Teacher gives insight on urban schools.


Still hiding
Apr 4, 2013
there are some accurate observations in there about how young people's racial relations are all fukked up. I went to a school where there were a lot of racial tension and some of this is very very accurate to what ive experienced. but a lot of this shyt written is just racist, they dont take into account that uneducated people who should not be having children in the first place will always have misbehaved children no matter what race. Ive personally known way more fukked up crazy rude criminal white people than black people.

Lol i never had to deal with that chit

White schools >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>black schools


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I take it wuz is your version of was? :dahell:

aint no st0rmfr0nt shyt nikka, I know more about african american culture than you do, and I dont even know you, and I can confidently say that.

with that, what exactly do you propose happen to fix these sort of schools. all you do is defend this bullshyt and complain that its other people, how about taking responsibility and brainstorming? or is that too complicated for your mind?

nikkas dont feel comfortable around nikkas they dont know, but alas, youre wondering why those white kids didnt feel comfortable and that them being uncomfortable is what got their asses kicked, you sound like a fukking ignorant and blind person, no offense.

I wasn't saying you were st0rmfr0nt,I said the op...seeing as how u didn't say a damn thing of importance in the op besides "here y'all,this cac thinks like I think,read what she said:pachaha:"...cheerin the bullshyt on

You know more about african american culture than me and I'm ignorant, yet you let a ignorant cac speak for you in the op:what:? Sound like you don't know shyt to me,or maybe you just think we'd sit indian style and listen with the :krs: if it came from a white person rather than you:rudy:....And where did I say I didn't know why they were uncomfortable as whites in a mostly black school? I said that's why they were uncomfortable,just like a black person in a white school out of they element....I even went as far as to say not all whites were uncomfortable,those that grew up around black people weren't uncomfortable at all..

I ain't even goin no further with this bcuz I'm about 90% sure you trollin and probaly known for trollin but I'm just no aware who the trolls of the Locker Room are....fuk outta here actin like you wanna discuss ways to fix shyt,as if that ignorant shyt u wuz cosignin in the op did any of that....shyt didn't have a damn thing in it about fixing nothing....don't sit here and act like any resolutions were offered,just a cac tellin other cacs all the stereotypes they think about black people are true and we all dance,talk and think one way....if u to stupid to read that shyt and see it reads like a KKK recruitment flyer I don't know what to tell you....but again troll on or c00n on whichever you are doing here by bringin us this valuable information:childplease: foh nikka:heh:

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
everybody shyts on blacks and black schools
my elementary and hs wasnt like this

but my college, with my 95% white classes, them motherfukkers talked over each other every chance they got

ignorant motherfukkers read this shyt and they feelings get hurt. or see this and agree, but its bullshyt so i feel sorry for yall
I hope that location dont say chicago. :dwillhuh:

name of your county, and was it private or public.

chicago one of the worst illiteracy rates in the country. :snoop: yea there's nothing wrong, this lady is a liar, blacks are doing just fine.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
This op wuz obviously sum st0rmfr0nt shyt,or just a white person scared of every move a black person makes so no need to spcefically respond to any of that bullshyt.

I ain't never see that shyt:wtb:.....the white kids seemed alone,uncomfortable,and agitated being around black people and not being able to relate to wtf we wuz talkin about(the square ones),not much different from when I've worked at jobs and been forced to be around majority whites who annoyed the shyt outtta me......it wuz square/introverted blacks who looked just as uncomfortable in my schools and matter fact got "bullied" worst than any white kids I ever seen.....only time I seen a white dude get it is cuz he went crazy like white boy from that Chapelle Real World skit at this nikkas sister cuz she wuz doin sumthing annoying but not directed at him from what I remember,but ol boy snapped on her and everybody knows a white person snappin at u feels different.....white folks just don't know how to talk to black people.:manny:

All it says is we need more black people teaching black people....positions of authority don't automatically get u respect from black people unless u police....in fact we more likely to rebel against it if it feels like you are trying to abuse it....sum people are just natural born leaders and most teachers are just not that....entire education system I say needs a overhaul,blacks and whites shouldn't be taught the same way or taught all of the same things....not even just by race,but class should play a part in what u learn in school.

I'm just sayin if you were to get a job in a different country you may be required to take a class to defend yourself from being kidnapped or what to do if u do get kidnapped:laff:...different envioronments,different cultures require different technique.

I take it wuz is your version of was? :dahell:

aint no st0rmfr0nt shyt nikka, I know more about african american culture than you do, and I dont even know you, and I can confidently say that.

with that, what exactly do you propose happen to fix these sort of schools. all you do is defend this bullshyt and complain that its other people, how about taking responsibility and brainstorming? or is that too complicated for your mind?

nikkas dont feel comfortable around nikkas they dont know, but alas, youre wondering why those white kids didnt feel comfortable and that them being uncomfortable is what got their asses kicked, you sound like a fukking ignorant and blind person, no offense.


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
I hope that location dont say chicago. :dwillhuh:

name of your county, and was it private or public.

chicago one of the worst illiteracy rates in the country. :snoop: yea there's nothing wrong, this lady is a liar, blacks are doing just fine.

public schools
i didnt say blacks were doing fine. but posting a fukking link to some racist ass letter from a person claiming they were a teacher is bullshyt. taking the word of a person you never met is sad

i didnt say chicago had a great public school system. but there are plenty of public schools all around this fukking country with a high black population that dont fall into the stereotype. why you want to generalize is your decision.

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
She must have thought remedial or regular classes. In advance or AP classes you had to behave or the teacher would transfer you out.


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
This was posted a week ago. It's still horrible. You co-signing it is a firm indicator that it's probably time to stop trolling and go get some sleep.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
public schools
i didnt say blacks were doing fine. but posting a fukking link to some racist ass letter from a person claiming they were a teacher is bullshyt. taking the word of a person you never met is sad

i didnt say chicago had a great public school system. but there are plenty of public schools all around this fukking country with a high black population that dont fall into the stereotype. why you want to generalize is your decision.

bullshyt its not. give me an example because you didnt leave your school district or anything.

whether you THINK she is racist or not is irrelevant to the matter that is at hand. There is a clear problem in the urban community.

now for me, if she were a real aryan white pride teacher, she wouldnt be attending an urban school to begin with. but alas we must use the 'dey racis' to counter argue instead of really talking about WHY there is this view. and trust me, its not racist. thats a cop out excuse used time and time again when criticized and its washed.

might as well call her a 'hater' too, since that's all people can counter with, instead of a counter productive argument. I dont care if 'some' black students are doing well. I want ALL black students to do well. you never hear jews say "well there's 20% that are illiterate, but hey there's 80% that's not." :what:

20% is too much, and ill gladly listen to criticism and opinion without resorting to dry retorts.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
it never fails

How the world looks to blacks: One point on which all blacks agree is that everything is "racis'." This is one message of liberalism they have absorbed completely. Did you do your homework? "Na, homework racis'." Why did you get an F on the test? "Test racis'."

it even translate to the very thread. 'she racis'. :snoop:


May 2, 2012
I went to a middle school in Eastpoint, GA when I was younger that was probably at least 90% black and when thinking back on it that writer was on point about some things:
-Black kids all liking the same music, dressing the same, acting the same, etc, and anyone who was black that acted different was a lame or c00n.
-That black/mexican beef is REAL
-Kids just acting bad for no reason other than to get attention from opposite sex and to be rebellious
-A lot of loud/ignant shyt

I used to be a military brat so I had a different upbringing/perspective. But to be honest it's got to be tough to teach in those environments...especially for what they get paid.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I take it wuz is your version of was? :dahell:

aint no st0rmfr0nt shyt nikka, I know more about african american culture than you do, and I dont even know you, and I can confidently say that.

with that, what exactly do you propose happen to fix these sort of schools. all you do is defend this bullshyt and complain that its other people, how about taking responsibility and brainstorming? or is that too complicated for your mind?

nikkas dont feel comfortable around nikkas they dont know, but alas, youre wondering why those white kids didnt feel comfortable and that them being uncomfortable is what got their asses kicked, you sound like a fukking ignorant and blind person, no offense.

I wasn't saying you were st0rmfr0nt,I said the op...seeing as how u didn't say a damn thing of importance in the op besides "here y'all,this cac thinks like I think,read what she said:pachaha:"...cheerin the bullshyt on

You know more about african american culture than me and I'm ignorant, yet you let a ignorant cac speak for you in the op:what:? Sound like you don't know shyt to me,or maybe you just think we'd sit indian style and listen with the :krs: if it came from a white person rather than you:rudy:....And where did I say I didn't know why they were uncomfortable as whites in a mostly black school? I said that's why they were uncomfortable,just like a black person in a white school out of they element....I even went as far as to say not all whites were uncomfortable,those that grew up around black people weren't uncomfortable at all..

I ain't even goin no further with this bcuz I'm about 90% sure you trollin and probaly known for trollin but I'm just no aware who the trolls of the Locker Room are....fuk outta here actin like you wanna discuss ways to fix shyt,as if that ignorant shyt u wuz cosignin in the op did any of that....shyt didn't have a damn thing in it about fixing nothing....don't sit here and act like any resolutions were offered,just a cac tellin other cacs all the stereotypes they think about black people are true and we all dance,talk and think one way....if u to stupid to read that shyt and see it reads like a KKK recruitment flyer I don't know what to tell you....but again troll on or c00n on whichever you are doing here by bringin us this valuable information:childplease: foh nikka:heh: