Tell us about weird *** kids you knew in high school. I have stories.


Can’t move with me in this digital space
May 1, 2012
Weirdest kid was probably this guy named Ryan. In Elementary he got caught having sex with his sister in one of the schools empty rooms :gag: That was the end for him cause from there throughout middle school he'd would get picked on relentlessly.

I remember in English all the girls would giggle at him cause dude would be sitting at the front of the class sneak jacking off then smelling his hand.

One time the girls in class wrote him a anonymous love letter, then at lunch crushed his incestuous heart.
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
when i was in HS

i had a broken arm with a cast on past my elbow..

durin class i was gettin out of my desk and i fell.. everyone laughed :snoop:

we had 4k stundents at my HS.. was all outside (CA).. during passin periods/lunch

people would throw half open gatorade bottles randomly.. i never got hit.. but when you see someone randomly get hit by a flyin bottle of ble gatorade fukkin up their clothes :dead:

best friend throught out elementary school/middle school was laughing HYSTERICALLY at me one day when we were talkin i was :what: he told me he was on shrooms :dead:


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
Okay i can think of another.

There was this guy name Chris in My 8th Grade class. Chris was one of the smartest kid in our class. i'm talking the type that would memorize the an article on the war of 1812 or a explanation on Dark Matter and could regurgiated that shyt right back to you word for word. Well we all had assigned seats A-L on the left side of the class and M-Z on the right side. we were all in science class one day and where Chris sat there was this fire extinguisher. so we all doing these classwork assignments in Mrs Acosta Science Class. Chris pulls the fire extinguisher nozzle apart and proceed to suck the nozzle (no homo). Everyone stop doing what they were doing and looked directly at Chris like :wtf: :wtf:. So chris had been doing this for weeks and Ms Acosta couldnt understand why. so one day i'm coming upstairs from P.E. and i see the social worker and Ms Acosta talking she asks him

Ms Acosta: Chris has been acting unusual, Why do you think he is acting the way he is acting?"

The social worker says: chances are he is imitating what he sees at home.
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
i went to the bathroom look over and this kid is takin a shyt but omehow the door was open and there was no toilet paper and all these kids were throwin shyt at him and just laughin etc... d

the dilemma that kid was in :dead: dont know how it ended but that was some of the cruelest shyt i ever seen


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
Weirdest kid was probably this guy named Ryan. In Elementary he got caught having sex with his sister in one of the schools empty rooms :gag: That was the end for him cause from there throughout middle school he'd would get picked on relentlessly.

I remember in English all the girls would giggle at him cause dude would be sitting at the front of the class sneak jacking off then smelling his hand.

One time the girls in class wrote him a anonymous love letter, then at lunch crushed his incestuous heart.



⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
one story comes to mind i wouldnt call it weird but............ i was in high school and

There was this guy that would always wear this hoodie(never knew dudes name): rain, sunny, snow,etc. this same black affliction hoodie. anyway he had a sister that gave the image that she was innocent and nice but you all know in high school rumors and mess spread like wildfire. I found out that she was getting trains ran on her in vacant classrooms. So one day this dude Corey is in the lunchroom and this guy with the black hoodie (we wound up giving this dude the nickname of grim reaper) walks in the lunchroom mad as hell. so he comes at us on some superficial gangsta bullshyt "which one of yall nikkas fukk my sister" Corey standing there like "this nikka right here" facial expression.:rudy: Now for those who are reading the story Corey was kinda like a Comedian and look exactly like Chris Bosh just shorter so he was known for cracking jokes. Corey looks Grim Reaper in the face and " say nikka.... everybody". Grim Reaper response with a whole lot of machismo and "say what" "what" on some stone cold shyt. Son turn to me and im trying to hold back from laughing he turn to Corey and like "fukk that shyt son, let's fight" Corey like "dog im not bout to fight you, for what?"

I guess anger got the best of Mr Afflicition Hoodie and he pushed Corey. Breh these two proceed to squabble now im standing there like "yall dudes chill man yall know the principal suspend both yall with an heartbeat" because the principal was suspend people for anything around this time. At this moment there was no getting thru to either one of them they exchanging blows in the middle of the lunchroom and brehs Grim reaper swing this looping right hook that would've made Joe frazier shed a tear and missed

Corey leans back and move forwar and hit this dude dead in his chin. BLAM.

This nikka Grim reaper Fell forward. and all you could here was this loud ass dunk as dude head hit the floor. That stills sticks to me this day cause i've never seen no one get k.o like that.

word has it his sister is still doing the same shyt.


Jan 13, 2013
Weirdest kid was probably this guy named Ryan. In Elementary he got caught having sex with his sister in one of the schools empty rooms :gag: That was the end for him cause from there throughout middle school he'd would get picked on relentlessly.

I remember in English all the girls would giggle at him cause dude would be sitting at the front of the class sneak jacking off then smelling his hand.

One time the girls in class wrote him a anonymous love letter, then at lunch crushed his incestuous heart.


Cory MBA

Bigger Picture
May 4, 2012
In junior high, girls used to always slide me letters in the hallway, in my locker, on the bus, through one of their friends. :mjpls:

One girl gave me a love letter but she was dating one of the craziest thugs in the city. He wasn't necessarily a fighter but he rolled deep. :ufdup:

I rolled solo with no crew but was cool with everyone....streetwise, sportswise, academic-wise...I did all three.

So anyway...I am on the bus after school with my head turned to the back of the bus just talking....this dude starts talking behind me :pacspit: and I turn to look...and homie straight snuffs me. I fell into the seat. :damn:

I get up about to fight but his cousins all said that they can't let me fight their crazy cousin and held me back. I would have won. But homie was upset that his girl slid me a love letter. :umad:

So I said we will just fight tomorrow. So I get off the bus and go home like 'I might die behind this, this dude will not fight a fair one'...even if i win, i will have to fight his crew until one of us is taken out of the game permanently. His crew had an arsenal of Tech's and Nines...a real crazy crew. I couldn't win in the long-run. But I knew there was nothing for me to do but face it. :to:

About an hour after getting home from school, someone rings my doorbell. My mom goes to answer the door. I'm like :sadbron: it's time to get this over with. I tell my mother to go in the house...and i will be right out to answered the door. I go down to the basement and looked around for a weapon....all i could find was a hammer. I put the hammer in my back pocket and answer the door. :comeon:

There is homie riding on the handle bar of the bike while his best friend was pedalling. I say what up.....with my hand on the hammer in my back pocket.

This dude apologizes and says he doesn't want beef with me.....:wtf:

I have no idea why the chain of events reversed course like saved my life would not have ended well. :whew:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
From Reddit:

There was a perverted ginger kid in my class in 8th grade. Let's call him Marvin. Marvin was a pure redneck, he wore a camo jacket and was always hunting, fishing, or shooting his rifle. Marvin was also a stoner and alcohalic. He smoked weed outside of school, and drank every weekend. Now I bet most of you are picturing Marvin as a large, beefy motherfukker. Marvin was a little less than 5 feet tall. He was scrawny and pale. Despite this, he was extremely flirty, but extremely creepy. It was well-known that he had a huge dikk, ten inches erect. He showed random girls dikk pics for attention. He used to bring horny goat weed to class, as well as magnum condoms. One day, he was staring at the inside of his jacket during class. Everyone assumed he had took a pill before class, and was probably high. After getting a closer look, we realized that he was watching shytty porn on his cell. He was whacking off under the desk.


Chasing The Dragon
Jun 17, 2012
Above The Clouds
me and 5 of my elementary friends were at school like 2 hrs early walkin around fukin wit shyt

we sit on this bench near our soccer field

they start pickin on me on some fukkery shyt cuz i had glasses so im always the first to catch that ether than everyone else after me lol but way my nikka Obi Owmewuka ..he is african and ill nvr forget his name

my nikka had a fukin flatop the sharpest flattop ever

so we sittin on the bench talkin sht and a :troll: bird straight skits on Obi's flattop i will nvr forget cuz it looked like when u fry a egg and the egg yoke runs towards the end of the pan looool shyt started drippin off his flat top

and the nikka aint even notice it we fukin buggin out nikkas cant even breathe and he thinks we laughin at his jokes towards me

nikkas like a bird just shyt on u

ngg was like ohh fuk and threaten to kill us if we told

and u dont lie to africans dem nikkas r spiritually crazy

anyway that nikka got fukin deported back to africa or some shyt that was my nikka man

after my childhood crew fell out i nvr formed a real one...there was always a void :wow:

Obi i see u nikka :wow:


May 27, 2012
when i was in HS

i had a broken arm with a cast on past my elbow..

durin class i was gettin out of my desk and i fell.. everyone laughed :snoop:

we had 4k stundents at my HS.. was all outside (CA).. during passin periods/lunch

people would throw half open gatorade bottles randomly.. i never got hit.. but when you see someone randomly get hit by a flyin bottle of ble gatorade fukkin up their clothes :dead:

best friend throught out elementary school/middle school was laughing HYSTERICALLY at me one day when we were talkin i was :what: he told me he was on shrooms :dead:

You from daygo?:ohhh:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
I went to school with a kid whose dad was a CEO of an extremely large national company... Won't say what company for privacy reasons, but all of us have used it or spent money with this business... This guy is a good friend of mine now but before I knew him, I thought he was weird as fukk, always saying weird, random things in school... At the end of senior year I found out that this dude would eat 80 Robotussin gelcaps before school and he would be tripping his face off during school, which explains his weirdness...


I wish I had an excuse like this to explain my weirdness. :snoop:


Chasing The Dragon
Jun 17, 2012
Above The Clouds
i got another story about me
too many nikkas in here actin innocent

one time when everyone was at recess i was hella mad cuz i got suspended from recess for 2 days and on those days i was class soccor and a mini field day

i plotted my revenge oh i did

i waited til noone was in the bathroom

got in a stole

shytted in front of the tiolet

then took all the tissue and put it in the toilet

and didnt flush

i went to the sink pretended to wash my hands some kid came in and was like ooooooooooo he ran out got like 4 teachers and like 15 kids came n the bathroom as all of em were comin in i walked out like the joker from the dark knight leaving the hospital :troll:

imagine the mind fukk

boy sitted on the floor
put all the tissue in the tiolet but didnt flush
how did he miss the tiolet shyttin but was able to put the tissue in the tiolet
and now that i rememer i did piss before i shytted so thats even worse

now i feel bad cuz the janitor was prob made to clean it up :(

side story

u always see it in movies but i knew a kid who used to eat ants grasshoppers worms all that shyt