A trilly has left the market in the past 5 days. Go to any news finance site and the headlines say it all, domino's still falling in China, American hedges are seeing outflow in the billions, Blue chips are dropping (led by Netflix). Any tech stock they are advising to sell the bounce.
Crypto shytting the bed, Banks downsizing, literally the great reset as we called it back then. Potential war popping off. We spoke about all of this months ago.
Its only the beginning. We saw this a 100 miles away. Either you have the resolve to ride, or you can cut your losses now.
I'm riding! Some of the earliest posts in this thread spoke of them shorting it down to unimaginable lows. I'm riding for a squeeze. But have no problem going long and passing this off to my kids. They can't take either company to zero.
Its doing what we said it would do. The world is where we said it will be. Nothing has happened to make me want to change course. Everyday I look for reasons to sell. The only thing I keep finding is uncertainty. Nothing factual.
Institutions are doubling down on AMC almost zero sales.