People feel tight about this comment but it is true. I know what time it is but you can't come to anyone that's purposely going to deflect with simply "ya know." Need something more concrete.
TN: The anglo supremacists let blacks from other places come and prosper.
My (or any somewhat smart person) first response is "how and/or why?"
TN: You know how and why.
No I don't. Explain it to me.
TN: c'mon, man. You know. The WS power structure.
Me: Elaborate on the WS power structure, please.
TN: Read XXX book and it's right there.
Me: So, I assume you read and analyzed this text so why not just quote or paraphrase it for me? You brought it up so educate me right now, please.
TN: See this is what c00ns and anglos do. That's that "Im anglo/c00n so I say so."
That was TN for the first hour. That's not debating let alone winning. I like listening to him but he just talks. He's not an academic.