Both dudes were wrong in how they handled the situation.
Dude seemed to handle himself unprofessionally. Sounds like his chick was more on it than him and he was the promoer. The venue wasn't great. The setup for the show wasn't great. The seating wasn't great. But because the people got to see Tariq in a live setting, they were happy. But that doesn't take away from the lack of planning and foresight on Lou's behalf.
Lou should have understood the points Tariq made about the practical things that weren't taken care of. When you don't do a great job, you don't give excuses and retorts. You apologize for the inconvenience and let them know that you'll consider their suggestions. Lou wanted to act like just because he paid Tariq that that's all that matters. No, the customers are more important than even Tariq and they had complaints. He needs to learn from that.
I like Tariq's work, and I support Tariq's work. I donated to Hidden Colors, and if more come out, I will continue to donate. I donate to Melanoid Nation on a monthly basis. I don't do this because of Tariq necessarily, but because I believe that they are necessary and he does a good job on them. I listen to his Ustream show on a fairly regular basis, especially since he's shifted to a more political standpoint. He makes great points and is able to easily weave the ramifications of racism into social context for easy digestion.
With all of that said, Tariq comes across as sensitive, petty and insecure at times. He is impatient with his callers....even though some are truly long-winded. He is hypocritical when it comes to certain topics like Tommy Sotomayor....tells his listerners to not mention him but will intermittently lace him into jokes and has a whole line of t-shirts dedicated to a series he made about Tommy Sotomayor.
And this was an example of Tariq being petty. It sounds like the event could have and should have been handled doubt. But airing someone one out under the guise of constructive criticism seems contrived. Not to mention, he took obvious jabs at the dude....mentioning he needs to be like his lady, telling him to thank his lady, continually re-hashing his lateness, etc.
I just didn't see the need to publicly embarass him and then take up the large portion of the show talking about dude. Not a good look.