
you obviously don't know me, so let me fill you in as to what actually helping your people around YOU entitles..see I help with my local Black On Black crime org here in my city and ward....we help get funds for victims of crime, temporary shelter and long term housing..we also visit the juvie center sometimes and speak with the young zombie nikkas that we want to get an idea of why they did what they did and help them get on the right track away from slangin poison to other brothers and sisters and from robbing other blacks.........
Me and my girl, along with some of my fam, we help feed homeless black men and women we find in our wards or around the city specifically, and I even started a small fund on MY OWN have you(See
@Hiphoplives4eva thread) where he was giving away $100. I coupled that with a small amount I had saved and now use those funds specifically to GIVE and feed other black men, women(Especially) and children(especially) around my ward and city. None of it is touched by me at all. When I get my tax refund at the end of the year, I am looking into buying a few pieces of property and flipping it into a shelter specifically for black women and children for temporary housing.........And yes I do get at these egg head negroes who attempt to abuse black women and who I know are dope dealers and jackers. We got nikkas that get them out the way in an efficient and less broadcasted means... but that can't be stated on here....

Thats what these lectures should be about and this shouldn't be events where reformed hood nikkas try to outshine the other by lowballin broke nikkas..........
That's what helping and moving black people in your community is about, not leeching off them for bytch ass lectures, so that these two c00ns can get an extra 30 minutes of fame and fortune.....The only other brother out here I see making moves is Umar Johnson, and not suprisingly you nikkas hate him with a passion.....go figure......
Nikkas like
@Blackking and Tariq along with these twitter hashtag revolutionaries that get on facebook and tv just to be heard and seen and collect money off of Black oppression are white supremacists in black face........don't ever question what I do.......I'll ether you and these c00n nikkas to eternity with the truth about what real upliftment and pro black means...........
These nikkas that set up these lectures do not have the best wishes of Black folks in their hearts, they are simply pimpin and hustlin via the money of the folk that come out to these events. They are good, but they should be much low costs and/or free, with viable means to actually help the attendees who actually are in the grind daily, not just with words and pats on backs for coming.......we got white supremacist capitalists robbin these black folks and now these wannabe reformed hood nikkas, who all about shining and pimping black men,women and children.......