Arrow is so bad right now. It has been all season I just never believed it until I really sat down and though about the last episode.
From Felicity being all up in the video and being fukking dimwitted and selfish to the Arrow team just getting more and more crowded to Darhk's motives to Merlyn still being alive. These writers gotta break some hearts and cut some people loose. What happened to villain of the week? What happened to the solo stories? Oh that's right, they killed off Waller.
I'm not even worried about how they're going to end the season (it's probably Queen Thea or Diggle in the grave, only real options) I'm worried about what's going to happen next season. Green Arrow has one of the worst rogue galleries out of DC. Deadass they've introduced everybody in his rogue gallery worth mentioning and have been dipping into Batman's for some time now. If they keep doing that I might quit the show.
The quality has dipped immensely the more they pander to their female audience. Felicity is such a terribly written character.

There's a long list of female characters that are written badly. Bad decision making and poor acting and Emily Brett/Felicity is another one on the list. It's so petty to write that the female character thinks more about herself than her husband's recently introduced son he didn't know about. Women don't think like that in reality. Felicity was one of the better written female characters among superhero shows (Sky on Agents of Shield was awful in season 1) and it was refreshing to see a smart, beautiful girl be quirky and be smart. They dumbed her down, made her selfish and into a prop. That's awful and they should be ashamed of themselves.