The Brave and the Bold >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The Batman was very hit and miss. Through out season one through three - it would strike out, but every once and awhile it would hit a home run. Then season four came around and I think there was only one episode that season that could be considered filler ("The Everywhere Man").
That season you got Robin and Harley Quinn coming into the mix, the episode with The Dark Knight Returns, two cool episodes that featured villains that were made up for the show (Francis Grey and Rumor), Penguin's Injustice group episode, an epilogue to Ethan Bennett's Clayface, and to top it all off: Batman, Robin, Batgirl, and Martian Manhunter all teaming up to take on The Joining.

Bat fans ate good that season.
Season five was alright, but not the standards of season four IMO.