here we go with the bag talk

should post my whole portfolio to show u i really do this nikka, i made a few mill off amc twice nikkas know me in the coli stock server for calling 50-200% plays back to back to back before they happen, ive held amc shares for months before the last squeeze, im the original ape nikka lower your tone, sold damn near at the top both times, i aint sit in it and bag hold for months, i moved onto other plays and made way more money than sitting in a stock that has barely moved in months and if amc squeezes again ill buy moreshares right back in there and make more money without the same wait time and stagnant moving as you nikka , im a real momentum trader cuz dont talk money with me you still a meme nikka, i wasnt even being disrespectful to you calm all that hot shyt down, you can talk crazy however u want this shyt will NEVER sniff 800k not even 10k a share
i didnt say market cap had anything to do with the squeeze im comparing the wild difference and how much money would have to flow through the system to make this possible... every stock on the market is worth 100 trill collectively u talking bout 408 trillion for one... u think the sec gon let that go down ?
this has a 0% chance of ever happening, cause simply they will shut amc down before it gets anywhere near 800k and change the regulations
sec has already suspended meme pushes in the past and said they will do it again if it gets outta hand
U.S. securities regulator suspends trading in three more 'meme stocks'
u think they gonna let this shyt go to 800k
they'll turn amc off for a fukking year if they have too the system isnt designed for retail traders to all become millionaires
just because something is theoretically possible doesn't mean it has a chance of happening
not here to get into a screaming match im here to give u perspective
when this shyt squeezes if the synthetic share shyt is true and they arent offloading them slowly every hour to prevent a huge price change then we'll all eat but whenever u eat too much what happens

be responsible sell in hundreds POSSIBLY the low thousands if that synthetic shyt collapses... dont let the sec step in and u dont have your money out