I miss the days where smart educated experts would debate...this shyt was trash...
These motherfukkers make my head hurt...
All it was...Schutlz would says something...Tariq would say White Supremacy...
TN - White ppl are allowing black immigrants to come to America and be successful, and not american blacks.
AS - Why?
TN - Because the white ppl can just take that wealth away from them if they want to...
AS how?
TN - Deport them!!
AS -
TN - They can deport them and send them back to their villages
AS -
y'all don't see how foolish this is? First off, you can't deport a citizen, secondly you can't take just take away their wealth and send them back to their villages, just because you want to.
geez.... good thing All these successful immigrants and black americans are allowed to succeed by white ppl. Surely they couldn't do it without the white man's permission.
- Falsification or Concealment of Relevant Facts: You must be absolutely truthful when filling out paperwork and answering interview questions related to the naturalization application process. Even if the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) fails to recognize any lies or ommissions at first, the agency may file a denaturalization action against you after citizenship has been granted. Examples include failure to disclose criminal activities or lying about one's real name or identity.
- Refusal to Testify Before Congress: You may not refuse to testify before a U.S. congressional committee whose job it is to investigate your alleged involvement in subversive acts, such as those intended to harm U.S. officials or overthrow the U.S. government. This requirement to testify in order to maintain citizenship status expires after 10 years.
- Membership in Subversive Groups: Your citizenship may be revoked if the U.S. government can prove that you joined a subversive organization within five years of becoming a naturalized citizen. Membership in such organizations is considered a violation of the oath of U.S. allegiance. Examples include the Nazi Party and Al Qaeda.
- Dishonorable Military Discharge: Since you may become a naturalized U.S. citizen by virtue of serving in the U.S. military, your citizenship may be revoked if you are dishonorably discharged before serving five years. Reasons for dishonorable discharge, which must follow a general court-martial, include desertion and sexual assault.
The Denaturalization Process
Denaturalization, in which a naturalized citizen is stripped of his or her citizenship, is a process that occurs in federal court (typically in the district court where the defendant last resided) and follows the standard rules of federal civil court cases. As such, it is not an immigration case even though it affects immigration status.
Naturalized citizens found to be in violation of the terms of citizenship must leave the country. Children granted citizenship based on their parent's status may also lose their citizenship after that parent has been denaturalized.
As with any other civil case, the denaturalization process begins with a formal complaint against the defendant, who may respond to the complaint and defend himself or herself at trial (or hire an immigration attorney). The defendant has 60 days to file an answer to the complaint, where he or she may claim the action is based on wrong information or that the statute of limitations has expired, for example.
The U.S. government has a high bar for proving a defendant meets the criteria for denaturalization (a heavier burden of proof than most civil cases, but not as great a burden as criminal cases), according to the USCIS Adjudicator's Field Manual:
"Because citizenship is such a precious right, it cannot be taken away unless the government is able to meet a high burden of proof... Accordingly, a case should only be referred for denaturalization where there is objective evidence to establish that the individual was not eligible for naturalization, or procured naturalization by willful concealment or material misrepresentation."
If your U.S. citizenship is revoked, you may be deported soon after the verdict is issued.
Appeals & Defenses
As with other types of court cases, individuals whose citizenship is revoked may appeal the decision if there is reason to believe the lower court made legal errors. Also, those facing denaturalization are not considered to be "concealing" relevant facts if there was no inquiry about them or if there is a lack of evidence pointing to an intentional concealment of relevant facts.
For example, a naturalized citizen belonging to the Communist Party was asked if he belonged to any organization advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government, answering "no." Unless there is sufficient evidence that this person knew the Communist Party engaged in such activities, he did not conceal any relevant facts. However, failure to mention an association with Al Qaeda (or any other terrorist organization) is considered concealment of relevant information.
Tariq Nasheed is one of the most racist, and delusional black men I have ever had to misfortune to hear speak. I'm disappointed by this, because his book 'The Art of Mackin' turned me into the man I am today.
Tariq Nasheed is one of the most racist, and delusional black men I have ever had to misfortune to hear speak. I'm disappointed by this, because his book 'The Art of Mackin' turned me into the man I am today.
because that's what it is, no matter how much you cacs deny it. That's the root cause of pretty much everything going on.
Tariq asked one simple question that none of you can't answer. "Name one area that isn't dominated by WS"
Shultz tried to use religion but that theory was debunked when Tariq stated that WS dominates muslims and can blow them up, deport them etc. whenever they see fit. This is the truth. There is no getting around it.
It's staring all of you slap dead in the face but you can't accept it because you'd have to admit that you've been lied to.
Tariq's objective isn't to convince YOU with stats etc that WS is real. Black people know its real. We live it, it's an experience. All Tariq's aim is to enlighten the masses with game on how to live in this system and recognize the traps.
ahhh, the good ol "you are white supremacist because you don't believe what I believe" argument
well, thanks for coming out and supporting your argument with facts and logic.
can you post me the stats off all the wealthy Nigerians that were falsely tied to al quaeda/boko Haram and sent back to their village please?WRONG. A naturalized citizen can, in fact, be deported under these rules. Tariq was absolutely right. All they have to say is that your a member of ISIS/Al Quaeda/Boko Haram and that's it. You have to go.
Can Your U.S. Citizenship Be Revoked? - FindLaw
Tariq Nasheed is one of the most racist, and delusional black men I have ever had to misfortune to hear speak. I'm disappointed by this, because his book 'The Art of Mackin' turned me into the man I am today.
must be nice to just dismiss an argument without needing proof or facts just by using a catch phrase.Again, I don't subscribe to cacology. You can't win this argument no matter how you spin it. You have too much against you because you believe a lie.
can you post me the stats off all the wealthy Nigerians that were falsely tied to al quaeda/boko Haram and sent back to their village please?
you know....for honesty purposes...
must be nice to just dismiss an argument without needing proof or facts just by using a catch phrase.
It absolutely was a ridiculous argument. But moving goalposts around in order for you to dismiss it doesn't help.none of this matters. It was a ridiculous argument. The fact is that the WS system has the ability to deport, blow up, and destroy Nigerians if they wished too.
Again these things have basically been done already, the entire continent of Africa was sliced and diced up by WS.
can you post me the stats off all the wealthy Nigerians that were falsely tied to al quaeda/boko Haram and sent back to their village please?
you know....for honesty purposes...
Yeah...and when you do that...you look like an idiot...
Even interracial dating is White Supremacy...
And his argument is self defeating...because anything you do to defeat White Supremacy...it is "allowed" by White supremacy...as a "sacrifice..."
So WTF is the point of Tariq talking?
His own argument defeats him....