Nah not at all, I got a brand new car out of it. Hilarious story actually, plus this was early in the M3 life-cycle so they didn't know there was a problem yet, or so they say.
I was driving from Phx back down to Tucson and the engine started making a horrible racket. I didn't notice any loss of power or any white smoke like a lot of other M3 owners reported. Anyway I pulled over and called a towtruck. Dude came out put it on the flatbed, and my dad came to pick me up at the same time. So we're driving behind the flatbed when out of nowhere, the car FALLS OFF THE BACK OF THE TRUCK.
I shyt you not.
So my dad and I are looking around like

. We tell the truck driver, "No offense but, yea we're gonna take the car home and call BMW tomorrow." Somehow, it was still driveable. We call BMW, told them "something happened to the engine and then it fell off the flatbed". Long story short, they first tried to blame it on overrevving and (obviously) tried to skirt out of it

. But it was an SMG so they were ass out

They agreed to replace the entire vehicle and I got to drive BMW loaners for like 5 months without a car payment (

) while they built me a new car. I saw that poor fukked up POS on their lot for sale for like MONTHS after the fact. Still not sure what happened to it.
Because they took care of me, I'm a BMW owner for life.
A few months later, after several hundred M3s had the same issue, they were forced to issue a recall and extend the warranty on the engine rods.