Tariq Nasheed has perverted the ADOS movement to the point that his idiot followers are worshipping Trump.


Jan 29, 2017
The discussions begin had in those threads you linked, are about ADOS ppl being disrespected in African and Caribbean forums. Nothing that you linked makes the origins or the “switch up” of ADOS look bad. The smoke and gripes they have for African and Caribbean ppl is based on those immigrants groups resentment and prejudice against Black Americans. You’re using those links as a “gotcha” against ADOS, while completely ignoring the convo and the context of the convos that were had in those threads.

“I remember when they started hating on Africans and Caribbeans” <—-As if there weren’t African or Caribbean ppl on those ethnic forums and on this very forum it’s self, who haven’t had white supremacy influenced prejudices against black Americans. Or as if immigrants haven’t decried the ADOS movement since it’s inception and even before the supposed “switch up”. The idea of deleniation(no matter how gently the notion is presented) has been a sore topic for ppl in the diaspora who frequent these spaces. This is the reality.
I think you missed the point here…

My post in that original thread was speaking on how focusing attention on petty online beefs would derail everything and just lead to Black folks focusing all their attention on other Black folks. When you understand the psychology of what 400+ years of oppression does to our mind you know better than to entertain that shyt because you know what the eventual outcome will be, and none of it will be beneficial to us.

Now here we are 6 years later, very little talk about reparations, actual tangibles get largely ignored. Instead we got nikkas arguing in circles and very little to say about these devils who literally cause real life harm to us EVERYDAY.

Trust me, I participated in the online diaspora back and forth for YEARS, before this site even existed. All of it was a waste of time. There isn’t a group of African people on this planet that don’t have their fair share of self-hating c00ns who try to mask it by project it on other groups of Black folks.

But hey, if you think focusing all your attention towards other groups of Black folks is “necessary” because some clown in Nigeria tweeted some nonsense that got 62 likes than do ya thang. I got better enemies to worry about.


Sep 25, 2012
The discussions begin had in those threads you linked, are about ADOS ppl being disrespected in African and Caribbean forums. Nothing that you linked makes the origins or the “switch up” of ADOS look bad. The smoke and gripes they have for African and Caribbean ppl is based on those immigrants groups resentment and prejudice against Black Americans. You’re using those links as a “gotcha” against ADOS, while completely ignoring the convo and the context of the convos that were had in those threads.

“I remember when they started hating on Africans and Caribbeans” <—-As if there weren’t African or Caribbean ppl on those ethnic forums and on this very forum it’s self, who haven’t had white supremacy influenced prejudices against black Americans. Or as if immigrants haven’t decried the ADOS movement since it’s inception and even before the supposed “switch up”. The idea of deleniation(no matter how gently the notion is presented) has been a sore topic for ppl in the diaspora who frequent these spaces. This is the reality.
In the beginning( i was there) the core concept of fbas/ados focusing on a crystallized- specific ethnic identity was the problem. To them it took on the form of trying to control "blackness" which is a gross projection lol. This was before they pivoted to whatever tariq nasheed was saying and twitter trolls enacting some type of xenophobia. Most of which btw was just black americans clapping back at disrespect


Sep 25, 2012
Let me give a PSA:

You DO NOT have to like fba or ADOS(though you should be advocating for an alternative or be in favor for lineage based movements at the same time)
Nobody is forcing you to follow a youtuber or another man
When keeping it politics you are in the RIGHT for anything telling black folks to not vote or be politically engaged
I agree with all of that

This negro here be grandstanding on unity and pro blackness. Yet runs interference anytime there's an instance or inkling of black americans defending or standing on culture. Doesn't matter what group its coming from. And its outside of politics,tariq naheed,fba or ados. Just general "black american"

dont let this c00n gaslight you
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Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
This is because posters like that and this @SupaDupaCool dumbass are more concerned with being the smartest people in the room as opposed to having actual discussion and understanding the points of views being discussed.

So its like you can go here Home » The ADOS Advocacy Foundation, actually register, go to monthly meetings and have real discussions with the people and quickly find out just how full of shyt these "smartest in the room" types are. No real nuance or understanding in their points, just real surface level nonsense bordering on conspiracy theorist like thinking.
Literally every post that nikka has in this thread is a full blown explanation about why Tariq is a bytch nikka that should be bodied on a live internet stream, why the shyt he is doing is absolute bullshyt, things to look for in REAL black leaders, and solutions of what we can accomplish with the current administration.

You are just a dumb ass c00n nikka that either can't understand words, or you are a pink ass agent that id body in a live internet stream. You nikkas are bytches and nobody would protect you nikkas at any event y'all would have. nikkas would put you fukk nikkas in a line full of wooden boxes for you to enjoy for the rest of eternity.

bytch ass nikka


Aug 23, 2019
Literally every post that nikka has in this thread is a full blown explanation about why Tariq is a bytch nikka that should be bodied on a live internet stream, why the shyt he is doing is absolute bullshyt, things to look for in REAL black leaders, and solutions of what we can accomplish with the current administration.

You are just a dumb ass c00n nikka that either can't understand words, or you are a pink ass agent that id body in a live internet stream. You nikkas are bytches and nobody would protect you nikkas at any event y'all would have. nikkas would put you fukk nikkas in a line full of wooden boxes for you to enjoy for the rest of eternity.

bytch ass nikka
What does Tariq have to do with ADOS again?:jbhmm:


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
Let me give a PSA:

You DO NOT have to like fba or ADOS(though you should be advocating for an alternative or be in favor for lineage based movements at the same time)
Nobody is forcing you to follow a youtuber or another man
When keeping it politics you are in the RIGHT for anything telling black folks to not vote or be politically engaged
I agree with all of that

This negro here be grandstanding on unity and pro blackness. Yet runs interference anytime there's an instance or inkling of black americans defending or standing on culture. Doesn't matter what group its coming from. And its outside of politics,tariq naheed,fba or ados. Just general "black american"

dont let this c00n gaslight you
This nikka said "you have the right to tell black people to not be politically engaged"

Meaning this nikka thinks it's cool to tell other black people that Trump is not a threat to every non white in America. nikka is saying that it's cool for black folks to completely ignore politics, even though we have a fascist trying to take over the country 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

But @SupaDupaCool is running interference by making sure nikkas know what these c00n ass nikkas are doing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. That's interference, but telling black people to ignore politics is the strategy we should use 🤣.

Do you really hear these bytch ass nikkas 🤣


Aug 23, 2019
bytch nikka said "you have the right to tell black people to not be politically engaged"

Meaning this nikka thinks it's cool to tell other black people that Trump is not a threat to every non white in America. nikka is saying that it's cool for black folks to completely ignore politics, even though we have a fascist trying to take over the country 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

But @SupaDupaCool is running interference by making sure nikkas know what these c00n ass nikkas are doing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. That's interference, but telling black people to ignore politics is the strategy we should use 🤣.

Do you really hear these bytch ass nikkas 🤣
Let's remind the folks at home who this @SupaDupaCool c00n you got your cape flapping for is and what he thinks about black people

Well you know in the black community children are suppose to be walking trophies and property of their "elders" no matter what they accomplish. Who you "owe" for doing what they were supposed to do.

fukk your own hard work, journey and commitment. Its their credit. Youre nothing.. You didn't achieve anything and you ain't never been shyt. You better be grateful that your parents worked hard so you can walk down that aisle. shut. Hold your head up high and make them look good. This ain't about you. This is them. You are property.


And we wonder why we keep producing mentally crippled self loathing adults with addictions and issues instead of CEOs and leaders.

This is why the black community is fukked up. Still practicing and emulating the behaviors of our oppressors, including their selective hypocritical Bible thumping while dehumanizing others, and the "suffer now, your reward is in heaven" miserable living.

White parents raise their kids and their homes with maturity and respect. They learn and practice new and progressive methods of engaging with kids and maintaining a healthy family that work and raises their kids to be the next generation of fearless and respectable leaders in this world that reflects the healthy environment they were given. But black parents wanna take that same Bible that was shoved in our faces as property to white people 600 years ago, pass it down generation after generation and teach our own kids how to be quiet, obedient, battered slaves to a master with mental issues. That, or how to be whacked out "tough" domestic terrorists.

Amd then we wonder why our kids are nuts in the street and falling behind when others are getting ahead. We want to talk about abusive systemic racism holding our youth back. We got to talk about abusive, systemic, shytty, lazy, Bible based parenting plaguing our communities.

Beating does NOT work. And black parents who think just following a Bible verse and calling it a day is "parenting" are the worst. The WORST. Lazy and dumb. Put down the Bible, put down the belt, and ENGAGE with your children.

This is definitely not a self hating individual running interference.


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
Let's remind the folks at home who this @SupaDupaCool c00n you got your cape flapping for is and what he thinks about black people

Watch this bro. Watch it, since I know you are unaware of how an intelligent mind works............. Wait for it................ Wait for it ..............

I disagree with some of the points he made there 😲😲😲😲. I disagree with the overall point he was trying to make, although he made some reasonable points also.

See how that works dikk sucker? Idk if you are aware of this, but you can disagree with someone you are cool with or a fan of. You see how I just did it. You see how I do it on a daily basis with Democrats. You see how the intelligent nikkas actually speak on solutions while disagreeing with Democrats?

It's possible to not dikk suck nikkas you are a fan of. I'm an absolute D Wade stan. Id argue to the end of time that D Wade is the best slasher in NBA history. He was a tad bit better than Michael because MJ took a lot of pull ups. He would stop and pop, even in young times. Wade gets all the way to the basket damn near every possession. However , he dresses like a fakkit, and ion like that shyt. See what I did there, dikk sucker?

The massive dikk handling is disgusting.
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The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
I think you missed the point here…

My post in that original thread was speaking on how focusing attention on petty online beefs would derail everything and just lead to Black folks focusing all their attention on other Black folks. When you understand the psychology of what 400+ years of oppression does to our mind you know better than to entertain that shyt because you know what the eventual outcome will be, and none of it will be beneficial to us.

Now here we are 6 years later, very little talk about reparations, actual tangibles get largely ignored. Instead we got nikkas arguing in circles and very little to say about these devils who literally cause real life harm to us EVERYDAY.

Trust me, I participated in the online diaspora back and forth for YEARS, before this site even existed. All of it was a waste of time. There isn’t a group of African people on this planet that don’t have their fair share of self-hating c00ns who try to mask it by project it on other groups of Black folks.

But hey, if you think focusing all your attention towards other groups of Black folks is “necessary” because some clown in Nigeria tweeted some nonsense that got 62 likes than do ya thang. I got better enemies to worry about.
fukking FACTS


Aug 23, 2019
Watch this bro. Watch it, since I know you are unaware of how an intelligent mind works............. Wait for it................ Wait for it ..............

I disagree with some of the points he made there 😲😲😲😲. I disagree with the overall point he was trying to make, although he made some reasonable points also.

See how that works dikk sucker? Idk if you are aware of this, but you can disagree with someone you are cool with or a fan of. You see how I just did it. You see how I do it on a daily basis with Democrats. You see how the intelligent nikkas actually speak on solutions while disagreeing with Democrats?

It's possible to not dikk suck nikkas you are a fan of. I'm an absolute D Wade stan. Id argue to the end of time that D Wade is the best slasher in NBA history. He was a tad bit better than Michael because MJ took a lot of pull ups. He would stop and pop, even in young times. Wade gets all the way to the basket damn near every possession. See what I did there, dikk sucker?

The massive dikk handling is disgusting.
Oh you mean like in my post you initially disagreed with where I linked to an entire political organization with an agenda you can read here

that engages in monthly meetings where they educate folks on how to write letters to your congressmen, how to get involved in bill hearings, how to communicate and conduct yourselves in these meetings, how city and federal budgeting work, etc, etc

But the @SupaDupaCool c00n is constantly slandering because he has his own internal problems with self hatred and uses avatars like Tariq Nasheed as angles to project his personal dislike of black Americans which likely stems from his issues with his family disagrees with a point or two one of the founders made :jbhmm:


Sep 25, 2012
This nikka said "you have the right to tell black people to not be politically engaged"

Meaning this nikka thinks it's cool to tell other black people that Trump is not a threat to every non white in America. nikka is saying that it's cool for black folks to completely ignore politics, even though we have a fascist trying to take over the country 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

But @SupaDupaCool is running interference by making sure nikkas know what these c00n ass nikkas are doing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. That's interference, but telling black people to ignore politics is the strategy we should use 🤣.

Do you really hear these bytch ass nikkas 🤣
you are in the right to oppose is what i meant. I'll take the L on that miswording

But like i said @SupaDupaCool doesnt just run interference on politics. He does it on anything dealing with black Americans standing on culture. No matter how big or trivial


Nov 20, 2013
Your Daddy Tariq is happy that a white supremacist that said affirmative action is anti-white is using his term.

You dudes are slow.
Or are we slow, myself included for even entertaining that most of these trolls are black people and not cac agents who get their kicks fukking with black folks :francis:


All Star
Jul 6, 2018
Made this point many times when these wannabe cacs first started spitting this simple minded shyt. The slave trade was largely a Caribbean project, was a comparitand many of these "AdOs" were in fact imported from the Caribbean. But the ignorant ferver surrounding the movement was so much it was like talking to a brick wall.

A lot of these niccas so badly wanna believe this aholstorical fake-intellectual c00n shyt that "Africans Americans" are some completely separate, 300 year old clade of the human race that "originated in America" (yes Ive heard this dumb shyt) when we all just Africans born in a different place.

This generation of pro-black politics--a bunch of weak niccas not voting, giving their time and money to Tariq Nasheed like a cult, banding with white supremacists over "immigrants," and spreading hate speech about their own race--will be remembered VERY poorly. FBA and Tariq Nasheed are going to set a defining precedent of how NOT to do a black movement.
Its gotten so bad FBA/ADOS believe they are culturally and genetically closer to a redneck white man than a US born black person with immigrant parents.

Tariq admitted on his stream he was offered a huge bag to talk negatively about immigrants, it looks like he took the money. There's a huge funded effort to spread this propaganda among black black people like qanon spreading among whites. Keeping people ignorant and confused helps the Republican party