Its not an AA-only thing. I can think of direct equivalents in terms of how people interpret the meaning of plenty of ethnicity. People act like there's a science to defining what "Arab" means for example and end up finding themselves in knots. Ethnicity is not science and changes over history, even as distinctions are developed. Its not a controversial statement. There's a reason why even though this forum has expended 100000 of topics to this subject, it still can't reach consensus.
It's not hard to see why its easy for second and third generation anglophone Caribbeans with similar ancestry in the States, to be assimilated into the AA category. Its a real grey area not an invented one.
In the bold lies the gray area though, that was mostly fabricated from non aas or AA's who are largely inept in understanding their own history or culture.
For those in the know, there is no confusion and trying to find a
general consensus is missing the point
You either know or you dont. A lot of cats dont
Whether your 2nd,3rd or 4th gen. You will never be AA unless you fuse bloodlines with the children of afram ancestral descendants. Its as simple as that
And that will go to offspring not you