Tell us about weird *** kids you knew in high school. I have stories.

Uptown WaYo87

May 7, 2012
in JHS there was two retards who use to fight each other all the time. They use to go hard tho, like blow for blow and everyone in the schoolyard use to watch like :dwillhuh:..i mean they were full blown retards blasting each others face like arturo gatti and micky was crazy


We Wavy
May 1, 2012
50East/Sacramento, CA
Remember in Sixth grade we went to the High School pool down the street. We had this dude who was talking shyt to everyone all day. Everyone knew he wasn't going to graduate so we just let him have his time until he shytted his pants while we were walking back to the Elementary School. Then, we let him have it :russ: Dude was so :sadbron: I never saw him again after that day nearly 20yrs ago.


Apr 30, 2012
Dade County
not a funny story but i went to school with this kid in high school who was heavy in the church but he wasnt right in the head. everyone called him shrek cause he was fat with huge bug eyes but it was obvious he was slow. he was weird though because every single day he had to have a piece of paper folded into a triangle everyday in his hand. he wouldnt let that paper go worth shyt. so of course my buddies made him cry a few times cause theyd run and snatch that triangle piece of paper off his hand. again not a funny story but it was so odd. to this day i see him around the hood and he has on church clothes with that same triangle folded piece of paper in his hand. no clue why that piece of paper HAD to be folded into a triangle and clutched into his hand.


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
well i can remember this dude in my 4th grade class name Jamell. Jamell was a smart dude but he was timid as fukk, little dude would cry for the littlest things. the thing is Jamell wore hand me down, bill cosby sweaters and busted ass mr rogers looking loafers. One day we sitting in class and guys start ribbing him. I could see little teardrops forming in dudes eyes on some R. kelly shyt "why cant y'all leave me alone" so i told these dudes to leave him alone. Little did i know a fellow friend told me that Jamell started the whole exchange. So a couple of months past and this is around Christmas Time. Teachers Playing Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire and all these old ass Christmas songs. We were assigned class projects on the holidays , me being an natural artist the teacher wanted me to draw some shyt for the holidays (normally i wouldn't but she said i would get extra credit so i was like :damn::krs:). Anyways the rest of my peers were indulge in coloring & gluing cotton balls to these Santa Claus cutouts. A couple of days past and we were all sitting in the class studying french with the french teacher Mr. Cisneros (we called him Mr. C) and brehs there was this odor you wouldn't believe. :gag: Now in my mind im thinking damn the french teacher fukking stinks! :huhldup::wow::sadcam: My Teacher name was Ms Moore Sprayed the classroom with Febreze and lit one of those french vanilla candles to get rid of the odor....................................................

Breh the odor stayed. So she says " it must be a dead rat or something in here", "Class i want yall to remove all books and belongings from inside your desks and place them underneath your chairs." One by one she made her way to each individual student. she got to mine and didn't find anything. she got to my homie desk and didn't find anything. So she finally gets to Jamell's desk and she pulls all the stuff because he hadn't fully remove everything in his desk...only to discover this nikka had piss and shyt in the cotton ball bag.


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
I went to school with a kid whose dad was a CEO of an extremely large national company... Won't say what company for privacy reasons, but all of us have used it or spent money with this business... This guy is a good friend of mine now but before I knew him, I thought he was weird as fukk, always saying weird, random things in school... At the end of senior year I found out that this dude would eat 80 Robotussin gelcaps before school and he would be tripping his face off during school, which explains his weirdness...




⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
This was outside of school but we knew this kid from around the neighborhood that went to our school and this dude was nuts. We lived close to a really busy street and cars are always flying past there. This dude used to get on his bike and fly right across that street with his eyes closed while letting his hands go of the handle bars and scream to us, "no hands! No eyes!!" This nikka would do this EvERYDAY for like a week and everyday we'd tell this nikka a car was gonna mash his ass. One day like normal routine we outside blowing trees and here this nikka comes, "no hands! No eyes!!" And BOOM this white nikka on a dirt bike runs right into this dude :lolbron: bruh the sound that came from them two crashing into each other was :ohlawd:
This cracker gets up off his dirt bike ready to kill this man but as soon as he stood up he quickly fainted back on the ground. This little ugly mothrrfukker on the ground crying cause he broke his arm :lolbron:

Couple years ago we outside smokin and he comes up to us on his bike out of breathe. We don't ask him why he out of breathe cause we don't give a shyt so we chilling like its normal and out of nowhere a GANG of like 7th graders come around the corner and one of them screams, "there he go!!" Breh it was seriously like 18 of them. They all lookin like little babies and shyt compared to us. We look around like :dwillhuh: and this duck ass nikka's like, "oh shyt they found me!:damn:" And he clears it on the bike, straight took the fukk off. No bye, no nothing. Just gone. We like :pachaha: at this point. Come to find out he got into beef with this gang of little fukks at the park playing basketball :beli:
I don't know if they ever caught him :manny:


Ricky Church

Stole Timberlake's Spaceship-Coupe
May 9, 2012
Hudson County N.J. [Jersey City 201]
in 4th grade had this foreign exchange girl from China, and she didn't speak a word of English.
kids used to make fun of her cause they said she wore a diaper, until one day I joined the band wagon and started making fun of her, then one of the other girls in the class, the "teacher's pet" narc'd on me and I had to apologize to the bytch. :laugh:

had this one chick in 9th grade, that smelled straight up like period every god-damn day, and she would get cut up daily, cause she was a butch stank bytch. :gag:
one day we sittin' in Spanish class and she was getting made fun of, so she flipped the fukk out on everybody, so I say to her "you mad, cause they told u, u stink?" and she started flipping out on me, had to hit her with the "Fishy, Fishy" song and the had the whole class join in on singing the song too. shyt was hilarious.

this one bytch in 6th grade was disgusting as fukk, she used to come to school every week with new scabs, and then she'd pick em' and eat em'. nobody fukked with her on a friendship level.:huhldup:

this Filipino chick in elementary school used to pick her nose and eat her boogers all damn day, and everyone wondered how she could make so many boogers on a daily basis, we was probably in 3rd or 4th grade.:russ:

I was more wicked than weird in kindergarten, I used to get in trouble all the time for talking during snack time or quiet time, and I'd have to sit in the corner near the teacher's desk for punishment, so every time I was in time-out I'd piss on myself so the teacher would have to clean it up, I'm talkin' piss everywhere. had the whole class smelling like a NYC alleyway.
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Ricky Church

Stole Timberlake's Spaceship-Coupe
May 9, 2012
Hudson County N.J. [Jersey City 201]
this one cat in H.S. was tall as hell and we called him "Curly" even tho he had straight permed hair.
dude was the captain of the b-ball team and had mad bytches, a couple years after HS, my home girl told me he got his dikk sucked by one of the gay nikkas that wore a wig and hung around the block where the school was. :snoop:
last I heard he was dating one of my exes cousins from back in H.S. :manny:
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I Lord Justice

All Star
May 4, 2012
well i can remember this dude in my 4th grade class name Jamell. Jamell was a smart dude but he was timid as fukk, little dude would cry for the littlest things. the thing is Jamell wore hand me down, bill cosby sweaters and busted ass mr rogers looking loafers. One day we sitting in class and guys start ribbing him. I could see little teardrops forming in dudes eyes on some R. kelly shyt "why cant y'all leave me alone" so i told these dudes to leave him alone. Little did i know a fellow friend told me that Jamell started the whole exchange. So a couple of months past and this is around Christmas Time. Teachers Playing Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire and all these old ass Christmas songs. We were assigned class projects on the holidays , me being an natural artist the teacher wanted me to draw some shyt for the holidays (normally i wouldn't but she said i would get extra credit so i was like :damn::krs:). Anyways the rest of my peers were indulge in coloring & gluing cotton balls to these Santa Claus cutouts. A couple of days past and we were all sitting in the class studying french with the french teacher Mr. Cisneros (we called him Mr. C) and brehs there was this odor you wouldn't believe. :gag: Now in my mind im thinking damn the french teacher fukking stinks! :huhldup::wow::sadcam: My Teacher name was Ms Moore Sprayed the classroom with Febreze and lit one of those french vanilla candles to get rid of the odor....................................................

Breh the odor stayed. So she says " it must be a dead rat or something in here", "Class i want yall to remove all books and belongings from inside your desks and place them underneath your chairs." One by one she made her way to each individual student. she got to mine and didn't find anything. she got to my homie desk and didn't find anything. So she finally gets to Jamell's desk and she pulls all the stuff because he hadn't fully remove everything in his desk...only to discover this nikka had piss and shyt in the cotton ball bag.

:what: Why?