I mean if we're being real, Indians are already heavily deep in the tech sector.
This is not a new development, it's just one that mediocre white people have had to run up against.
So it's not that they *WILL* be signing checks, it's that they ARE, RIGHT NOW.
Look at the leadership in the tech sector and look at the people attending high powered universities.
I can go to UCLA or USC and I will literally bump into someone who is Asian
(Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc.) with VERY little effort.
Please understand that it's way, WAY to late for that and that we're already in those stages where the
white reactionary has to deal with being middle of the road as fukk. You go in right wing spaces
all you see is a bunch of whining and crying about how "There aren't white children STEM!".
Yeah, go fukking figure, you fukks (Blue AND Red) decimated the American educational system and
continue to push for privatization and higher educational costs.
From there you completely turned STEM, that isn't Engineering or Medicine into a poorly paid LOCAL idea factory.
So what happens to the best and brightest? They go into industries where they DO NOT have to PRODUCE, just SEEK RENT.
Wall Street and all of those different pathways (QUANT Funds, Hedge Funds, Private Equity, MBB etc.) are notorious for scraping
people who would've been Scientists, Physicists, World class Engineers etc. in the past. Now they just develop highly sophisticated
ways to legally rob instead of fukking rockets or Artificial Intelligence.
The knock on effect is Black Americans are entering an increasingly hostile educational environment that leaves
them indebted and financially destitute before they can even start their professional lives.