Teacher gives insight on urban schools.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
People actually cosigning that racist troll drivel is what's got me perplexed. I read it, it was funny in a sort of chappelle un-pc cartoony way because I can't imagine anyone seriously thinking so simplistically about race, it's like the over-the-top "white people do this vs black people do this" you see repeated from hack comics, I like to joke around on the racial humor tip so I read it with a smile, but people actually taking that mess seriously is scary to me. That speaks volumes where a lot of so-called black folks heads are at. We got a lot of nikkas still plugged into the matrix and it's sad.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
People actually cosigning that racist troll drivel is what's got me perplexed. I read it, it was funny in a sort of chappelle un-pc cartoony way, I like to joke around on the racial humor tip so I read it with a smile, but people actually taking that mess seriously is scary to me. That speaks volumes where a lot of so-called black folks heads are at. We got a lot of nikkas still plugged into the matrix and it's sad.
Sorry, but you're not doing your children any favors by exposing them to the environments found in these "Black" schools.

The OP is a racist forward that I've seen plenty of times but really, "Black" schools are that toxic.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
Sorry, but you're not doing your children any favors by exposing them to the environments found in these "Black" schools.

The OP is a racist forward that I've seen plenty of times but really, "Black" schools are that toxic.

I went to black schols from K-6, in Atlanta Georgia. :usure: A little bit of what he said had some truth to it, especially on the black kids on the conformity tip. When I was growing up, rap was entering its height so everyone was trying be thug.That rap shyt is annoying, but that's what was promoted. Now, you're more likely to see black kids into other things because it's accepted now, but whatever point the author was trying to make was ultimately nulled by the cartoony simplistic racist views that showed just how much of an ass he really was. If I ever have the chance to have kids of my own, I'm raising them in black schools and white schools, I'll let them decide which one they prefer.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
let me rewind that back real quick.

and your opinion on the problem is......

Let me rewind to my first post that u quoted.

"All it says is we need more black people teaching black people....positions o authority don't automatically get u respect from black people unless u police....in fact we more likely to rebel against it if it feels like you are trying to abuse it....sum people are just natural born leaders and most teachers are just not that....entire education system I say needs a overhaul,blacks an whites shouldn't be taught the same way or taught all of the same things....not even just by race,but class should play a part in what u learn in school. I'm just sayin if you were to get a job in a different country you may be required to take a class to defend yourself from being kidnapped or what t do if u do get kidnapped ...different envioronments,different environments and cultures require different techniques"

After this post u basically called me ignorant and said I didn't know anything and accused me of only blaming white people....even though I basically said the exact same shyt that you said,think u got so busy defending white people it threw your reading comprehension off,or maybe your white school and black school failed you in general since you couldn't spot that racist propaganda from a mile away that you first posted:laff:...probaly to keep white folks make sure to never allow there schools to be mixed...you want schools to be mixed and your posting the very propaganda that's probaly being used to combat that:laff: I find it funny actually,that you fell for the okey doke with your "intelligence"....let this be a lesson to everybody else,a wise man once said "just because its white don't mean its right":russ:.
Jan 14, 2013
I also think more black men should pursue a teaching profession specifically to help our youth directly. coaching is not enough, that's an hour or 2 a day. we need something that is full time, which is school. lots of kids are fatherless, direct contact with black youth through a paid profession can be beneficial to the new gen. we need the men to step up and fill the void, Im not saying take care of other kids youth, but invest more time in them.

This also this article is obviously a troll.

I've seen white men & women act worse than freed farm animals and people of my own race article themselves in such a way that even the queen would look like a street bum.

Nevertheless I do believe we need more guidance in the community aka more black brothers & sisters helping the newer generation because in this age of young baby daddies & even younger mothers, these kids are growing up with no clue of upper education or how to maneuver in real life situations since their parents or sometimes grandparents never got to that part in life before getting pregnant or succumbing to violence. We gotta show them that being smart isnt something to ashamed of and you dont have to be about that life like some many of these cookie cutter rappers to have that nice life that you see on these trash ass music videos.

The first frontier is education of course because i feel personally that what can take you the furthest, then comes companies that hire, cloth or feed our communities then everything else.


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
This same thing was posted a few days ago but the tone of the thread was completely different.

OP co-signing this bullshyt is weird as hell, too. You could've easily brought about the topic of urban schools and the environments you've probably taught or mentored in (idk your resume besides the chinese teacher thing) without posting it.


May 1, 2012
IQ among poor blacks is too low to end any of this shyt. The only way to get black kids in poor areas to behave is to bring back corporal punishment which will never happen in liberal PC 2013 America


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
Sorry, but you're not doing your children any favors by exposing them to the environments found in these "Black" schools.

The OP is a racist forward that I've seen plenty of times but really, "Black" schools are that toxic.


White schools are not the answer though, a lot of black kids who went to the same predominantly white high school were on the same tip as the black kids who went to all black schools, a lot of them just kept to themselves. A lot of black students fell off by the time senior year rolled around because they couldn't transition, I didn't because I've always been an observant loner which worked to my benefit and I eventually graduated on time. Looking back, I probably could have been a straight A student if I wanted. I was stuck on that bullshyt, but even then I could bring my D up to an A if I needed to. I was what some would call a coaster.

I don't know how much being surrounded by whites is really going to help, besides from knowing how to interact with them. Most of your education foundation starts at home:yeshrug:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
People actually cosigning that racist troll drivel is what's got me perplexed. I read it, it was funny in a sort of chappelle un-pc cartoony way because I can't imagine anyone seriously thinking so simplistically about race, it's like the over-the-top "white people do this vs black people do this" you see in comedy acts, I like to joke around on the racial humor tip so I read it with a smile, but people actually taking that mess seriously is scary to me. That speaks volumes where a lot of so-called black folks heads are at. We got a lot of nikkas still plugged into the matrix and it's sad.

I wouldn't co-sign her pre se but most of what she said about classroom behavior is not unrealistic or fabricated , she just made a lot of blanket statements about black children ,and tried to do them in humorist type of way to hide her racism and make it slightly more comfortable for readers to get through which at at least for me failed considering she had these type of views being a teacher , i worked for last 5 years in urban schools anything from elementary & middle and have worked with H.S students too , most of the schools i worked here anywhere from from 60 % to 95 % black in some of the most fukked up schools u can imagine .

Am break down a few points she made.

One of the most immediately striking things about my students was that they were loud.

Very true, if your weak teacher this can be :why: if your a female teacher WHITE teacher your fukkED , am guy and am not white so i never had these issues but had to be extra tough to earn there respect, kids will not respect white women i have seen teachers quite after two weeks because of this, matter fact its my opinion that your doing black kids a disservice by putting them with a weak white teachers, this thought was co-signed by my fiance who is a high school teacher , she works in a semi different environment her black kid ratio is 20-40% and took a teachers training course one time during the summer where the speakers spent an hour teaching teachers how to deal with and educate "young black males"

Anyone who is around young blacks will probably get a constant diet of rap music. Blacks often make up their own jingles, and it was not uncommon for 15 black boys to swagger into a classroom, bouncing their shoulders and jiving back.

true also, but again see point #1 .

Black women love to dance -- in a way white people might call gyrating

Many black people, especially black women, are enormously fat.

BLANKET STATEMENTS, this where u can tell there a undercover racist, especially the one of black women loving to dance, never really had those issues , and the one about being fat too, matter fact some of my healthiest kids where the black males, lil fools 12 year walkin round brolic

Blacks, on average, are the most directly critical people I have ever me

very true , idk why, but its just true, ive seen kids get into fights over how clean there sneakers are/arent

Most of the blacks I taught simply had no interest in academic subjects

FALSE, FALSE ,FALSE, this is the one that pissed me off the most, because they are lieing out there ass, if u sitting in the classs making racist observations ur mind is really not on teaching, all kids love to learn, the school system is just fukked

Anyone who teaches blacks soon learns that they have a completely different view of government from whites.

this is true, and we all know why

There is a level of conformity among blacks that whites would find hard to believe. They like one kind of music etc etc etc and they are quick to let other blacks know when they deviate from the norm.

true to a certain extent not all my kids where like that bout 95% and best believe the other 5% that weren't in my encounters were some of the brightest most talented children i have ever met, something which they did not mention

Blacks are keenly interested in their own racial characteristics.

false i have seen spanish kids do this too , and all other kids do it too , yes even whites

Black boys are obsessed with white girls

:laugh: am sorry but am going to co-sign this , from personal experience growing up and from what i have seen working, never had any white girls in the schools i worked but there were very very light skinned latin girls , puerto ricans Colombians etc which looked white , i had this once class a non traditional work readiness class which was about 16 kids, 9 black boys 4 black girls and 3 latina girls and these young simps would not give the spanish girls a break ( I WOULDN'T HAVE EITHER IF I WAS THEM :eat:) , but it was crazy to me how almost all 9 of got into cussing matches each and every day to sit next to these girls or do group work projects with them or just to get there attention , eventually the black girls became hostile towards the Spanish girls and they dropped :laugh: but yea idk why this is but i would imagine if the was white girls might have been the same

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid

White schools are not the answer though, a lot of black kids who went to the same predominantly white high school were on the same tip as the black kids who went to all black schools, a lot of them just kept to themselves. A lot of black students fell off by the time senior year rolled around because they couldn't transition, I didn't because I've always been an observant loner which worked to my benefit and I eventually graduated on time. Looking back, I probably could have been a straight A student if I wanted. I was stuck on that bullshyt, but even then I could bring my D up to an A if I needed to. I was what some would call a coaster.

I don't know how much being surrounded by whites is really going to help, besides from knowing how to interact with them. Most of your education foundation starts at home:yeshrug:
I'm telling you, Black schools are toxic environments for a developing mind. You can type up all the excuses and anecdotes you want, but it's a fact that Black youth get the shaft when it comes to education in this country. Do not expose your child to that nonsense.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
I'm telling you, Black schools are toxic environments for a developing mind. You can type up all the excuses and anecdotes you want, but it's a fact that Black youth get the shaft when it comes to education in this country. Do not expose your child to that nonsense.

What makes a black school innately inferior and a white school superior? Bad schools are bad schools period. There's a lot of them, but not all black schools are the same. That school ran by principal rick perry in black in america sounds like an amazing school that just so happens to be black. I wouldn't mind enrolling my kids in a school like that. Good black schools do exist and have existed, it's just that no one wants to invest in them. Of course black schools are going to suck if everyone wants to jump ship. White schools are not anymore safe for black students, generally speaking. Would you rather be top of the class at a black school or just making it at a white school? A lot of white schools have no problem railroading black students gifted or otherwise so it's not like the grass is any greener.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
What makes a black school innately inferior and a white school superior? Bad schools are bad schools period. There's a lot of them, but not all black schools are the same. That school ran by principal rick perry in black in america sounds like an amazing school that just so happens to be black. I wouldn't mind enrolling my kids in a school like that. Good black schools do exist and have existed, it's just that no one wants to invest in them. Of course black schools are going to suck if everyone wants to jump ship.
Racial homogeny is :scusthov: in general.

When it comes to education in America Black homogeny is totally :scusthov:

One way I'd punish my enemies would be to force their children into "Black" schools.


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
I wouldn't co-sign her pre se but most of what she said about classroom behavior is not unrealistic or fabricated , she just made a lot of blanket statements about black children ,and tried to do them in humorist type of way to hide her racism and make it slightly more comfortable for readers to get through which at at least for me failed considering she had these type of views being a teacher , i worked for last 5 years in urban schools anything from elementary & middle and have worked with H.S students too , most of the schools i worked here anywhere from from 60 % to 95 % black in some of the most fukked up schools u can imagine .

Am break down a few points she made.

Very true, if your weak teacher this can be :why: if your a female teacher WHITE teacher your fukkED , am guy and am not white so i never had these issues but had to be extra tough to earn there respect, kids will not respect white women i have seen teachers quite after two weeks because of this, matter fact its my opinion that your doing black kids a disservice by putting them with a weak white teachers, this thought was co-signed by my fiance who is a high school teacher , she works in a semi different environment her black kid ratio is 20-40% and took a teachers training course one time during the summer where the speakers spent an hour teaching teachers how to deal with and educate "young black males"

true also, but again see point #1 .

BLANKET STATEMENTS, this where u can tell there a undercover racist, especially the one of black women loving to dance, never really had those issues , and the one about being fat too, matter fact some of my healthiest kids where the black males, lil fools 12 year walkin round brolic

very true , idk why, but its just true, ive seen kids get into fights over how clean there sneakers are/arent

FALSE, FALSE ,FALSE, this is the one that pissed me off the most, because they are lieing out there ass, if u sitting in the classs making racist observations ur mind is really not on teaching, all kids love to learn, the school system is just fukked

this is true, and we all know why

true to a certain extent not all my kids where like that bout 95% and best believe the other 5% that weren't in my encounters were some of the brightest most talented children i have ever met, something which they did not mention

false i have seen spanish kids do this too , and all other kids do it too , yes even whites

:laugh: am sorry but am going to co-sign this , from personal experience growing up and from what i have seen working, never had any white girls in the schools i worked but there were very very light skinned latin girls , puerto ricans Colombians etc which looked white , i had this once class a non traditional work readiness class which was about 16 kids, 9 black boys 4 black girls and 3 latina girls and these young simps would not give the spanish girls a break ( I WOULDN'T HAVE EITHER IF I WAS THEM :eat:) , but it was crazy to me how almost all 9 of got into cussing matches each and every day to sit next to these girls or do group work projects with them or just to get there attention , eventually the black girls became hostile towards the Spanish girls and they dropped :laugh: but yea idk why this is but i would imagine if the was white girls might have been the same

You were a teacher writing like this?... Hope it was gym class or else we're doomed :snoop:

But yea, I refuse to raise kids in the public school system. Only the few make it out. The vast majority is destined for mediocrity

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
note: if you have the word 'racist' anywhere in your post, or a reply to me, I will skip it. so save yourself the time.


White schools are not the answer though, a lot of black kids who went to the same predominantly white high school were on the same tip as the black kids who went to all black schools, a lot of them just kept to themselves. A lot of black students fell off by the time senior year rolled around because they couldn't transition, I didn't because I've always been an observant loner which worked to my benefit and I eventually graduated on time. Looking back, I probably could have been a straight A student if I wanted. I was stuck on that bullshyt, but even then I could bring my D up to an A if I needed to. I was what some would call a coaster.

I don't know how much being surrounded by whites is really going to help, besides from knowing how to interact with them. Most of your education foundation starts at home:yeshrug:
Nah I dont think transitioning is good either. I don't know about where you live, but when they started mingling areas, the schools just got wiser, and started putting the kids with lower grades in the same classes, middle in the same, higher ups in the same, so you started noticing the same people in your class for 4 periods straight (the 4 main subjects) :wtf:

Like I said, I think the answer would be hiring more black teachers. Coach Carter, Lean On Me Types. It's unfortunate because the major demographics with teachers are white women, who for sure aren't going to grab the attention of the class, even if she tries to relate, right off the bat the kids won't trust her. Any type of criticism will be met with "she racist". So it just can't work.

If I have kids, in an urban school (HA not likely but if), I'm actually going to request black teachers.

King Poetic

Fire Dave Roberts!!
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles County, California

Urban Schools ain't sh!t, because the school budgets ain't sh!t.

It takes urban schools 5 or 6 years just to get computers compared to other schools

i hear black teachers all the time say, they trying to teach outside of certain districts cause they can't tolerate the kids and other school officials

the parents don't give a damn.. let the schools have some type of meeting and see how empty the stands be.. but niqqas continue to complain.

the whole school system needs re-vamp period