no offense . . but we really need to develop thicker skin.

Why is he heeere? At the end of the day breh. its a message board. I WANT opinions from different view points. And im not sure of his other quotes.. just talking about the one this thread was made about. What he said was benign and THE TRUTH.

To me... it seems that we as a people would rather have everyone agree with us in our face, but be ok with them mumbling about us behind our backs.

I would rather somebody give me their feelings straight up whether i agree or not. Then i know where i stand with that person

I also go in not thinking any white person is on our side. If you adopted that stance from jump street then this would be nothing but a hiccup

If I was at a random bar and some white dude chopped it up with me and let his views be known then whatever.

If this same white dude been coming to the pool hall around the way for YEARS and he really didn't like black people and he just came to gloat and clown niqqas... well it prolly wouldn't go on for years.

This is my neighborhood kick it spot. There are plenty of other places for people to run they yap at. If you not down with us, why keep coming here poppin shyt?

If that is not clear then I am out of metaphors.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
If I was at a random bar and some white dude chopped it up with me and let his views be known then whatever.

If this same white dude been coming to the pool hall around the way for YEARS and he really didn't like black people and he just came to gloat and clown niqqas... well it prolly wouldn't go on for years.

This is my neighborhood kick it spot. There are plenty of other places for people to run they yap at. If you not down with us, why keep coming here poppin shyt?

If that is not clear then I am out of metaphors.
We can agree to disagree


Oct 31, 2014
Breh. no offense . . but we really need to develop thicker skin.

Why is he heeere? At the end of the day breh. its a message board. I WANT opinions from different view points. And im not sure of his other quotes.. just talking about the one this thread was made about. What he said was benign and THE TRUTH.

To me... it seems that we as a people would rather have everyone agree with us in our face, but be ok with them mumbling about us behind our backs.

I would rather somebody give me their feelings straight up whether i agree or not. Then i know where i stand with that person

I also go in not thinking any white person is on our side. If you adopted that stance from jump street then this would be nothing but a hiccup

Breh I don't get this line of thinking. I don't hangout with people I don't like, I don't go on predominantly white message boards or anything like that. Even when I'm on twitter I'm following people I like. What sane individual chills with people they don't like when they don't have to? There are plenty of hip hop boards that cater to white people and are predominantly white. Why hang here and for years? I don't think we have to just take it and develop thicker skin. No one else does and I'm pretty sure if you go on any other non-black forum and did what these whites on here do they'd be blocked and not tolerated.

Once again I don't get nor like this idea that black people have to accept people acting this way to use and develop thick skin. No one else is expected to do so. Where did this narrative even come from?

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Breh I don't get this line of thinking. I don't hangout with people I don't like, I don't go on predominantly white message boards or anything like that. Even when I'm on twitter I'm following people I like. What sane individual chills with people they don't like when they don't have to? There are plenty of hip hop boards that cater to white people and are predominantly white. Why hang here and for years? I don't think we have to just take it and develop thicker skin. No one else does and I'm pretty sure if you go on any other non-black forum and did what these whites on here do they'd be blocked and not tolerated.

Once again I don't get nor like this idea that black people have to accept people acting this way to use and develop thick skin. No one else is expected to do so. Where did this narrative even come from?
What are we talking about? im talking about the quote that started the thread .

What exactly about that quote is offensive to you? :patrice:

To me.. i see nothing wrong with that quote. :yeshrug:

Because if the racial situations would be reversed i would think the same way. Now if there are other offending racial quotes he has out there then please let me know. i see him on the board but dont really scrutinize his posts.

And its not even about us getting thicker skin. Let me remix that breh.

I am all for outrage at outrageous things. What is outrageous about a white person saying they have white privilege?? If anything its refreshing . he did not lie.

Its damn near impossible to talk to white people about race. you want to know why? they never admit racisim.. or their own racial bias. its always somebody else . He told you straight up he does not have to worry as much about Trump because he is white.

:manny: did he lie?