Teacher gives insight on urban schools.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I wasn't saying you were st0rmfr0nt,I said the op...seeing as how u didn't say a damn thing of importance in the op besides "here y'all,this cac thinks like I think,read what she said:pachaha:"...cheerin the bullshyt on

You know more about african american culture than me and I'm ignorant, yet you let a ignorant cac speak for you in the op:what:? Sound like you don't know shyt to me,or maybe you just think we'd sit indian style and listen with the :krs: if it came from a white person rather than you:rudy:....And where did I say I didn't know why they were uncomfortable as whites in a mostly black school? I said that's why they were uncomfortable,just like a black person in a white school out of they element....I even went as far as to say not all whites were uncomfortable,those that grew up around black people weren't uncomfortable at all..

I ain't even goin no further with this bcuz I'm about 90% sure you trollin and probaly known for trollin but I'm just no aware who the trolls of the Locker Room are....fuk outta here actin like you wanna discuss ways to fix shyt,as if that ignorant shyt u wuz cosignin in the op did any of that....shyt didn't have a damn thing in it about fixing nothing....don't sit here and act like any resolutions were offered,just a cac tellin other cacs all the stereotypes they think about black people are true and we all dance,talk and think one way....if u to stupid to read that shyt and see it reads like a KKK recruitment flyer I don't know what to tell you....but again troll on or c00n on whichever you are doing here by bringin us this valuable information:childplease: foh nikka:heh:

let me rewind that back real quick.

I think a good way to change this, is put intelligent black males in place of these white female teachers for a start. kind of like a samuel l jackson type, or denzel, someone that will command respect from them right off the bat. if its a black female, it'll have to be a stern one, like an oprah or michelle type. one they know wont fukk around. clearly parenting at home is failing, but these type of people can fill the vacuum, a role model so to speak. a cac woman just cant fill that void.

Im starting to understand why our community worked better in the 60s. segregation. we are more incline to listen to ourselves than white people. we will accept criticism from ourselves before white people. anything a white person says, is racist. so this cant work. These black schools with white teachers aren't cutting it AT ALL.

(btw, this is a discussion beyond talking about "she racis")

and your opinion on the problem is......

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I also think more black men should pursue a teaching profession specifically to help our youth directly. coaching is not enough, that's an hour or 2 a day. we need something that is full time, which is school. lots of kids are fatherless, direct contact with black youth through a paid profession can be beneficial to the new gen. we need the men to step up and fill the void, Im not saying take care of other kids youth, but invest more time in them.


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
bullshyt its not. give me an example because you didnt leave your school district or anything.

whether you THINK she is racist or not is irrelevant to the matter that is at hand. There is a clear problem in the urban community.

now for me, if she were a real aryan white pride teacher, she wouldnt be attending an urban school to begin with. but alas we must use the 'dey racis' to counter argue instead of really talking about WHY there is this view. and trust me, its not racist. thats a cop out excuse used time and time again when criticized and its washed.

might as well call her a 'hater' too, since that's all people can counter with, instead of a counter productive argument. I dont care if 'some' black students are doing well. I want ALL black students to do well. you never hear jews say "well there's 20% that are illiterate, but hey there's 80% that's not." :what:

20% is too much, and ill gladly listen to criticism and opinion without resorting to dry retorts.

Motherfukker i went to metcalfe elementary school and morgan park high school. Unless you were in special ed, and even then it wasnt an issue, students never acted like that. In hs 75% of my teachers were white. Who says you wont work with black kids because you're racist? I never said she was part of the aryan brotherhood or kkk, but her ass obviously wasnt a good teacher or student in school which is why she had to work in such a shytty school. IF she even exists!

What are you doing to help black students? What are your plans when you get back in the states? What actions are you trying to take instead of posting a bigots troll post. If you already mentioned it just tell me the post number.

What charities are you donating to and organizations are you volunteering at to make sure ALL black students are doing well?

Why do yall rely so heavily on the words of whites when it comes to our community? Why dont yall go out there and be productive? Besides a discussion, what are you trying to spark by reposting this bullshyt?

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Motherfukker i went to metcalfe elementary school and morgan park high school. Unless you were in special ed, and even then it wasnt an issue, students never acted like that. In hs 75% of my teachers were white. Who says you wont work with black kids because you're racist? I never said she was part of the aryan brotherhood or kkk, but her ass obviously wasnt a good teacher or student in school which is why she had to work in such a shytty school. IF she even exists!

What are you doing to help black students? What are your plans when you get back in the states? What actions are you trying to take instead of posting a bigots troll post. If you already mentioned it just tell me the post number.

What charities are you donating to and organizations are you volunteering at to make sure ALL black students are doing well?

Why do yall rely so heavily on the words of whites when it comes to our community? Why dont yall go out there and be productive? Besides a discussion, what are you trying to spark by reposting this bullshyt?
Dont worry about my charities and mentoring just know it's been done...
As you know I'm just as loud as I am online, and trust you me, I talk about this shyt very openly with young black parents.

here's a quick review of your school....

Teachers: In Morgan Park, there is a wide range of teachers with varying intelligence levels. Some teachers work hard to ensure that every student understands the material, while some only teach for a paycheck. Unfortunately, the number of poor teachers far outweighs the number of excellent teachers. For the most part, teachers spend more time trying to get the class to quiet down than actually teaching. Students: Generally speaking, the students here are very ignorant, arrogant, and loud. Most are more concerned about their social lives and their appearances than learning. Students are also extremely rude. A lot of them talk back to teachers and curse openly. Expect random arguments or loud outbursts in class. General: The school has gained a bad reputation over the past few years. It is now filled with underachievers and students who seem to be more concerned about their social lives than school work. The classes are often overcrowded. Currently, there is no administration governing the school. There is always a fight or some drama. Some teachers do not care enough about students. Counselors are also awful. Some, not all, counselors will talk down on you.

I'll just leave this here.

The problem isnt who thinks about what white people think, it's what WE SHOULD be thinking. but I can see, not much.
I bet these are how the parents respond too. It's not my child, it must be the racist teacher. Or it must be the school, basically it's everyone but...


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
Dont worry my charities and mentoring just know it's been done...

here's a quick review of your school....

I'll just leave this here.

The problem isnt who thinks about what white people think, it's what WE SHOULD be thinking. but I can see, not much.
I bet these are how the parents respond too. It's not my child, it must be the racist teacher. Or it must be the school, basically it's everyone but...

Dont worry about what you're doing just know its being done. Oh ok!

You can take that review and believe it from a random person you dont know or from me a person who actully went to the school. But you know, whatever your decision

But this isnt about my school. I got a good education, my classmates didnt distract me. Im not the exception

Just wondering, can you post or direct me to some more former teachers horrible black schools experience? Its hard to find the sincerity in a person who tries to do good then ends up shytting on a person or group of people. "I went to volunteer with the homeless and *some bad experience* and i hate all them dirty b*stards". It has been my experience that people put themselves in certain situations because they truly care or they have some hatred in them that they want to verify or dispel. And its not the ones who truly care that shyt on them but dont offer solutions

You're clearly not seeing my point of view and i def dont agree with yours, especially since you totally disregarded my questions with a "fuhgetaboutit" so lets just end this right before our opinions of eachother get lower


Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Dont worry about what you're doing just know its being done. Oh ok!

You can take that review and believe it from a random person you dont know or from me a person who actully went to the school. But you know, whatever your decision

But this isnt about my school. I got a good education, my classmates didnt distract me. Im not the exception

Just wondering, can you post or direct me to some more former teachers horrible black schools experience? Its hard to find the sincerity in a person who tries to do good then ends up shytting on a person or group of people. "I went to volunteer with the homeless and *some bad experience* and i hate all them dirty b*stards". It has been my experience that people put themselves in certain situations because they truly care or they have some hatred in them that they want to verify or dispel. And its not the ones who truly care that shyt on them but dont offer solutions

You're clearly not seeing my point of view and i def dont agree with yours, especially since you totally disregarded my questions with a "fuhgetaboutit" so lets just end this right before our opinions of eachother get lower


Well because you're directly attacking me, while I am not attacking you. This is a subject I wish to tackle, if you don't feel like discussing it, you are more than welcome to leave. You're asking me questions about MYSELF when I've already said plenty, I'm not sure if this is you trying to discredit my concern, but that's not likely going to happen, because I will continue to stick to the topic at large.

Just because YOU didn't get distracted doesn't mean the problem with urban schools isn't there. Just because you or I, went to college, doesn't erase the extremely large number of black folks that don't, the illiteracy numbers, the drop out rates, etc. The numbers are there, point blank. SO again, the discussion is, how can we change that.

Where I got the link for your school is here.

Morgan Park High School - Chicago, Illinois - IL - School overview

Basically from what I can tell. The Magnet programs and AP programs are legit, however the injection of 'neighborhood kids' have created a hostile environment that is concerning parents and staff. It wasn't always like that, from what I can read it started about 4-3 years ago. This isn't new, the same applies back in LA. I went to Palms and at first it was quite mixed, then because of over population in the inner cities we were bused out to the westside. It was coo for the most part, but once the numbers tiled it all went downhill. Those teachers couldn't handle us, and by then we were ready to move to the valley. I havent been in HS in a coo min, but I have a younger sister. She said the mexicans bused in from the inner city pretty much brought graffiti and violence.

Now, they're creating these charter schools in the inner city in an attempt to cleanse those schools in the suburbs, it's a very..very bad idea. Charter schools in LA are privatized and work like vocational centers. Last I heard a few older black folks were getting ready to start a petition to congress, but see those are the type of people I typically talk too, those not afraid to see there is a problem. Not afraid to hear criticism from ANYBODY.


Et in Arcadia ego...
Jun 16, 2012
The "BUCKEYE" Nation
This is a terrible thread. Why didn't you post the link to the original article American Renaissance July 2009? Why is there no mention of the name of the school? Is the supposed teacher an actual person? The reason is because the website is a den of racists. This is the wikipedia page of the website American Renaissance (magazine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, which is funded by the New Century Foundation New Century Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The article is full of stereotypes, and racist language, here are some quotes: "I was in darkest Africa. Except, I wasn’t in Africa; I was in America.", "Most whites simply do not know what black people are like in large numbers, and the first encounter can be a shock", "Anyone who is around young blacks will get a constant diet of rap music. Blacks often make up their own jingles, and it was not uncommon for 15 black boys to swagger into a classroom, bouncing their shoulders and jiving back and forth,", "Many black people, especially black women, are enormously fat.", "Thirty dark hands shot into the air.", "Anyone who teaches blacks soon learns that they have a completely different view of government from whites. Once I decided to fill 25 minutes by having students write about one thing the government should do to improve America. I gave this question to three classes totalling about 100 students, approximately 80 of whom were black. My few white students came back with generally “conservative” ideas. “We need to cut off people who don’t work,” was the most common suggestion. Nearly every black gave a variation on the theme of “We need more government services.” "Many black girls are perfectly happy to be welfare queens. On career day, one girl explained to the class that she was going to have lots of children and get fat checks from the government. No one in the class seemed to have any objection to this career choice. ", "There is something else that is striking about blacks. They seem to have no sense of romance, of falling in love. What brings men and women together is sex, pure and simple, and there is a crude openness about this. There are many degenerate whites, of course, but some of my white students were capable of real devotion and tenderness, emotions that seemed absent from blacks — especially the boys. "One tragic outcome among whites who have been teaching for too long is that it can engender something close to hatred. One teacher I knew gave up fast food — not for health reasons but because where he lived most fast-food workers were black. He had enough of blacks on the job. This was an extreme example, but years of frustration can take their toll. Many of my white colleagues with any experience were well on their way to that state of mind." Urban schools do a poor job of educating black students, but nowhere in this article does the supposed teacher speak about any of the good students, which some urban schools do produce. I'm calling for a neg train.


Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
First off I don't give a fukk about a neg train.

Second. Read the god damn thread. Imma start calling nikkas brick heads. That's my word for numbskulls.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
First off I don't give a fukk about a neg train.

Second. Read the god damn thread. Imma start calling nikkas brick heads. That's my word for numbskulls.

Naw you the stupid muthufukka that brought this goofy shyt here like you was dropping some knowledge.

This is nothing but a racist chain letter that pops up every once in a while. And it's a damn shame that you took it serious talking about you know more about "African American culture" Foh with that shyt. You know nothing about black people culture or you would know that the article you posted is some blatant racist stereotype shyt and is not indicative of the average African American.

:scusthov: at you and that shyt you posted.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
Never EVER send your kid to a "Black" school. That's where they train kids to be model prisoners and perpetual losers.

The way Black youth are handled by this society is unconscionable.

Sending your kid to one of these schools is damning it to a horrible existence.


Go Dawgzz!!!!
Jan 9, 2013
Never EVER send your kid to a "Black" school. That's where they train kids to be model prisoners and perpetual losers.

The way Black youth are handled by this society is unconscionable.

Sending your kid to one of these schools is damning it to a horrible existence.

I grew up going to an all black school in Northeast Louisiana it wasn't great ,it was on some hood\ country shyt and I wasn't "prepared" for college but I still graduated with a degree and now I'm Medical Laboratory Scientist, when I was in school some of those white teachers came in with a chip on their shoulder anyway so it bound to be conflict, some of what of what the original post is true but its seems like they're putting on 100 on 10 with how bad it really is. And truly dumb nikkas got no love either.

Sent from themz swamps & bayous using trapatalk teezie.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
The whole piece reads like comedy :dead:, no way in hell a black person wrote that though, probably some quasi-racist :troll: cac. I don't necessarily think there needs to be more "mixing" or what not and I went to predominantly"white" schools. Those institutions will just end up failing black students because they're not equipped to handle black students needs. I just think there needs to be higher quality black schools and black parents need to step up and put something together instead of always waiting for white people to fix something.