The Black Feminist Starter Pack

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
Why you @ me breh?
:patrice: been awhile since i posted on here but you're @Legacy right? and you used to be talking about how black feminism really started and shyt... if you're not that posters sorry about the tag


May 1, 2012
I meant American black men and American white men.

So American Black men are real men. It's just the women that are out of wack. Makes perfect sense... Sike.

The body is out of order because the head is out of order. There was only one person on that chart born AFTER the 1950s. That was who I was originally talking about in my post. I'm not trying to diss my ancestors. I'm dissing this generation of fakkits we're stuck with.

J. Cole was wishing he had Aaliyah and Sade Adu. Black women wishing for Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, and MLK to come back in style. We got Kaep though. Woke and fine.
That's a lie though. Malcolm would be wrote off as a "hotep" misogynist/sexist and homophobe. Martin would be wrote off as a chauvinistic homophobe as well. If these men were around today a lot of black women would side with white liberals to sabotage and tear those men down. You say that you want these kind of men around all while you willfully contribute to creating environments that produce men that are the opposite. You don't really want Malcolm you want Deray.


In need of assistance.
Oct 29, 2013
No and Hell No
That's a lie though. Malcolm would be wrote off as a "hotep" misogynist/sexist and homophobe. Martin would be wrote off as a chauvinistic homophobe as well. If these men were around today a lot of black women would side with white liberals to sabotage and tear those men down. You say that you want these kind of men around all while you willfully contribute to creating environments that produce men that are the opposite. You don't really want Malcolm you want Deray.
How am I willfully contributing to guys that are the opposite of Malcolm?

Also you're right, we probably don't want men like that nowadays - but if that's the case then its not just black women that feel that way..Its black men that feel that way too, because if yall didnt feel that way then yall would be out there being those men. But yall aren't, which is my point.


May 7, 2012
That's a lie though. Malcolm would be wrote off as a "hotep" misogynist/sexist and homophobe. Martin would be wrote off as a chauvinistic homophobe as well. If these men were around today a lot of black women would side with white liberals to sabotage and tear those men down. You say that you want these kind of men around all while you willfully contribute to creating environments that produce men that are the opposite. You don't really want Malcolm you want Deray.


May 1, 2012
How am I willfully contributing to guys that are the opposite of Malcolm?

Also you're right, we probably don't want men like that nowadays - but if that's the case then its not just black women that feel that way..Its black men that feel that way too, because if yall didnt feel that way then yall would be out there being those men. But yall aren't, which is my point.
Supporting the liberal left agenda that birthed black feminism aka that "strong independent don't need no black man" bullshyt. It's hard to raise to raise Malcoms in a society that demonizes everything he stood for. A single mom isn't going to raise a Malcolm. A bytchass male feminist type dude isn't going to raise a Malcolm either. Malcoms are bred from unapologetically strong patriarchal environments. Black women have brainwashed to believe that patriarchy is evil. As long as black women are actively (working with whites)sabotaging black patriarchy then they're willfully contributing to the creation of the bytchass black men that they complain about.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Stupid thread. Given all that Black women in the US has been through, deprecating them only helps the white supremacists and race soldiers
(Admittedly I did chuckle at a few posts)

Criticizing black women for anti black man actions and anti blackness disguised as feminist hurts white supremacy.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Just added Loneliness

Your are an artist and a scholarship. This exemplifies black feminist entirely.


In need of assistance.
Oct 29, 2013
No and Hell No
Supporting the liberal left agenda that birthed black feminism aka that "strong independent don't need no black man" bullshyt. It's hard to raise to raise Malcoms in a society that demonizes everything he stood for. A single mom isn't going to raise a Malcolm. A bytchass male feminist type dude isn't going to raise a Malcolm either. Malcoms are bred from unapologetically strong patriarchal environments. Black women have brainwashed to believe that patriarchy is evil. As long as black women are actively (working with whites)sabotaging black patriarchy then they're willfully contributing to the creation of the bytchass black men that they complain about.
See this that shyt I'm talking bout..

You need someone to give you permission to be a Malcolm now? Yall always trying to blame shyt on black women. Yes, I'm always going to go hard for women to be able to support themselves. I don't know if I'll ever be cut out for marriage or if the world will ever look like what I want it to look like but I still have to eat and I still have a child to feed. I don't have time to be twiddling my thumbs waiting to get wifed when I could be working on a degree. If that makes me "independent" then so be it. This world as is, does not favor no dependent ass black women. I was born in the wrong environment, wrong color, wrong decade for that shyt.

So no, maybe a "black feminist" isn't out here raising the next Malcolm or King, but how would you even know for one. And for two, HOW does that keep you from raising the next one or even being the next one, and that goes for any black man in general.

Malcolm and King and anyone else that stood for black advancement saw a need and filled the need. They made observations about the world around them and acted on it. I could even understand if you said, we don't have Malcolm's and King's anymore because they're not needed. Blacks already have Civil Rights. That would make more sense then all these excuses and pinning shyt on "black feminists". And then yall try to drag the "liberal agenda" into it? Who gives af about them? Do you really think King and X had the support of the mainstream media?


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
I'm getting a degree in Nursing. Would like to go further and get an MBA or become a Nurse Practitioner. Open my own practice(?) or work under a black doctor. Open up training schools for young men and women that train ppl to become CNAs, Pharmacy Techs, Phlebotomists, EKG technicians. Programs to prevent single parenthood, teach about abstinence, and other forms of birth control. Encourage more afro-centric education for the youth. After school programs, financial literacy programs, etc.

I'm taking things a day at a time. My first step is to get my degree, keep an open mind, READ and engage in discussions like this when I can.

Follow through on this and you'll single handedly bring back legitimacy to black feminism

You can start your OWN political movement started by a black woman, owned by a black woman, that's actually for the empowerment black women.



May 1, 2012
See this that shyt I'm talking bout..

You need someone to give you permission to be a Malcolm now?
It's not about permission. You don't even understand what I said. This is the shut that I'M talking about. People quick to argue when they don't even comprehend well.

Great men aren't just born great. That greatness has to be instilled and nurtured. You can't raise boys neglectfullly in effeminate feminist environments then act shocked that they aren't the strong leader types.

Yall always trying to blame shyt on black women.
No, you sensitive insecure sell out type women are only willing to listen to shyt that you want to hear. You can spin the truth however you want but a child's first and most important teacher is it's mother. That's just a fact of life/nature. If you're mad that you've been blessed with that responsibility then and get mad at God.

Yes, I'm always going to go hard for women to be able to support themselves. I don't know if I'll ever be cut out for marriage or if the world will ever look like what I want it to look like but I still have to eat and I still have a child to feed. I don't have time to be twiddling my thumbs waiting to get wifed when I could be working on a degree. If that makes me "independent" then so be it. This world as is, does not favor no dependent ass black women. I was born in the wrong environment, wrong color, wrong decade for that shyt.
You're not independent tho, that's the "jokes on you" part of this whole thing. You undoubtedly work for some cracker who has a system in place to keep you and your people subordinate to him and his people. We put "strong independent black women" in quotation marks like that because it's a bullshyt fake title. Black women are completely dependent on white people and their system. This is why you're so passive aggressively and sometimes overtly protective of it.

Your attitude/mentality is what I'm talking about. You're on some individual "I'm just tryna do me" shyt and that's exactly how they teach you to think. Individualism is what black feminism teaches black women and that's exactly white liberals cosign it because just perpetuates the status quo which white supremacy/black dysfunction. The irony is that the individualism is masked by fake womanhood:heh:

If you arent cut out to be a good wife then you aren't cut out to be a good mom either.

So no, maybe a "black feminist" isn't out here raising the next Malcolm or King, but how would you even know for one. And for two, HOW does that keep you from raising the next one or even being the next one, and that goes for any black man in general.
Again, black feminism as an ideology is directly opposed to everything that Malcolm stood for. How can a black feminist raise the next Malcolm? According to black feminism Malcolm's teachings and beliefs were misogynistic, sexist, and homophobic. Malcolm wouldn't dare cosign black feminism. He'd have black women wearing burkas.

Malcolm and King and anyone else that stood for black advancement saw a need and filled the need. They made observations about the world around them and acted on it. I could even understand if you said, we don't have Malcolm's and King's anymore because they're not needed. Blacks already have Civil Rights. That would make more sense then all these excuses and pinning shyt on "black feminists". And then yall try to drag the "liberal agenda" into it? Who gives af about them? Do you really think King and X had the support of the mainstream media?
Your emotion is preventing you from having an intelligent discussion here. You're stuck on this "why you gotta blame black feminists?" shyt instead of just taking an honest assessing of what I'm saying. You're not even making sense. What good are civil rights if they're not protected and enforced? We need a bunch of Malcolms and Martins now more than ever.

Take that fake womanhood chip off of your shoulder. fukk the gender war shyt and be honest. The adoption of this black feminist mentality has led black women and the entire black community astray. We're past lost, were deliberately going down the wrong path as a community.

I didn't say that anything was keeping me from raising mine. I'm talking in general. The black community is a lot bigger than my family.