I'm not gonna post this in the other place, but I'll post it here to just kinda get it off my chest.
The race of his wife - irrelevant, I don't know why it's even a thing. I mean I do, but I'm just surprised that it's still a thing to some people. Other than that, who cares.
The rape case on the other hand? As someone who spends a lot of time with words for a living, the wording throughout this media push/pre-apology tour has been worrying to say the least. I understand that he was
cleared of all charges, but based on the lengthy, lengthy, original Deadline article that painstakingly describes the case beat by beat and even his own words (specifically, the careful but clear omission of the word "innocent" by Nate himself, every time) this may be one of those cases where cleared and innocent aren't the same thing.
I think the man made a mistake, a pretty bad and possibly heinous one, when he was a kid. I don't want to get too deep and talk about the culture of trains and stuff because I think any level-headed person would know that it's something that a few do and something that really isn't cool, even with perceived or explicit "consent" from a girl, but I find myself at a point where I'm on the fence.
At what point does a past mistake truly stay a mistake from your past?
Essentially, I'm asking, at what age do the things you do in your formative years start becoming a reflection of the man/woman you are as an adult?
I don't know Nate Parker, but I would like to think the college Nate Parker who did or did not rape a girl isn't the Nate Parker who made this film. I do think the crime he committed was bad - horrible, but the young adult who made that decision isn't the full adult who made this film. Unlike say, Roman Polanski, who was a fully formed, decision making and influential adult man who committed sex acts with a minor. He was well beyond the "I was a dumb kid, I didn't know what I was doing." age.
I dunno.
I completely and wholeheartedly understand he disgust that women have for his actions - I can't imagine waking up from a semi passed out state to find two people on either end of me (PAUSE!
), and they have the complete right to feel that way...
I don't even know what point I'm trying to make. I'm not trying to make one. I just wanted to get that out lol
shytty situation overall, I guess.