The average income of African American males between 20-59


May 24, 2022
Yet most are though. Knowledge builds on top of itself. Humans are pattern recognizing machines.

Willing to also say the same case is for von Neumann if you look underneath the hood.

What Von Neumann did was engage in abstract reasoning - something goes beyond noticing patterns.

Like many truly great minds - he had to go beyond the data, beyond what was in front of him.


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
I'm just at the point where I'm tired of wearing down my body at jobs. My side job is physical too plus I'm working out when I can. Just doesn't feel suitable. Appreciate you breaking it down like this breh
I definitely get that. It's just the idea of commiting to one industry or skillset and be set for life has been dead since deindustrialization. Most people are going to have to pivot at least once or twice in their career life. Sometimes it's a small pivot, sometimes it might be a whole career change.

The end game of all companies is to reduce the labor force as much as possible so therefore we're going to have to change over the course of our working years one way or another to survive.
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Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
What Von Neumann did was engage in abstract reasoning - something goes beyond noticing patterns.

Like many truly great minds - he had to go beyond the data, beyond what was in front of him.
I agree to disagree here, many great minds were great with first noticing the patterns via observation. Can't recognize what you don't know.

You can't solve a remedial Math problem if you don't know what M stands for in PEMDAS. You'll have a dang near impossible time in Calculus if you don't recognize the Power Rule for Differentiating. Most of Calc I, Calc II and Differential Equations is basically a bunch of pattern recognition problems. I save so much time in my Microelectronics II course because when I look at a circuit I can see "That part/stage is just a Cascode or Current Mirror". Taking the time to memorize these things will make for a far far easier and quicker time in the long run. Even just memorizing the Laplace Transform right at the start when introduced to it and forcing oneself to recall it from memory saves so much time and does so much more than having to constantly reference back to it.

Regardless, we're still only talking about getting these STEM degrees and there's a very streamlined process for that. Grind problems.

There's no reason to overthink this unless you can't do it.
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Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
I totally agree with the stats, which is formidable from an individuals perspective. And I won't go into why businesses fail, it's usually undercapitalization...

But we're talking about millions of Black men, since desegregation until now.

Moreover, failing at starting a business does not mean you can't ever be an employee ever again. (looks at resume)

If everybody at the Coli started a business, most would fail.
Some would succeed, and there would be a net increase of Black employers, which would undoubtedly help the community.

Seen this BS before.

I hate this dude, him and the rest of Black Bread Tube. Especially the cat always screaming about "Black dollars don't exist". Sociologists should not be speaking on macro-economics.

These folks, FD, Ill Bill, Foreign Man in a Foreign Land along with their right wing counterparts Yvette Carnelle, Tone Talks - want black people to deal with less. They're as bad as Black Preachers promising Heaven after Death....

If I gotta bet on Black people becoming capitalists, or all of white society becoming Socialist/Communist, I know where I'm putting my money.
Black capitalists won't save the ones under them

They'll exploit them just like white capitalists do to their poor counterparts


American Freedman
Nov 29, 2019
Gotta disagree here. Regurgitation is not understanding the concepts.

That's basically what the "Super Asian" student is optimized for, and that's what Elite Universities, and subsequent Elite Jobs - are trying to avoid.

Thinking is bigger than just pattern matching.

Going back to my various Asian Co-Workers in various industries - this mentality is often why they failed to handle problems well, or fail to rise within the industry.

There'se some old adage about when we can turn something into a number, then the number loses significance. Because people will always jook the stats/game the system. (which is what As Ams do)

Very little of any job is reading and recalling though.

Yes, it's a weed out process, because the job is "easy". At the same time, STEM employers want more H1B Visas (Indians from India and Asians from Asia have taken the "learning for the test" mentality to the utmost) to lower the wages for Native Born workers...

Moreover, this advocating more Black people in STEM, and to do so the Asian way - misses some of the human factors as well.

Not to get too philosophical, but that approach to education misses the point of education.

I agree.

I majored in physics and my professors stressed to us not to focus on memorizing. We would come to "memorize" the equations because we understood the physics. They stressed that so much to us I apply it to every subject outside of physics to this day.


Jul 21, 2012
Escondido California
Oh shut the fukk up. There are a million ways to make money out here and 10 million subjects to teach yourself about on the internet (for free) to increase your job skills. We would rather be one social media.

I knew somebody would come on with the excuses...
I hate when mfs be making excuses about some outside entity stopping blacks from______ . I grew up knee deep in the crack era, (mom smoked it, dad sold it) even as a kid I knee it was a decision they made themselves. Both were educated and gainfully employed and decided to go that way. The white man or whatever " oppresive Boogeyman" never knocked on the door and made them do that shyt. Shyt was fukked up for my sister and I and we had it worse than most for a time period. My granny came and got us and never let us use our fukked up parents or some faceless entity as an excuse to fail. I remember dudes who chose to thug it out or aspired to be dope boys, they didn't have to. The vast majority of them chose that shyt. Same thing with hip-hop was no secret nefarious meeting designed to push negative things we as kids/ consumers chose it. Conscious rap and gangsta rap existed and thrived together once upon a time. Until WE chose so called gangsta rap overwhelmingly over Conscious rap. Which led us to the race to the bottom in Hip-Hop.

Coco Loco

The Chocolate One with the Gold Cuffs
Aug 10, 2012
I definitely get that. It's just the idea of commiting to one industry or skillset and be set for life has been dead since deindustrialization. Most people are going to have to pivot at least once or twice in their career life. Sometimes it's a small pivot, sometimes it might be a whole career change.

The end game of all companies is to reduce the labor force as much as possible so therefore we're going to have to change one way or another to survive.

YES!!! This is what a lot of people feel they shouldn't have to do or are afraid to do.