Teacher gives insight on urban schools.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
A quick story about an all black elementary I went too.

In the 6th grade I had this teacher name Ms.Crosby. She was a known teacher, we all knew about her, all the kids said she was coo, but she didnt play. She resembled Oprah of all people, and wore big ass sunglasses. At first, I was afraid of her, cause I knew she was NOT playing with kids, however, I noticed the kids that came out her class were smarter and more discipline, which is EXACTLY why I didnt want her at the age of 11 when I wanted to fukk around, and the white teachers were easy to fukk with, so I wanted Ms. Nutter (yes that was her name, fat white lady who was extra soft :pachaha: ). Anyways, first day of school I get my paper and guess who it says....Ms.Crosby. I'm like fuuuuuuuuu. So we get into class, and we sit down, bam, she comes in super stealth, we all gasp and pause. Even the most clown of us all got quiet. A lot of the kids older brother/sister had her, so the stories already echo'd the clas. She sits down, bam, she already knew our names, she had been spying on us since the 5 grade last semester, apparently she would request the bad kids. Now I didn't think I was that bad, but I looked around class and yea, it was what I would have considered the popular kids, aka the class clowns aka bad kids :pachaha:

So she starts talking to us in a calm smooth voice, ALL OF US were quiet. I just remember she kept talking about "my chocolate childs this, my chocolate children that, you beautiful brown this and that" I thought it was kinda cool actually. No teacher had ever called us beautiful before. Now that I'm older, I know what she was doing, she was setting a motherly authority with us. Slick on her part. Anyways month goes by and we were learning, if he didnt bring your homework, you came to class like this :rip:, cause not only did she make you do it in class, she would clown the shyt out of you for the whoooole day. Have the whole class just look at you like :damnlol:. She had a slick mouth, and you couldnt say shyt to her, I dont know how we became so afraid of her, but at the same time loved and respected her. She taught us a lot about black history, heck the majority of our history section WAS black history. She read us To Kill a Mocking, gave us tests on black inventors, I had never seen anything like it. :wtf:. She would tell us shyt like a black man invented the gasmask and we'd all sit there like :wtf:. She even said she was going to take us on a trip to washington dc. Don't get me wrong some kids tried to test her, but she wasn't having that, she just gave nikkas 'the look' and mufukkas froze. Ms. Crosby didn't play that shyt. Anyways we come back from Winter Holidays and Ms. Cosby didnt show up. She was gone. That was the last time I had ever seen her, apparently she had a heart attack and retired.

Here's where shyt gets crackin. So first day of school after we get the bad news, guess who walks into the room. Some sucka ass cac with a ponytail, tight ass pants, glasses, no hair on top, yes he had a pony tail with no hair on top. So this dude starts yappin about where he taught, where he from, he gets along with urban youth, and we lookin at him like :heh:. We were pretty restraint the first day, but the second day hahahaha.... it was off and crackin (the worst thing Ms.Crosby did to him was put us all in one class, so now it was like the allstar bebes kids def comedy jam squad) we started testing that nikka soooooo bad. By the third day we started throwing paper at his back when he'd turn around to write on the chalk board, nikkas was walking out of class to just chill. Fights would break out in class. He walked out of class a few times, yelled a gang of times, gave us the silent treatment for a whole day lol and eventually he never came back. Every day a new cac teacher would come, and every time it would be their last day. It became almost like a game. I lost half of my 6th grade second semester just based off teachers leaving, they didnt want no part of us. This wasnt even deep in the hood like Watts, this was actually Baldwin Hills, which is considered the black beverly hills in LA :pachaha:. We had some folks from the jungles (projects) about half the school, anways back to the story. SO eventually they hire this black woman, Ms. Walker. She wasnt no Ms. Crosby, in fact she was kinda soft and a little corny, but for whatever reason, we didn't disrespect her the same way we did the cacs. I dont know what it was, but she basically told us "Im not a sub, Im here to stay" so I guess we felt like since it was a REAL teacher, we werent going to drive her off like the subs, and she could get us expelled, so we behaved.

Anyways I just felt like sharing that story, because I had noticed a pattern, in fact, now that I think back, I dont think we ever smashed on any black teachers growing up, ESPECIALLY not any of the Black men (I had just 3 growing up). My english teacher in the 11th grade (the white and hispanic school) was a younger black dude, he was coo as fukk, whenever he needed an assistant he'd call on me (only black dude in the class) and if I raised my hand he'd always pick me first. He was kinda just like "I got you brotha". I remember one time he tried to form a African American Club in the school, like the jews and hispanics, and that shyt flopped, didnt NONE of us show up. He was asking me to recruit I hit him with the :chiefkeefnah: :pachaha:


Jun 18, 2013
Orlando, FL (Winter Park Area)
My best friend is a teacher, who teaches at an urban elementary school. She tells me how its hell on earth there. From the administration to the students and the parents. The kids are loud, not well behaved, and plain wild. People are scared of administration (Principal) cause she is a bytch/beast (and she is black).


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Whats funny is, I went to a predeomintely black school at first, and it was like this. I think we need to mix schools up, but of course whites will protest to this.

this is pretty bad, and I do remember it being like this.

:whew: she went in.




Go Dawgzz!!!!
Jan 9, 2013
A quick story about an all black elementary I went too.

In the 6th grade I had this teacher name Ms.Crosby. She was a known teacher, we all knew about her, all the kids said she was coo, but she didnt play. She resembled Oprah of all people, and wore big ass sunglasses. At first, I was afraid of her, cause I knew she was NOT playing with kids, however, I noticed the kids that came out her class were smarter and more discipline, which is EXACTLY why I didnt want her at the age of 11 when I wanted to fukk around, and the white teachers were easy to fukk with, so I wanted Ms. Nutter (yes that was her name, fat white lady who was extra soft :pachaha: ). Anyways, first day of school I get my paper and guess who it says....Ms.Crosby. I'm like fuuuuuuuuu. So we get into class, and we sit down, bam, she comes in super stealth, we all gasp and pause. Even the most clown of us all got quiet. A lot of the kids older brother/sister had her, so the stories already echo'd the clas. She sits down, bam, she already knew our names, she had been spying on us since the 5 grade last semester, apparently she would request the bad kids. Now I didn't think I was that bad, but I looked around class and yea, it was what I would have considered the popular kids, aka the class clowns aka bad kids :pachaha:

So she starts talking to us in a calm smooth voice, ALL OF US were quiet. I just remember she kept talking about "my chocolate childs this, my chocolate children that, you beautiful brown this and that" I thought it was kinda cool actually. No teacher had ever called us beautiful before. Now that I'm older, I know what she was doing, she was setting a motherly authority with us. Slick on her part. Anyways month goes by and we were learning, if he didnt bring your homework, you came to class like this :rip:, cause not only did she make you do it in class, she would clown the shyt out of you for the whoooole day. Have the whole class just look at you like :damnlol:. She had a slick mouth, and you couldnt say shyt to her, I dont know how we became so afraid of her, but at the same time loved and respected her. She taught us a lot about black history, heck the majority of our history section WAS black history. She read us To Kill a Mocking, gave us tests on black inventors, I had never seen anything like it. :wtf:. She would tell us shyt like a black man invented the gasmask and we'd all sit there like :wtf:. She even said she was going to take us on a trip to washington dc. Don't get me wrong some kids tried to test her, but she wasn't having that, she just gave nikkas 'the look' and mufukkas froze. Ms. Crosby didn't play that shyt. Anyways we come back from Winter Holidays and Ms. Cosby didnt show up. She was gone. That was the last time I had ever seen her, apparently she had a heart attack and retired.

Here's where shyt gets crackin. So first day of school after we get the bad news, guess who walks into the room. Some sucka ass cac with a ponytail, tight ass pants, glasses, no hair on top, yes he had a pony tail with no hair on top. So this dude starts yappin about where he taught, where he from, he gets along with urban youth, and we lookin at him like :heh:. We were pretty restraint the first day, but the second day hahahaha.... it was off and crackin (the worst thing Ms.Crosby did to him was put us all in one class, so now it was like the allstar bebes kids def comedy jam squad) we started testing that nikka soooooo bad. By the third day we started throwing paper at his back when he'd turn around to write on the chalk board, nikkas was walking out of class to just chill. Fights would break out in class. He walked out of class a few times, yelled a gang of times, gave us the silent treatment for a whole day lol and eventually he never came back. Every day a new cac teacher would come, and every time it would be their last day. It became almost like a game. I lost half of my 6th grade second semester just based off teachers leaving, they didnt want no part of us. This wasnt even deep in the hood like Watts, this was actually Baldwin Hills, which is considered the black beverly hills in LA :pachaha:. We had some folks from the jungles (projects) about half the school, anways back to the story. SO eventually they hire this black woman, Ms. Walker. She wasnt no Ms. Crosby, in fact she was kinda soft and a little corny, but for whatever reason, we didn't disrespect her the same way we did the cacs. I dont know what it was, but she basically told us "Im not a sub, Im here to stay" so I guess we felt like since it was a REAL teacher, we werent going to drive her off like the subs, and she could get us expelled, so we behaved.

Anyways I just felt like sharing that story, because I had noticed a pattern, in fact, now that I think back, I dont think we ever smashed on any black teachers growing up, ESPECIALLY not any of the Black men (I had just 3 growing up). My english teacher in the 11th grade (the white and hispanic school) was a younger black dude, he was coo as fukk, whenever he needed an assistant he'd call on me (only black dude in the class) and if I raised my hand he'd always pick me first. He was kinda just like "I got you brotha". I remember one time he tried to form a African American Club in the school, like the jews and hispanics, and that shyt flopped, didnt NONE of us show up. He was asking me to recruit I hit him with the :chiefkeefnah: :pachaha:

Had 3rd grade teacher(ms. Carter) 8th grade teacher (ms.Dunbar) and 12th grade (Mrs. Johnson)...all 3 of these women had the whole school shook. But they made it their damn business to make sure we didn't come out no dumb nikkas. You can get a decent education anywhere it all depends on how willing you are to learn on your own @cfountain know what I talking about :blessed:

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
um, I saw the white kids get bullied pretty often, she aint lying nikka. I feel sorry for white kids in predominately black schools, they're practically lamb around wolves. them kids should not be attending urban schools, Timmy is going to get fukked up.

after I left the black school, I went to a school with mostly whites and hispanics, and none of them nikkas tested me, right off the bat they figured I'd throw them hands at the drop of a hat. and I wasnt even that type of nikka. a nikka would bump me in the hall way and be like :whoa: :smugbiden:
at the black school it woulda been like :pacspit:

why yall nikkas tryin to front right now. :pachaha:

man shut the fukk up

i went to a high school that was over 95% black and nobody picked on white kids

you don't hear about black kids bullying other kids into committing suicide


Wavy Like A Lake
Apr 30, 2012
Had 3rd grade teacher(ms. Carter) 8th grade teacher (ms.Dunbar) and 12th grade (Mrs. Johnson)...all 3 of these women had the whole school shook. But they made it their damn business to make sure we didn't come out no dumb nikkas. You can get a decent education anywhere it all depends on how willing you are to learn on your own @cfountain know what I talking about :blessed:

Sent from themz swamps & bayous using trapatalk teezie.
I miss em bruh. Good teachers that demanded that effort.

I still cant speak on how Mrs. Johnson clowned me tho:wow:

Life altering:damn:

They were asking me the rest of the day "you okay man?" "what did she say when you got inside the classroom?" I vowed I would never speak of it again:sadcam:

straight blindsided me:no: it seemed like she was sitting on it. waiting for me to slip. that wasnt some top of the head stuff she pulled. I was literally standing in the middle of the hall like :dwillhuh:
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Jun 8, 2012
I went to all private schools in my life so I honestly can't relate to this thread.

that wasn't my choice either...that was all my family's...

even though I was probably one of the few black students in those schools, I atleast got a good education.

Maybe that's the reason why I'm so out there, everywhere, and nowhere at the same time.


Frozen Flames Goddess
Jul 19, 2012
Goddess power
I stopped skimming on the Blacks are loud remark.

Racist whites and their obsession with Blacks. They couldn't keep their noses out our asses if it could save their life. They feel like every difference they can find is a negative for us, yet Blacks are NOT the most hateful, Blacks aren't blowing up schools and mass murdering innocent children, Blacks aren't projecting their fears and insecurities on them or others, and Blacks for dayum sure aren't killing others as a result of these fears and insecurities. And the sad part is, racist whites take pride in their ignorant and fear fueled sterotypes.

I went to an all white school and it was not a party, and I'm not saying I endured racism, but Blacks and Whites ARE socially different. I didn't come out of my shell until I was transferred to an all black school in middle school. That transfer was the best, THE BEST, thing to happen for me. I saw life and people differently. White people are truly delusional. They shout their bull and cosign it too.


Go Dawgzz!!!!
Jan 9, 2013
I miss em bruh. Good teachers that demanded that effort.

I still cant speak on how Mrs. Johnson clowned me tho:wow:

Life altering:damn:

They were asking me the rest of the day "you okay man?" "what did she say when you got inside the classroom?" I vowed I would never speak of it again:sadcam:

straight blindsided me:no: it seemed like she was sitting on it. waiting for me to slip. that wasnt some top of the head stuff she pulled. I was literally standing in the middle of the hall like :dwillhuh:

Mrs. J said I wasnt gonna amount to shyt and said I'd be sellin' that shyt at the beginning of the year :to: . I was pissed and determined to prove her wrong and by the end of the year she said she was proud of me on some lean on me type shyt.


:beli: But I was going to college anyway.

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