People still in denial maybe? The culture is corrupt and gets its cues from the bottom, when the bottom has more influence no matter what you do it will be on downward spiral. I saw this yearss ago as I was more tied in with a tutor company and some coaching all thru the 2010s, even early 2010s the writing was on the wall, it didnt matter what economic background you came from these teenage boys felt the only way they could earn stripes was to be a certain way. I remember story of cops pulling up at house, I get a call from mother and she work very hard and make GREAT money to have kids with everything they want. Cop tryna talk some sense into them and they tryna act hard like they goons and its like breh, you lived in a gated community all your life, your reality is NOT like brehs from the hood.
It's the culture. It affirms the bullshyt and criminality down to the language. Look in this very thread.
Productive tax paying citizens who are likely out earning the street nikkas in waves are called "squares", bizarrely enough from other tax paying citizens. nikkas try to pretend that it's not, but it's an insult/derogatory term for normal ass people and it's received as much. Proof of that is that nobody reacts positively to it.
But criminals get fluffy endearing terms for their behavior like "Real nikka". Or when scammers & thieves got rebranded into "Finessers". Drug dealers to "Hustlas". Not only are the terms not outwardly insulting but they get constant positive reinforcement through hip-hop. So of course the kids gravitate to what they see being honored. The adults around them show themselves as "fans" for people representing or reinforcing that behavior.
Change requires us conscious folk to seize control of the narrative. Change requires the adults to be adults instead of being lifelong wannabe teenagers and wanna be down ass consumers of this shyt. People need to call lowlife behavior out for what it is and to honor & empower the type of people we really need in the communities. I reserve the term real nikka for honorable honest & hardworking people and give endless props. On the other hand I'm

to the street shyt. But I'm just one person, low vibrational people will just think I'm hating or some dumb shyt because my attitude is vastly outnumbered. The reality is that I'm just being the change I want to see. I challenge any black person reading this to do the same