The Black community is gonna have to put up class barriers if its going to survive in the future.


Jun 21, 2015
Did you really sign into an alt for this @JackRoss?

Sorry I do not "lmao" with racism
I find nothing amusing about racism
Is lying and making shyt up your culture? Gotta be at this point. You bring nothing of value so you lie and assume then try to pass it off as fact. Who owns your island? Answer that one question.


Jun 21, 2015
These weirdos get called out for their bs then scream "WE ARE A CAC!!!!!!!!" Take that loser shyt back to the country your people fled from. How do you build, grow or have unity with lying scary ass "nikkas"? Smh

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Is lying and making shyt up your culture? Gotta be at this point. You bring nothing of value so you lie and assume then try to pass it off as fact. Who owns your island? Answer that one question.

You run away
Syndicated pops up continues the hate
Same kind of hate, a hatred of blk immmigrants and Africa
He about to be banned
You pop back up

Seems fair question
Oct 22, 2017
To be fair, I don't think Dubois was saying that we need hierarchies to create divisions within the black community.

What he was saying was that we need to raise up the talented among us to serve as models for our community to aspire towards.

Ebony, Jet, and Black Enterprise magazines were great mediums for this because they promoted and uplifted talented individuals excelling in their respective fields and brought the knowledge of who they were, what they were doing, and how they got to where they were at to large swaths of our community who would have been none the wiser. They became the faces of the black community and we judged our blackness by those standards.

With the demise of some of these magazines it left a vacuum.

That's when we started to get the Media Takeouts, WSHH, Shaderooms, etc.. filling the void but instead of promoting our best, went the opposite route of promoting the lowest and mediocre among us.

Hence, why we're in the situation we're in today where the young folks have nothing but degenerates to aspire towards.

The black judge and doctor should be living and socializing in the same communities as the black laborer and tradesman. There should be no social separation at all. It is best for black people overall to have socio-economically mixed communities and social spaces.

It's only when certain elements in our community becomes destructive when social barriers and divisions should be put in place.

Unfortunately, we've been high past that point.

And just so I'm clear, there should not be class divisions. However, the line should be drawn against destruction and degeneracy.

this what dubois thought about the black community:

the greatest step towards ending the tension between negroes and whites is to prove the civilization of the former. there needs to
be a correction of the immorality, crime and laziness among the negroes.

a model for successful integration of the negro in american society involves: monogomous nuclear family organization; temperance and orderliness in behavior, including thrift and internalization of disciplined work habits; favorable disposition towards formal education and training in the ways of being civilized; establishment of class heirarchy within the community

poor negros are inefficient, unfortunate,
and improvident. in habits of personal cleanliness, food and exercise, colored people are woefully deficient.

every group has its upper class, and just as it is true that a nation must be measured by its slums, it can only be judged by its upper class.

these are the parameters along which dubois felt the black community should be divided:

Grade 1. Families of undoubted respectability caring sufficient income to live well; not engaged in menial service of any kind; the wife engaged in no occupation save that of house-wife, except in a few cases where she had special employment at home. The children not compelled to be bread-winners, but found in school; the family living in a well-kept home.

Grade 2. The respectable working-class; in comfortable circumstances, with a good home, and having steady remunerative work. The younger children in school.

Grade 3. The poor; persons not carning enough to keep them at all times above want; honest, although not always cnergetic or thrifty, and with no touch of gross immorality or crime. Including the very poor, and the poor.

Grade 4. The lowest class of criminals, prostitutes and loafers.

as we see, grade 4 is who now stands at the forefront of black representation in modern society. the idea that this has always been the case is a lie.

Apr 3, 2014
Better than being a cucked, dirty, poor, illiterate useless African.

And chill talking down on white people they made your people what you are without them you'd still be on a poor dirty island, or in Africa begging them for help.

Lmao y'all nations have to run to the white man or Asian for assistance can't even go to your African neighbors cuz they are just as useless as the rest.

:mjtf: :wtf:


American Freedman
Nov 29, 2019
  • Collective assets held by Black banks is less than $9B.
  • All Black businesses combined generate only around $200 billion, less than Elon Musk's net worth alone. Elon musk could buy every single Black business and bank and still be one of the wealthiest people in the world.
  • Black folk do not control any industry, not even the music and sports industry where we have great influence. Everyone else but us control these industries, thus control our image.
  • Black education rates/grades are abysmal compared to other groups. Even well-to-do Black folk have poorer grades than non-Black groups in the same cohort. Don't even try to @ me talking about your individual case either, I am speaking in terms of the collective, not individuals that are outliers. The average is what matters here.
  • Black folk do not control the resources nor do Black folk have much influence over resources. (There are finally 2 Black members in the board of Governors within the FED, so that's good but they are obviously limited. There is more that needs to be done to alleviate Black wealth issues.)
  • Black top 1% = $350,000. A lot of this wealth was generated and maintained by baby-boomer Black folk.
  • Etc..

nikkas have no idea about how this world functions and just be saying shyt just to say shyt.

Y'all gonna set up a class divide while already living in white suburbs, and when you do live in all/mostly Black neighborhoods we don't elect the county commissioners who appoint county specific assessors that determine our property taxes. I posted a thread showing assessors increasing our property taxes while keeping white property taxes unchanged or lowering them. (How the hell do Black people make up only 3% of county commissioners when we are 14% of the country? Asians have more county commissioners at 7% in the country.)

Y'all nikkas don't understand what you don't even know. You just want the image of power, not actual power. In here just giving out the most bland talking points imaginable.

"White folks don't care about the rednecks in trailer parks"

Those white boys get all types of government checks/grants/etc., and guess what? The average white boy in a trailer park has more wealth than the average poor Black American ($10k-$15k vs Black folk $1). And the same sort of disparity exists at all other wealth brackets.

This thread is chock-full of faux-superior, dumb nikka babble.

Last edited:

Roger king

May 24, 2022
It shouldn't be up to brothers and individual citizens to help the hood, that's what the government and taxes are for, the government should invest in this neighbourhoods with community centers, start up job programs and apprenticeships


Nov 18, 2016
ATL - Cleveland Ave.
  • Collective assets held by Black banks is less than $9B.
  • All Black businesses combined generate only around $200 billion, less than Elon Musk's net worth alone. Elon musk could buy every single Black business and bank and still be one of the wealthiest people in the world.
  • Black folk do not control any industry, not even the music and sports industry where we have great influence. Everyone else but us control these industries, thus control our image.
  • Black education rates/grades are abysmal compared to other groups. Even well-to-do Black folk have poorer grades than non-Black groups in the same cohort. Don't even try to @ me talking about your individual case either, I am speaking in terms of the collective, not individuals that are outliers. The average is what matters here.
  • Black folk do not control the resources nor do Black folk have much influence over resources. (There are finally 2 Black members in the board of Governors within the FED, so that's good but they are obviously limited. There is more that needs to be done to alleviate Black wealth issues.)
  • Black top 1% = $350,000. A lot of this wealth was generated and maintained by baby-boomer Black folk.
  • Etc..

nikkas have no idea about how this world functions and just be saying shyt just to say shyt.

Y'all gonna set up a class divide while already living in white suburbs, and when you do live in all/mostly Black neighborhoods we don't elect the county commissioners who appoint county specific assessors that determine our property taxes. I posted a thread showing assessors increasing our property taxes while keeping white property taxes unchanged or lowering them. (How the hell do Black people make up only 3% of county commissioners when we are 14% of the country? Asians have more county commissioners at 7% in the country.)

Y'all nikkas don't understand what you don't even know. You just want the image of power, not actual power. In here just giving out the most bland talking points imaginable.

"White folks don't care about the rednecks in trailer parks"

Those white boys get all types of government checks/grants/etc., and guess what? The average white boy in a trailer park has more wealth than the average poor Black American ($10k-$15k vs Black folk $1). And the same sort of disparity exists at all other wealth brackets.

This thread is chock-full of faux-superior, dumb nikka babble.


Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
Rich and middle class white people do not help “white trash” people

Why should rich and middle class Black people have sow loyalty to help “ratchet” Black people?

Seeing a broke white person will always be weird to me with all the privilege they have (John will get the job over Jamal 99% of the time).

I have 0 time, respect or tolerance for hood dudes, ratchet women and all that bullshyt. I’m trying to become a millionaire.

We need to stop glorifying and normalizing these clowns. And start supporting those of us trying to get paid legally and doing positive things. And to applaud classy women, not trash chicks - including famous ones.

Is it realistic that things will change? Well, to stop violent people you need to be more violent as a deterrent. To stop hood rat chicks you need to stop making the trash behaviour they display desirable.

We need our own media.
We need politicians looking out for us.
We need to be able to influence the police.
And many more things.

But yes: we need clear hierarchy.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Rich and middle class white people do not help “white trash” people

Why should rich and middle class Black people have sow loyalty to help “ratchet” Black people?

Seeing a broke white person will always be weird to me with all the privilege they have (John will get the job over Jamal 99% of the time).

I have 0 time, respect or tolerance for hood dudes, ratchet women and all that bullshyt. I’m trying to become a millionaire.

We need to stop glorifying and normalizing these clowns. And start supporting those of us trying to get paid legally and doing positive things. And to applaud classy women, not trash chicks - including famous ones.

Is it realistic that things will change? Well, to stop violent people you need to be more violent as a deterrent. To stop hood rat chicks you need to stop making the trash behaviour they display desirable.

We need our own media.
We need politicians looking out for us.
We need to be able to influence the police.
And many more things.

But yes: we need clear hierarchy.

The ultimate mission of the boule,white supremacy but in black face. We humbly reject your heiarchy,and especially the foreshadowing to genocide:respect: