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How long is going to take for the public and more importantly, regulators, to start being more loud about the fact that so many of these new fangled tech companies from the last 5 years were nothing but VC pump and dumps similar to Initial Coin Offerings in the Crypto industry? Except these are lot worse because there's a connection to real money, real banks, the real economy, and people's livelihoods. Look no further than Clubhouse, Wish, or anything Adam Neumann has been involved with for examples of this. Nothing but fugazi valuations, companies that are completely fukking useless (or exist nothing more as an answer in search of an actual problem) - who wins? The VCs and everyone else involved .
When the company's M.O. is "scale to infinity" and their answer to when they'll be profitable is "we need more funding" I think we're in trouble.
VC's like Andreeson need to be locked up , and they should be forced to return all of the money they have scammed and pilfered
Not to mention the way they fund companies (be white, male and from stanford, harvard or berkeley). They’ve figured out the recipe for success! Just fund all white males from harvard and boom.
VCs need to disappear from the face of the earth. Never have I seen a more insufferable group of smug, know it all a$$holes